City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 185: Even A Teacher Has To Grab A Seat In Advance!

Chapter 185: Even Teachers Have to Grab a Seat in Advance!

Chen Feng then handed the two a piece of information:

"This is the current level of belief in the development of molecular materials technology and bioengineering in various countries. Go back and study it carefully. After the student conference tomorrow, the first class will be molecular materials."

"This is the school schedule." Chen Feng handed the schedule to Yang Peidong and Dou Dexian one by one.

Yang Peidong's eyes fell on the class list:

"Bioengineering: Teacher Dou Dexian."

"Analytical Materials Science: Lecturer Chen Feng Yang Peidong."

He was a little taken aback, this scene was captured by Chen Feng's eyes, Chen Feng looked at Yang Peidong and explained:

"Because molecular materials are related to the transformation of raw materials, I will teach this class with you. Tomorrow is the part of the first class about nanometers. I will start first. Come and listen to our students' knowledge acceptance."

Yang Peidong didn't have anything to say when he heard these words. After all, the principal was already above his level. Even listening to his class would be a kind of improvement for himself, so he nodded and replied: "Principal Chen ,OK."

Chen Feng briefly explained the course situation to them, and then let the two of them go back.

On the second day, the day when the freshmen reported.

Chen Feng didn't hold any major freshman ceremony, but just gathered all the students together and said a few words briefly.

At the time he said this:

"Obviously, in this school, the number of our classmates has doubled today. This is the result of expanding enrollment after discussing with various countries."

"Since this will happen a lot in the future, I hope you will remain calm about any changes in the military academy."

"Whether it's a freshman or an old student, as long as you step into the gate of the military academy, you are a classmate of the military academy. I hope you forget your identity and your country. You just need to remember that you are born because of the life and death of human beings. So far, I am studying for the sake of people's life and death, and I am destined to fight for the life and death of mankind in the future." Chen Feng said in a serious tone, and scanned everyone present with wolf-like eyes. The aggressive gaze left a deep memory on everyone present.

The venue was quiet and the sound of birds chirping could be heard in the distance. Looking at the expressions of these people staring at him, Chen Feng knew that his words had already been heard in their hearts.

So he finally concluded and emphasized again: "If it comes, it will be safe. Don't have any other small thoughts. If I find out, I will punish you severely."

"The meeting is over."

The students were bustling towards their respective teaching buildings, among them there were many Frenchmen Jack and Bruce.

These two aliens disguised themselves as human beings and entered the military academy without any effort. When they first saw Chen Feng, they didn't take it seriously.

Such a handsome face of Huaxia is probably just an embroidered pillow. How aggressive can it be?

The person on the planet pretending to be the Japanese Prime Minister Si Bohai was killed by such a person, which made them feel puzzled and a little (bjdg) funny.

But when Cheng Cheng spoke, it really shocked them.

Not by the content, but by Chen Feng's unquestionable and irresistible aura.

The moment Chen Feng glanced at them like a wolf, they felt uncontrollably tense, which made them understand why Si Bohai died under Chen Feng's hands.

"It seems that we should be careful in the future." Jack glanced around from the corner of his eye, confirmed that there was nothing wrong, and then whispered meaningfully to Bruce.

Bruce looked around carefully, approached Jack intentionally or unintentionally, nodded and said in a low voice: "I understand that this young man on Earth is not simple."

The students walked into the class of analyzing materials. Because of analyzing the materials, the student Chen Feng personally taught them, so the class was full.

Many students who were not in class came to listen, and people rushed out of the door. Those students had no seats in the classroom, so they moved a stool to the door and waited to listen. Even the teachers can only stand at the door when they come late.

Here, everyone clearly understands that the greatest value is Chen Feng.

This scene made a little bit surprised, and then he made a decision.

"I didn't expect my class to be so popular. I am very honored." He said with a smile, treating him like the condescending one just now.

"We took our seats early yesterday, Principal Chen~" the students who got their seats said proudly to Chen Feng.

"That's really hard work for everyone." Chen Feng smiled softly: "Since the students like my class so much, then I feel obligated to let everyone hear it...

"Students who didn't get a seat, don't worry, you all go to the empty classroom. Our classroom has a real-time projection function, which can be connected to my classroom for video."

"In this way, you can all listen to my class, and those students who have class, don't panic, this class will be recorded and broadcast for everyone to watch." Chen Feng talked about his own solutions for each situation of the current problem.

After Chen Feng finished speaking, everyone was relieved that the students could respond according to their own situation. .

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