City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 187: Aliens Exposed!

Chapter 187: Aliens Exposed!

Amid applause, Chen Feng looked at Yang Peidong, and Yang Peidong stood up under Chen Feng's gaze and explained with a smile: "Students, it's actually very simple.

Yang Peidong pointed to the nanostructure in AI and said to the students:

"Nano is a composite, which contains Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2 and TiO2 and other substances, the composite of these substances combined with polymer fibers has a strong absorption performance in the mid-infrared band, and this composite has a strong absorption performance for this The infrared detector in the wavelength band has a good shielding effect."

"Oh~" a sigh

Yang Peidong thought for a while, and added: "So nanoparticles are often used as "zero four zero" in thermal infrared camouflage, which can greatly reduce the infrared emissivity of the camouflaged object."

After the students sighed for a while, they all suddenly realized:

"Oh~ So that's it!"

"I understand in seconds!"

"I actually got what the teacher said, and I feel that my IQ is really online today!"

"Teacher, I would like to ask a question! What fields are nanotechnology currently used in? In these fields, how advanced are the countries in the world?" A student who knew nothing about nanotechnology asked.

"This question is exactly the knowledge I intend to give you, but before popularizing science, I would like to ask if any of you here know?" Chen Feng asked.

"Otherwise, how about this? In order not to waste class time, I will give each of you five minutes to write your own answer on your love photo and submit it. If you get close to the answer, you will be awarded credits." Chen Feng looked at the people below, Said meaningfully.

The students didn't notice Chen Feng's subtle expression. They just heard that credits could be added, and the motivation came one after another. They hurriedly searched for various information, and then edited the document and sent it to Chen Feng's mailbox.

For a while, Chen Feng's computer mailbox was filled with many unread emails.

Chen Feng opened the mailbox, used the fast read and write function, and read the email.

When one of his emails was very close to his courseware answer, he smiled and read on:

"The application fields of nanotechnology are as follows (all related to the current situation and national conditions of the country):

1. Biological field: Huaxia pays more attention to the biological application of carbon nanomaterials and the development of biomedical materials with immune response;

Kangaroo State focuses on the research of human bionic nano-devices;

The Empire on which the sun never sets focuses on the toxicity of nanomaterials to the environment;

The neon country prefers to study the removal technology of radioactive substances, and regards it as one of the national strategic directions,

The country pays more attention to the research and development of nano-catalysts for air purification.

2. Energy field:

In the field of nano energy storage materials, the United States pays more attention to the research and development of solid polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries, thermal spontaneous batteries, etc., and in the field of nano power generation materials, it pays more attention to the research and development of porous solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes and photovoltaic power generation enhancement materials;

European countries attach great importance to the research and development of flexible batteries, light electric storage and hydrogen storage systems, and the development of new renewable energy including osmotic power generation;

Empire on which the sun never sets places great emphasis on the areas of solar cells, heavy ceramic magnets and replacement components and manufacturing.

Some advanced countries list the research and development of nanosensors as their strategic research direction; especially the United States and China attach great importance to the research and development of chips.

3. Measurement field:

The United States focuses on the characterization of heterogeneous materials;

The EU places emphasis on selective single-molecule detection;

The Empire on which the sun never sets emphasizes material surface imaging systems with atomic resolution;

Huaxia will focus on the research and development of characterization and measurement technologies with extreme resolution capabilities.

4. In the field of instruments and equipment......

Chen Feng quickly previewed the email, and Tutu listed it very clearly. He looked at the name of the caller at the end of the email.


He understood the general idea in his heart: "Hehe, you really got hooked, these aliens seem to know a lot about us." Chen Feng thought with a sneer.

No one knew that his small move was to test the other party, and at the same time he successfully tracked the other party's computer with software.

Then he said to the students: "There is a classmate who answered very well. He is Jack from the French Empire. I will send you his email, and you can take five minutes to read it. After all, this is not the point. "

So Chen Feng gave them time to check it out by themselves.

After about five minutes, Chen Feng said: "What I'm going to talk about next is related to you."

In a word, he brought everyone's attention back to himself.

This topic is relevant for future combat applications—nanohardware or

We all know that this is an information age.

The software everyone wants can be downloaded from the Internet. And I'm talking nano hardware. It refers to the hardware we need in the future, and it can also be downloaded on the Internet.

"What? Hardware!"

"Principal Chen, are you kidding me on 5.7?"

While the students whispered in their hearts, they were also full of expectations. Looking at Chen Feng, they knew that the principal was always good at giving them "surprises".

However, Chen Feng's next explanation was to give everyone a reassurance.

He explained his idea to everyone in this way: "Actually, we all know that the software that humans download on the Internet now is the changed material structure-these software rearrange the material structure of the disk in the way of grouping magnetic characteristics, so as to obtain Required software information."

Some students who have done research on nano hear here. I already understood why in my heart. And praise the principal's thinking. .

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