City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 200: The Advent Of The Replicators

Chapter 200: The Advent of the Replicators

The President of the United States looked at them all in high spirits and felt very comfortable. He smiled and stretched out his hand to greet them:

"Hello, comrades, you have worked hard." The President of the United States expressed condolences.

"How are the soldiers stationed at the location agreed by the other party?" asked the President of the United States II

The special forces captain saluted the President of the United States and said:

"All elites are stationed there, and no abnormalities have been found so far. Please rest assured, Mr. President."

"Well, okay, you are very reassuring in what you do." President II of the United States said with a smile.

The officers scratched their heads shyly.

"President, you must be very tired and hard all the way, may I take you to rest for a while?" asked the special forces captain.

The President of the United States waved his hands and said beautiful words: "No, I will wait here with you. Compared with your hard work, I am insignificant."

At this time, the special forces felt that their president 660i was very gentlemanly and modest, but they didn't know that the president in front of them was just talking about face.

"I don't think you have eaten yet?" the special forces captain asked.

"That's right. When you say it, I'm really hungry." Taking this opportunity, the President of the United States finally walked to the lounge.

The army specially invited a chef to receive him. He ate delicious food prepared by a Michelin three-star chef in the comfortable lounge, and looked at the scenery outside leisurely.

When it was 11:30, he slowly stopped what he was saying, wiped his mouth gracefully with a tissue, then tidied up his clothes, and walked out

At 12:00 sharp, unknown objects began to appear in the sky of the Caribbean Sea, and the whole sky showed a dark blue light after 3 minutes.

Both the soldiers and the President of the United States stared wide-eyed, not daring to blink (bjbi) easily. .

After another two minutes, several black flying saucers descended to the ground. After the flying saucers stopped, a rectangular door in the middle fell from top to bottom, forming a straight ladder.

Then, the aliens inside came out one by one in order. They were all similar in appearance, and it was difficult for human eyes to distinguish them.

After all the aliens came out, one of the aliens standing in the front line walked up to the President of the United States and extended his hand to him.

"Hello, my friend, long time no see." The alien said politely.

"Hello, hello." The President of the United States stretched out his hands as a sign of friendship.

"Stretch out your right arm and shake his hand." The alien standing in the front row received a signal from the high-level leader on the alien planet in his head.

He followed the signal, and the President of the United States seemed very happy. This move made him feel that the aliens had forgotten the previous unhappiness.

"Are you tired from running around, let's go and rest first." The President of the United States said graciously.

"Well, I'm sorry." The leading alien nodded and followed the President of the United States in one direction.

The leading alien gestured to the aliens behind him, and the aliens followed him.

In the darkness of night, they conspired in the lounge to plan for the next day.

In the early morning of the next day, all kinds of special planes were crowded outside the gate of the military academy. Leaders and leaders of various countries were already waiting at the gate before dawn.

At seven o'clock in the morning, when the first rays of the sun hit the campus of the military academy, the gate of the military academy opened automatically.

"Welcome friends from afar [the exhibition center is in the soil layer hall of No. 3 exhibition hall." The automated door opened and broadcast the pre-set voice.

The guard uncle distributed the map of the military academy to the visitors.

These people had made a map, looked at it, and were a little confused, because they couldn't understand the signs on this map at all.

This is a hard cardboard with a raised logo in the shape of a D on the back. There are some simple graphic signs and dotted horizontal symbols on the front, and I don't know where they are at all.

It's not their fault, after all, this is the code of the military academy. Sometimes in order to prevent the information from being stolen, Chen Feng specially opened a compulsory course - the application and development of Morse code.

"The map of the military academy is too low." Some leaders frowned and thought to themselves.

What's more, I thought to myself:

"Who can understand the map like this? The military academy can't afford to pay us so much money to hire an artist?"

"The military school has become arrogant because of a little grade? I can't do such a small thing well. It seems that I have to reconsider whether it is worth sending someone to study."

Because of this map, most people feel a little disdain in their hearts, but it doesn't show clearly on their faces.

At this time, the guard uncle spoke. He looked at these so-called leaders with contempt, pointed at the convex stamp of the map and said:

"This map is not just a simple piece of cardboard, when you press the embossed stamp at the back, it will automatically take people to the destination, which is very convenient and quick.

The leaders of various countries couldn't help being surprised, but most of them didn't believe that there would be such a technology, and then quickly followed the guard's words to verify the truth of the words.

Sure enough, when the convex hard stamp was pressed, the original simple picture became a three-dimensional three-dimensional model on the hard cardboard. .

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