City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 206: What Are You Afraid Of? The Praying Mantis Catches The Cicada And The Oriole Is Behind.

Chapter 206: What are you afraid of? The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

Chen Feng looked at her puzzled, leaned closer and asked, "Do you believe me?"

"I, I believe you!" Chen Anzhi looked at Chen Feng firmly.

"Okay, then go back and do your work. What are you afraid of?" Chen Feng said to her gently with a smile~.

Chen Anzhi nodded, ready to leave.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while, then stopped Chen Anzhi and said, "Student Chen, do you still remember a saying in China that the mantis catches the cicada..."

Chen Feng cast a sly look at Chen Anzhi.

Hearing these words, Chen Anzhi gained confidence in his heart, then he gave Chen Feng a cheerful smile and waved his hands.

At this time, the fire had spread to Basra, an important port in the Iraqi region, which directly led to the temporary suspension of crude oil loading at the offshore port of Basra in Iraq.

The information was quickly passed on to Yilak's high-level officials. At first they thought that some terrorists or natural disasters caused the incident, and immediately dispatched the police and fire brigade to support it.

But when the police arrived, they saw a UFO bombing attack and they were powerless to resist, some of them were devastated.

"Report to the leader! We heard that UFOs bombed the territory, causing fires, some have been extinguished, but UFOs are still attacking everywhere, please step up rescue efforts!"

"How's the port?!" The senior management asked urgently.

"Report to the leader! Many places have been bombed, and the situation is a bit serious." The other party replied.

The Iraqi executives in the office are suffering from splitting headaches. Recently, the United States has accused Iraq of reselling oil for Iran, and has repeatedly spoken out provocatively for this.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the ambitious plans of the United States, and the port of Basra is not only an important place for oil transshipment, but also an area controlled by armed forces. They have no way to fight back against this sudden and unexpected guest.

"Hurry up and activate the First Armed Brigade! Deploy the highest-level nuclear weapons!" The leader frowned, and said to his subordinates after a moment of thought.

"Understood!" The subordinate gave a military salute and hurriedly left the office.

Ten minutes later, the armed brigade came to the battlefield and used tanks, warships and other weapons to counterattack and defend.

They aimed and fired missiles again and again, but were dodged again and again. Even if they could aim at the target occasionally, the attack effect was minimal.

But no matter how they tried their best to attack, it was useless. In the eyes of these uninvited guests, their attacks were like children's toys, which were not eye-catching at all.

At this time, these uninvited guests fought back. As soon as they counterattacked, their weapons were blown apart.

Many Iraqis have worked so hard to study it for a long time, but it was destroyed in an instant. Seeing these uninvited guests getting closer and closer to Basra, the armed brigades were all nervous.

"Report to the leader, the target is already approaching Basra, no! It is expected to be three minutes later! Our resistance is futile!" The armed captain eagerly reported on the bonus!

"Continue to resist! Do your best!" the leader said exhaustedly.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly contacted the military of other countries to ask for support, but many big countries went to the military academy exhibition today, and those soldiers who were not with important figures did not dare to act rashly at all. Inextricably linked.


Not to mention those small countries, they are afraid of the power of advanced countries, so they will not offend them to help Iraqis at all, not to mention that the consequence this time may even be to sacrifice themselves.

At this moment, the leader in the office watched the clock pass by every minute and every second, with beads of sweat appearing on his forehead, feeling uneasy.

The time at this moment is particularly long for him, and every minute and every second is like sitting on pins and needles.

Three minutes passed, but the leader in the office did not receive any information from the other party.

He was a little worried: "Could it be that... died in the line of duty?" Thinking of this, he added a lot of sadness. "No! Impossible, maybe the signal is not good, let's wait."

Five minutes, ten minutes passed, and still no message came.

20 minutes passed, and there was still no news in the Iraqi leader's office. At this moment, all thoughts were lost in his heart, and he vaguely knew the result.

So he stood up and saluted his national flag, put on his battle uniform, picked up his gun, and was ready to sacrifice at any time.

Just then, the phone rang.

He answered the phone in despair, but what he heard was an excited and surprised voice:

"Report to the leader! We are all fine! We all survived!!!"

"What...!?" The people who heard the news couldn't believe it, but there was no doubt that the light in their eyes had already lit up.

"That's right! Yes! You heard me right!" the other party reaffirmed.

Only then did the Iraqi leader believe it. He sat on a chair, trying to calm down his excitement, and asked with joy in his voice.

"What kind of situation is this?".

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