City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 218: Don't Worry, Wait And See What Happens

Chapter 218: Don't worry, wait and see what happens

"Or... Military academy..." The other party stammered out his speculation.

The President of the United States has a very ugly expression on his face at this moment, but he tried his best to control his emotions to hide his anxiety and said:

"Defend as much as you can, and I will send the most cutting-edge weapons over."

"Understood." The other party replied.

After hanging up the phone, the President of the United States collapsed on the seat as if he had lost his strength. At this moment, he regretted the stupid things he did before.

The two sides are not happy, not to mention losing the wife and breaking the army.

"Mr. President, the attack is coming here, and the target seems to be you, please run away with us!" A subordinate hurriedly rushed in to report.

In fact, the President of the United States was only 19 when he realized that his own safety was the most important thing at the moment. He hurriedly stood up from his seat and immediately followed a few bodyguards to leave through the secret passage.

On Watson's side, the Yilaks who were hiding in their battle armor were genuinely happy to see the United States so vulnerable.

This is when the US special forces saw a few strange things appearing in the sky.

"What's that? Look!" a team member exclaimed.

I saw a small opening under the UFO, and it seemed that something was projected from the small opening.

In the next second, several black round objects fell down.

"Not good! It's a missile!" American detectors found a mass of red stuff wrapped around the outer edge of the black object.

When the black spherical object was getting closer and closer, "subjectively observed that the edge was an unquenchable flame. He exclaimed: "Run, all members, run away.

The war caught the American people by surprise. And the unidentified object that flew up that day was the No. 028 Arman star who was hiding in the dark. No. 028 found several old subordinates of his own, and flew from the sky in an alien mecha, hoping to survive this war a little more. A little bit of shame. .

Seeing this situation, the Iraqi guests were delighted. .

"We'll be at the President of the United States soon, give me the power to attack, and give me all the strength you have in your mother's womb!" Haider Khan smiled proudly.

The team members roared again.

Haider Khan saw that a member in front of him was slow when he loaded the missile, and he reprimanded in disgust:

"Why is your bombardment speed so slow? Don't be like a girl, it's speeding up.

The team member immediately speeded up after hearing this.

Tony Stark, who had been observing for a while, said:

"Who is this? Doesn't the power seem small?" Then he turned to everyone and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think it has something to do with aliens." Elizabeth Xiao said, dragging his elbows.

Hank Pym nodded: "I think they are also people from aliens, so they probably don't have this level of attack.

"Except for our military academy, of course." Hank Pym added.

The students on the side looked at the raging war in the United States, waiting made him a little bored, and asked:

"Teacher, are we going to attack now?"

The three teachers looked at each other and understood each other's intentions tacitly, then Tosdak said:

"Don't be in a hurry, let's see how capable they are, and then wait and see what happens.

"Okay, I understand teacher." The student replied with a salute.

Next, Tony Stark and the others saw what they guessed.

The more important ruthless characters on the battlefield came out.

Those people with energy sources on their bodies, as if possessed by demons, gallop out and create chaos everywhere.

While flying in the sky, it seems to be looking for something.

"Lock the target." An Iraqi guest with a power source said through the siren.

"All members followed me and immediately waited on Wan Ansi Avenue behind the White House." A dozen people flew in one direction at the same time.

Elizabeth Xiao saw the scene in front of her and said to her companion: "This is probably their ultimate weapon."

Stark looked at the sky with the miniature detector he developed: "Ham, it's just a few people with energy sources installed.

"Obviously. They seem to be tracking something." Tony Stark continued.

"That's right, I think the war here has reached 1/3, we can start." Hank Pym put on the helmet he developed, and his body was enlarged.

When he put on the helmet, he found that the insects and beasts on the ground were fleeing collectively.

He then developed a new function by himself, had a simple conversation with the insects, and learned about what was going on from their mouths.

Then I looked in the direction of the other place, and said to Elizabeth Mei and Tony Stark:

"The target of those flyers seems to be the president of the United States."

"Hmm..." Elizabeth Shaw and Tony Stark looked at him.

"These insects told me just now that the president was escorted by a group of people to Vance Boulevard."

"It's just that they walked through the underground passage, and you know about these undergrounds~ these small insects, ants and so on are the best. Hank Pym said with some pride...

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