City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 222: Take It All Back! One Must Not Be Less!

Chapter 222: Take them all back! No one less!

So he walked towards Haider Khan fiercely, stared at him like a wolf, and asked coldly: "What are you doing? Who is your mastermind?"

Tony Stark's appearance was horrifying, his tone was stern, and his tone told the other party to run away and dare not face him directly.

But in the face of his questioning, the other party was a little flustered and doing Tai Chi:

"Ah... this...Mr. Stark, we have to start from the beginning..."

The other party scratched his head while talking and his face was a little ugly.

"You'd better explain it to me, or you will throw "400" into the sea and feed them all to the sharks." Tony Stark sternly threatened the people in front of him.

At this moment, the grown-up Hank Pym and the strange-shaped Elisha also stepped forward, and looked at them fiercely without saying anything, and the aura of a few auras overwhelmed the people on the opposite side.

Seeing that Hailar Khan couldn't hide it anymore, but he didn't want to be caught by the military academy and expose his cooperation with aliens, so he tried his best to explain:

"Actually, since the last time you fought with the US, the US has been looking for the energy source of the aliens. The Almanians don't want these things to fall into the hands of their teammates who have repeatedly deceived them. Let us look for them and use them to attack them... ..."

"So you are allied with aliens." Elizabeth Xiao briefly concluded.

"No, no, we are just obsessed with ghosts under their orders." Haider Khan shook his head sophistry.

"Heh, it's not all the same." Hank Pym sneered.

Tony Stark raised his hand to check the time, and said to Elizabeth Shaw and Hank Pym: "It's getting late, let's go back to the military academy, Principal Chen is probably still waiting for our news.

"Okay, let's go." Elizabeth Shaw and Hank Pym nodded and said.

"What about these people?" one student asked.

"This classmate, are you stupid? Take all of them and don't leave a single one!" Tony Stark said.

"Understood!" The student gave a military salute, and then tied them up with his companions and suppressed them into the battleship.

Ten minutes later, Tony Stark, Elizabeth Shaw, and Hank Pym returned to the military academy with everyone.

A few people had just entered the gate of the military academy, and in the hand of Chen Feng, who was giving a lecture on the podium, the small display of the watch flashed, and a message was released.

Chen Feng looked down and learned that they had come back and were waiting for his arrival at the office door.

"Okay, you have worked hard, you go to have some dinner first, and I will rush over immediately after the class is over." Chen Feng used the force (a kind of thought) to operate the watch, and they replied the message in an instant.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Feng finished his class and immediately walked towards his office.

Chen Feng's office is located on the top floor of the newly built skyscraper in the school. The view here is very good, overlooking the whole picture of the military academy. The indoor lighting is also good, which is spacious and comfortable.

Its office has a huge desk, and directly opposite is a blue sofa covered with thick cushions. When he is busy and has no time to rest, this sofa can be used as a bed for him to rest at any time.

He walked into the office through facial recognition, made a pot of tea in the attached pantry, and sat down to wait for their arrival.

A few minutes later, Tony Stark, Elizabeth Shaw, Hank Pym came into the office......

"Soldiers, how is the situation?" Chen Feng looked at them and asked with concern.

The three looked at each other, and finally it was Tony Stark who reported the situation to Chen Feng.

Tony Stark spread his hands and said helplessly:

"We rescued the President of the United States in time, but found that the attackers were Iraqi guests. The reason why the Iraqis have such courage is that they have colluded with aliens. Like the United States, they are self-righteous and confident. .”

"It seems that fear and greed have fueled the dark side of people." Chen Feng felt a little pessimistic and helpless.

Elizabeth Shaw returned to her original appearance, and said with deep empathy:

"Alien provocations are spreading, and the worst examples are like this kind of war between countries, which prevents them from developing and kills each other."

Hank Pym also nodded and said: "I think we should focus on perception, so as to prevent it from happening.

"Just like this time, the headmaster sensed that the disaster is coming 1.8, so we can make a promise, so as to prevent worse results from happening." | Hank Pym looked at Chen Feng with admiration.

"It's good to have this, but... there is one thing that can't be ignored..." Elizabeth Short paused, looked at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also gave her an encouraging look to continue talking, signaling her Go on.

"Killing is what the aliens want. In order to achieve this, I think they will continue to challenge various countries, and as the separatist forces grow stronger, civil wars are imminent." Elizabeth Shaw said. .

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