City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 245: The Game Of Verbal War

Chapter 245: The game of verbal war

Although Abdul Rewap had lived here for at least ten years, Chen Feng could hardly see any of his personal belongings.

After all, he is a professional assassin, always on guard against someone who will follow him, and always ready to abandon this place to escape.

"Daddy!" Poppy yelled through the door. "Bihara is here."

At this moment, Chen Feng saw a man walking out from another room.

Chen Feng could immediately perceive his relationship with those clones, who had a face very similar to his.

But clearly he looked older than the oldest of the clones.

Chen Feng glanced at him inadvertently. The man in front of him looked energetic in his thirties, and his gestures revealed a super-long confidence, which was unmatched by those clones.

There is a scar on his forehead, which seems to make his face more stern, and also adds a bit of mystery to him.

But even without this scar, he still looks ruthless and sturdy enough. Chen Feng thought to himself.

The man nodded his greetings to Biha Man, and cast a suspicious glance at Chen Feng next to him.

"Abudul Rewap, welcome back, have you gained anything from this trip?" Bihaman greeted in a gentle and enthusiastic tone with wide eyes.

"Not bad." Abdul Rewapu replied casually, but his eyes still stayed on Chen Feng.

Biharman also noticed Abdul Rewap's gaze: "This is to check our progress in place of Master Dia Sesfu.

"Really?" Abdul Rewap looked at Chen Feng suspiciously, and said coldly.

Chen Feng pretended to smile, and replied politely, "Your clone is pretty good, you must be proud of it."

"I'm just an ordinary person, making a living in this world, sir." Abdul Rewap replied.


"Aren't we all fooling around?" Chen Feng said casually.

Abdul Rewap glanced at Chen Feng with a half-smile: "A small character like us can't compare with a great military academy principal like you.

"Huh? How do you know that I'm the principal of the military academy." Chen Feng asked back, staring at Abu Durewapu sharply.

There was a trace of anxiety and embarrassment on Abdul Rewapu's face, but it disappeared in an instant. He smiled and pointed in one direction:

"Have you seen that machine? It's the announcer. Generally, everything will be transmitted automatically through this thing."

"Oh? Really, there is such an automatic announcer? I have to take a closer look, our military academy lacks such things the most.

"I wonder if I can observe it?" Chen Feng asked tentatively.

Abdul Rewap paused, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Of course."

Chen Feng approached and observed carefully, and it was indeed as he said, the announcer did announce his arrival.

"Global broadcast of Kexilili—(bjed)—Dear people of Kexilili, there will be a violent storm tonight, please take care of the doors and windows..."

"A guest came to visit this afternoon——the principal of the Earth Military Academy. The new technology he brought reduced the degree of the storm that should have been..."

There was indeed his information, but Chen Feng did not let down his guard against the person in front of him because of this.

Because he didn't see the specific time when the announcer broadcast the news information.

This shows that this message was not necessarily broadcast by him immediately after he came, even if he took ten thousand steps back. Then Abdul Rawap was not here at all at that time, how did he know the information?

As a result, Chen became even more suspicious of Abdul Rawap.

At the same time, the incident just now gave him more reason to suspect that this person was the assassin who sneaked into the military academy.

When he was just observing the information broadcaster, he noticed a pair of armor on the floor of the next room through the door of a room dragging behind Abdul Rawap.

Before he could see clearly, Abdul Rawap moved his body slightly to block his sight.

"Have you ever been to the distant Arman planet?" After Chen Feng asked, he also moved slightly to the side, wanting to see more clearly so as to find out.

Who would have thought that Abdul Rawap simply blocked the entire door. "I've been there once or twice."

"Recently?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Maybe." The other party said casually.

This deliberate move by Abdul Rewapu directly confirmed Chen Feng's conjecture—"He is the one who hired an assassin to come to the military academy, and he is also the one who wanted to assassinate himself behind the scenes.

"Then you must know Master Dia Sethford." Chen Feng said.

"Bobby, close the door." Abdul Rewap said to the little boy. Bobby closed the door obediently. Abdul Rawap smiled stiffly at Chen Feng. "What master?

"Saifu Dias." Chen Feng said it again. "Didn't he hire you?

"I've never heard of it. It was a person who called himself Karnas who hired me to launch a satellite on Bogda Peak." Abdul Rewap claimed.

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