City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 247: Heh, The Fox Tail Is Still Showing

Chapter 247: Heh, the fox tail is still showing

At the parking place of Kexilili, Chen Feng's flying battleship Charge was parked there.

It was still windy and windy outside, but under the action of Chen Feng's weather generator, it was much smaller than when we came.

Chen Feng wrapped the cloak tightly around his body, pretending to be tinkering with something, delaying time.

He felt that the people in the house had gone away, and after confirming that no one was looking at him, he sent a signal to the military academy in the battleship.

I have been traveling for many days, and the military academy is also waiting anxiously.

When Chen Peng drove the spaceship to track the assassin, he turned on the annunciator and performed a real-time holographic projection of "407" with the military academy.

After the signals on both sides were connected, Chen Huaming saw all the faculty and staff of the military academy in front of the screen.

They looked at the ingredients one by one, and seemed to have a lot of questions to ask.

"Principal, are you okay? We haven't contacted us for so long, we all thought..." Elizabeth said with red eyes.

"Haha, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just worried about being monitored, so I haven't had time to contact you. Please go well on your journey this time, and there are many new discoveries." Chen Feng said comfortingly.

The signal through the hologram is very weak and always intermittent.

"I've already found out who the assassin is, and I'm currently tracking him. The current signal is very weak, so I'll make a long story short." Chen Feng briefly told the people on the screen the general situation these days.

In the military academy office, everyone held their breath and listened carefully to the intermittent words, no one dared to miss any key information.

"Do you think these cloning experts are related to the assassination of Dr. Pym?" Tony Stark asked immediately after Chen Feng finished speaking.

"What do you think about this question?" Chen Feng asked back.

"I think it can only be said that there should be no, because so far, we can't find any motive." Dr. Pym dragged his elbows and stared at the screen.

"You can't take anything for granted, Chen Feng." Chen Feng thought for a while and said to Hank Pym, and then added:

"It is necessary to calm down to find the culprit behind the conspiracy."

"Yes, master." Hank Pym accepted the criticism humbly.

"Principal Chen, you just said that Master Dia Sesford ordered this army about ten years ago. What kind of existence is he? If there is such a person, why doesn't he come and see it in person?" Blackway Eun wondered.

"This is also what I thought before. I don't know much about him at present, but no matter who ordered this army, I think his intention is self-evident-war. Feng looked at the opposite side seriously. The screen judged.

After hearing this, Song Xiao said with mixed feelings: "This is really a double-edged sword. This clone army is very important, but it is also worrying."

Chen Feng nodded and agreed with her.

At this time, Elizabeth Xiao on the side frowned after hearing the situation and asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Chen Feng replied flatly, "Catch that assassin, bring him back to us, and interrogate him."

After that, Chen Feng hung up the video, and then sent his position to the military academy.

He glanced out the window, the torrential rain kept washing the canopy of his spaceship.

Seeing this situation, he tightened his hood, opened the canopy, and sneaked back to Tipoca City without making a sound.

With the help of the predictive power of the system function, he perceives and predicts all kinds of figures in the corridor, trying to avoid meeting them or being discovered.

Next, he was careful all the way and finally came to the door of Abdul Rawap's room without incident.

Chen Feng inspected the front, back, left, and right sides, and after making sure no one appeared, he stretched out his hand towards the door, but to his surprise, as soon as his hand touched the door, the door slid open by itself, and he immediately had an ominous feeling .

Sure enough, the room was in a mess, the empty drawers were hanging half open on the cabinet, and the few personal items that were originally there were all gone without a trace.

I knew that he had plans to run away, but I never thought he would run so fast.

Chen Feng thought to himself. Not good. On the plus side, he shouldn't have run far.

They must not have run far, after all, it only took a short time from Chen Feng's departure to his return.

Chen Feng noticed the computer on the wall, he approached and looked at it with a smile:

"Heh, I ran pretty fast, but I left a lot of lies." It turned out that the other party left too hastily and forgot to delete the recent action records, and even forgot to log out of the personal account.

Seeing this, Chen Feng quickly located the platform where Abdurwa 0.4 Pu parked the spaceship.

Chen Feng read the list on the platform list and found an interesting name - Nuli.

It's a perfect name for an assassin.

Chen Feng smiled contemptuously.

Chen Feng continued to check and found that his spaceship was still in place.

Chen Feng speeded up his hands again, and searched the map as quickly as possible, and soon found the shortest route to the apron where Abu Du was.

Turning off the computer, Chen Feng quickly walked out of the room, found his battleship, and then ran all the way in the direction of Abudu. .

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