City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 263: The Unexpected Green Laser Sword!

Chapter 263 : Unexpected green laser sword!

Chen Feng reacted immediately, first took a step back, and followed the direction of the green light to observe who the unexpected guest was.

Who is standing in your way to complete your progress?

What Chen Feng saw at this moment was an unexpected figure.

Hank Pym, who fell on the side, took out a green laser sword from nowhere at this moment, and the green laser sword returned to Hank Pym just after the light was emitted.

Chen Feng looked at Hank Pym in disbelief, and hesitated to speak: "Hank Pym, you

Hank Pym stood up and nodded to Chen Feng: "I'm sorry principal."

"When did it happen?" Chen Feng asked indifferently.

Hank Pym lowered his head and said, not daring to look at Chen Feng: "Not long after I came to the military academy, I discovered the signal they sent me."

"And this laser sword is also obtained from them?" Chen Fengmin asked sharply.

"Principal Chen, you are very powerful, I admire you very much, but for me, I only stand on the side of a higher civilization. "I'm just ten people who study academics." Hank Pym nodded and said.

Hank Pym put down the Pym helmet he developed, and said decisively to Chen Feng:

"Principal Chen, I'm sorry about this matter. We developed the Pym particles together and belong to both of us. But this lightsaber is my own research, so today I will use it to fight with you. I will not Be merciful, and you don't have to be merciful."

"Okay, I got it, let's do it." Chen Feng didn't say anything more, raised his sword and stabbed Hank Pym

The two sides entered into a fierce fight. Obviously, Chen Feng was even better.

"You are very brave, Hank Pym. I thought you had a certain understanding of me, but it turns out that you are stupid." Chen Feng said coldly.

"I'm not a fast learner, but principal, I believe I can try a few tricks with you." Hank Pym replied equally indifferently

As soon as the words were finished, Hank Pym rushed forward with full force, and the green light blade turned so fast, from outsiders' perspective, Hank Pym seemed to have enveloped himself in this piece of green light.

This time, Chen Feng lost his smile, and his emotions were mixed.

He knew better than anyone else what kind of character Hank Pym was. His IQ is not inferior to his, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he values ​​it the most in their military academy.

He put away his previous casual attitude and concentrated on dealing with Hank Pym's laser sword. He wanted to back away, but seemed to be blocked by a wall. He found that he seemed to be dodging more than parrying.

But Chen Feng was not depressed, because he met an opponent, an opponent who really made him look up.

"You have extraordinary strength, young apprentice." Chen Feng praised sincerely, and then grinned again.

Gradually, Chen Feng kept up with Hank Pym's attacking pace. Every time Hank Pym attacked, Chen Feng used cutting instead of stabbing, forcing Hank Pym to spend half of his attacking energy To dodge Chen Feng's attack on him, gradually, the situation of this battle returned to the previous state, and Chen Feng clearly gained the upper hand.

"Although you are extraordinary." Sidney said again, "But to be honest, my ability to really hit you is not enough to save your life today." "

Then Chen Feng dashed forward, forcing Hank Pym back, making him lose his balance, just like he did to Alpha.

But Hank Pym resisted the attack firmly, the green light blade in his hand still dodged left and right, tenaciously resisting Chen Feng's attack, Hank Pym wanted to counterattack but couldn't move, and Chen Feng Under the desperate resistance of Hank Pym, the attack was still unable to really penetrate Hank Pym.

Chen Feng understood that this situation would not last long. He clearly knew that Hank Pym was wasting his energy madly, and the efficient self didn't bother much, as long as Hank Pym was tired, he would be self-defeating, and he didn't really want to really treat this person who had been with him so long before. When a partner strikes, as long as there is a chance, he is still unwilling to have nothing to do with him.

On the surface, he deliberately consumed Hank Pym's energy, but in fact, he wanted to give Hank Pym time to reflect, and gave him a chance to turn his back on the dark...

Alfart watched the scene from the sidelines, and he thought he had to do something at this moment. He wanted to rush up, but just as he was about to stand up, he fell back to the ground in pain.

He collected his thoughts, changed his approach, moved forward carefully, and then grabbed back the laser sword. "Hank Pym," he called,

Throw the laser sword at Hank Pym.

Hank Pym didn't disturb his position, he took over the laser sword perfectly, and then activated it immediately, turning his arms and swords together.

This scene not only made Alfat admire, but even Chen Fengye couldn't help admiring.

Chen Feng looked at Anakin wielding his double swords, reminding him of a female character who was popular in his childhood—the old woman with two guns.

The two swords in Hank Pym's hands fluttered up and down, making people dazzled, but each sword was accurate. .

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