City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 283: Do You Have Normal Intelligence?

Chapter 283: Do you have normal intelligence?

"We can also build everything from rockets to microwave ovens at the nanoscale, but those nanoengineers never dream of the final use of their products." The girl smiled triumphantly.

"And our first name was given by those initial breeders. They called us Naren—as the name suggests, people created by nanotechnology."

"We are obtained by cloning their own cells. We have inherited all their new kung fu. They are exactly the same, but only one billionth of their size in terms of size."

"May I ask a question?" Chen Feng asked the girl in front of him politely. "Oh, sir, please tell me," she replied politely.

"Maybe some people are bald, but I want to ask you, can such an extremely small brain of 19 people have normal intelligence?"

The girl's tone was a little displeased: "This is really abrupt, sir. The intelligence of a creature is not determined by the size of the brain. Although we are very introverted, the number of atoms and quanta in our brain is not less than that of our mother body.

Chen Feng looked directly at the girl and watched his reaction. He knew that he still had something to say, so Chen Feng waited for her to continue.

The girl went on to say: "These atomic numbers can fully support our ability to process and receive information. And we also surpass our parent body in some respects.

The girl said some theoretical data again, and after he finished speaking, Chen Feng understood the general idea in his heart.

"Since you asked me such a question about Tang Chu, can I also make a request to you? I promise, this request is not part of your request." The girl said confidently.

"You are such a small person who does not suffer." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

"Sir, don't look at me like a child. Don't forget, in our world, everyone calls me a leader." The girl declared her sovereignty.

"Oh, yes, yes." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, by the way, why are you called Muse?"

The girl blinked her beautiful big eyes and replied:

"The girls here are all called Muse, but we have a number, um, is this name strange?"

"No, he is not surprised. In our world, this is a supreme title for women. It describes women as beautiful, gentle and generous. In short, it is a combination of all beautiful words." Chen Feng answered truthfully.

"Oh~ thank you. I've always thought my name sounds nice, so there's such an allusion." The girl smiled shyly, and the women in the square behind him showed such shy smiles after being praised.

"Then what is your request?" Chen Feng returned to the subject.

"Oh, our people want to check out that spaceship behind you.

At this moment, a new panel appeared in front of Chen Feng.

[System Prompt]: Congratulations to the player for completing the task - talk to Muse, the leader of the micro people.

[The rewards are as follows]

【Gain experience】:+888888

[Get gold coins]: +4000000

[Acquired skills]: Mind reading

[Other Obtained]: Favorability of Muse

[System Task]: Players are invited to accept a new task - to lead the people of nano-civilization to observe their own spaceships.

"Accept the mission." Chen Feng pressed the confirmation button very simply.

Then he smiled politely and answered the leader of the nano civilization: "Yes, of course there is no problem."

"Wow, that's great!" Muse laughed, danced, and cheered.

The gang behind him cheered with him.

"Please wait for us for a while! Let's get ready." Then Muse faced the crowd behind her and made some gestures.

Through the goggles, Chen Feng saw many feather-like things in midair.

In the next second, Chen Fen saw the girl named Muse bouncing, and then landed on the aircraft.

Then the other people in the square jumped up and landed on the feather one after another.

They are old and young, male and female. Everyone has an expression of excitement, joy and anticipation on their faces.

The feathery aircraft was soon full of people, and the feathery aircraft flew forward. The next piece of feather flew over immediately, and before jumping onto it, the nano-humans on the previous aircraft immediately rushed onto this feathered aircraft.

These feather flying machines are all ready to go, one will fly to Chen Feng when it is full, and the other feathers will follow.

These scenes are like humans getting on the bus on a spring outing. One was full of people and set off, and the other came again.

Soon hundreds of feathers were gathered, and these feathers continued to fly forward together, as if they wanted to get close to Chen Feng's head.

Chen Feng carefully observed these interesting phenomena. From the left lens of his glasses, he found that collisions happen all the time in the traffic of micro cities.

Those flying "feathers" will always collide inadvertently.

Most of the feathers then collided with a large circle, but the craft and its crew were unharmed. .

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