City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 4 The University Is On Fire!

"The top fifty graduates of the world's universities?"

"The military ranks in the top three?"

"It doesn't matter! There are as many people looking for as many people... The tuition is only three million dollars!"

"No wonder the requirements are so high, there are problems if they are not high..."

"Should the place of registration be in Huaxia? What kind of Zhonghai City... Widow Village...? Where is it!?"

"Could it be the military academy opened by Huaxia? But why is there no movement in Huaxia? They don't seem to have received the news!"

"Don't contact Huaxia officials yet!"

"June 17th, there are still nine days left! Mobilize all your strength! Our students must be sent in!"

Such conversations take place in almost every country's top general's office.

Faced with such a temptation, the price is only three million US dollars, so what is it?

For a moment, the whole world felt a surge of undercurrent.

The outstanding graduates of the top 50 universities in the world are mysteriously missing, and their ages are concentrated between 23 and 30 years old.

The military's senior non-commissioned officers, the geniuses of the training base, and the candidates for future generals all disappeared from their barracks one after another...

Senior talents from several world-renowned laboratories, young people who represent the future of science and technology in the country, suddenly left the project department and completely lost their news...

Of course, those countries knew where these visions came from, but they didn't say anything. Instead, they jointly suppressed these things and kept these things secret...

They know very well that the less people know about this matter, the more beneficial it is for them.

Scientists like Einstein, Qian Xuesen, and Marie Curie are enough to drive human society crazy, let alone such a school that can provide technology that exceeds the earth's technology by three hundred or even thousands of years! ?

They didn't know who sent the admissions poster, but they were all doing their best to get into that military academy!

In order to send students in, even if they are tied, they must try their best to get a place!

And that's just one of the reasons.

On the first day of school, I will also take a good look at the bottom of this school!


At this time, of course Huaxia noticed these changes very sensitively.

Summarizing countless information, we can always see some clues.

And the collected information is now in front of General Song Qian.

The middle-aged general frowned, looking at this document with an increasingly puzzled expression.

"Even the deputy engineer of the Starlink project in the United States is missing?"

"What's the situation? And the students from these famous schools, where are they going?"

The secretary standing in front of his desk shook his head: "General, we don't know why..."

"Even countries like Neon and Italy have made moves, and the students of Su country have even disappeared more completely..."

"The intelligence department has no news at all."

Song Qian picked up the list with a more serious expression.

There are so many researchers, and they come from various fields...

What the hell are these people up to?

Song Qian thought for a moment, then said.

"Report this news to the higher authorities, and our side has also begun to make reciprocal responses."

"No matter what they want to do, we Huaxia will never let them take the lead!"

The officer standing in front of him snapped to attention.


At this moment, Huaxia has not realized the root cause of the reason, let alone the actions of various countries directed at Huaxia!

Huaxia couldn't even imagine that the undercurrent around the world was actually because of a weird admissions poster.


at the same time.

And Chen Feng, the "culprit" under the international turmoil, just returned home from playing games in the Internet cafe.

He played games from ten o'clock in the morning until four thirty in the afternoon, which was a long-lost relaxation for him.

"I'm back son!"

Back home, after Chen Feng's mother heard the voice, she poked her head out to look at Chen Feng and asked, "How did you do in the exam today?"

Chen Feng grinned and said, "No problem!"

"Mom, I'm sure I'll pass the test very well, and I'll definitely get into the military academy!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng's mother was taken aback for a moment, and then beamed with joy.

Although she never believed that her son Chen Feng, a scumbag, would be able to enter the military academy, she also felt happy for his son's joy and confidence.

"Okay, you little brat can go to the military academy?"

"Going to the military academy will give your old Chen family glory and glory."

Saying so, she began to go into the kitchen again.

"Hurry up to review and review, sharpen your guns before the battle, and let it go if you are unhappy."

"Continue to take the exam tomorrow!"

"Mom doesn't want you to be admitted to the military academy, as long as you can get three decent grades, it's not bad..."

Chen Feng thought, when the time comes to get back the admission letter from the military academy, she will be very happy, right?

It's just that everything is false after all...

It would be great if there was no problem with this system...

Chen Feng thought so.

And he had no idea what kind of huge storm his enrollment poster had set off!

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