City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 72 The Mecha Engineer Is Born!

Chapter 72

When the students saw Principal Chen suddenly fell silent, they also felt a little surprised.

But when the principal was silent, they couldn't talk too much, so although many people showed doubts, they were still waiting for what the principal would say next.

When Chen Feng received the system reward, although he received a lot of information, it was actually only a moment.

There was a sudden silence, and then Chen Feng came back to his senses.

He immediately spoke again, picking up what he hadn't finished before: "Then..."

"Since the subject classification has been completed, I will announce two tasks that you need to complete this semester.

Hearing this, the students showed puzzled looks.

The task "827" that needs to be completed in this semester?

what would that be

And Chen Feng continued: "Mech design and manufacture."

"And the weather controller."

Hearing this, the expressions of the students instantly changed from doubt to fanaticism!

Mech Manufacturing! Weather Controller!

It's all they've been looking forward to since they enrolled!

Chen Feng's voice didn't stop: "Mecha manufacturing is mainly in charge of mechanical manufacturing subjects, and your electromechanical manufacturing teacher will be back soon.

"It's only expected to be around tonight."

"If there are any different technical can second people from other subjects."

"But the design and manufacture of this mech must be completed independently by you and your teacher.

"Also, the weather controller."

Chen Feng paused for a moment, and then continued: "The calculation required by the weather controller is huge and involves too many parameters."

"The students of the artificial intelligence subject are mainly responsible. Of course, if there is something that needs to be solved together, the other three subjects must also help.

"Which side of the two projects can be completed first, then I will provide 50 credits to each student on that side."

"But of course, I think it is impossible for any of you to be able to take care of both. Therefore, for these two projects, each student who is mainly responsible can only be responsible for one of the projects."

"As for credits..."

"Credits will be the most useful thing in your military school life..."

"In the future, your understanding of this sentence will be more profound."

Hearing these words, the expressions of the students became extremely rich.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Some of them have applied for students majoring in mechanical manufacturing and artificial intelligence at the same time, and their expressions are a little sad.

None of them want to give up, but as the principal said, it is impossible for anyone to take care of both studies.

So they are faced with a choice...

Others, on the other hand, were much more excited. Although they are forced to give up one side, they can join in the manufacturing of their dreams after all. Whether it is a weather control device or a mecha, these are things they could not even imagine before.

Principal Chen Feng's voice came again.

"in addition."

"The three plans I originally planned, now suddenly there are some variables.

"I will turn on the electromagnetic signal shielding tonight, and you can report back to all countries what we said at the opening ceremony today."

"In addition, the human train program has started bidding, and the funding for the bidding plan is 500 billion U.S. dollars for the first phase.

"After you have finished your report, if you have anything you want to bid for, you can call me."



The last sentence of Chen Feng made the expressions of the students change a bit.

I didn't expect that the original three-year plan would suddenly start the first plan like this!

However this...

Is it really possible?


After the opening ceremony, the students left the auditorium, and several teachers dispersed separately.

And Chen Feng was walking back to the principal's building.

For him, originally he did not plan to start the human train project immediately, at least this semester has just started, and it seems a bit rushed to start bidding now.

But time waits for no one, he must make a decision as soon as possible.

In addition to preparing for the future interstellar war on the earth, the human train project has another extremely important reason...

This can connect the countries of the world together...  

Form a real community of shared future for mankind!

At present, human beings have achieved a certain degree of cooperation temporarily because of the reason of the military academy, but in the final analysis, differences and differences between countries still exist.

If you want to break this matter, then the existence of this train is imperative.

But at this moment, Chen Feng's thoughts were not here.

Although he was slowly walking towards the direction of the principal's building, his eyes were on the shopping interface in the system mall.

Although the weather controller can take out the blueprints by itself, it can be analyzed and guided by Tony Stark, and in principle, it is not complicated. In the state where the most important difficulty has been solved by himself, it can be done simply by relying on Tony Stark's genius ability.

But mechs don't work.

It's not that Batman Bruce Wayne doesn't have this ability, but that it's easy for them to make detours behind closed doors.

Whether it is design concepts, materials, or even nerve conduction systems, the manufacture of mechs is more complicated than weather controllers.

So at this moment, Chen Feng is looking for a suitable engineer to be in charge of directing the mech manufacturing.

"Akagi Ritsuko...Evangelion...30,000 points."

"And it seems that our infrastructure is not enough to produce imitation weapons like eva early, not to mention that 0.2 is still locked."


"Evans Spencer? This should be the engineer in Avatar, it's cheap, only a hundred points...

"But I remember that it shouldn't be a's a relatively primitive exoskeleton armor."

"Song Xiao?"

"This is......"

In the introduction, Chen Feng saw a series of detailed introductions.

"The main designer of Storm Crimson, the chief engineer of Storm Crimson.

"Participate in the research and development of the Shaw Group's mecha design."

A few fragments flashed through Chen Feng's mind immediately, he stopped in his tracks, and thought for a while.

And got to that conclusion: "Pacific Rim?"

"It's her."

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