City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 79 The Demon God Mecha Will Come Out!

Chapter 79 Demon God Mecha will come out!

When Huaxia began to mobilize the whole people in full swing on July 2nd...

The military academy has also launched new courses in full swing.

When Tony Stark was in class on the morning of July 2nd, he told the students present about the "Weather Controller Project".

"Students, in the next course, I will be responsible for the guidance of your weather controller project."

Hearing these words, the eyes of the students under the stage lit up.

In the opening ceremony of Principal Chen Feng, he had already mentioned this matter.

Originally, the students thought it would be delayed for a while, but it was suddenly announced by Mr. Stark in today's class.

The audience has already started discussing.

"In the end what happened?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? I heard the directional movement of charges that President Chen said before... Can the current technology achieve it?"

"It's said that Mr. Stark's class progress is too fast. These days, there are a few links that I didn't understand when I went back every day..."

But Stark ignored what the students were saying, he just continued talking.

"Students of our artificial intelligence course will manufacture and study weather controllers on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays every week. I will provide you with groups..."

"Zhang Yu, Liu Han, Bruce Carter, Mohammed, Takaaki Kishimoto,...the five of you are in charge of group assignments."

When these five students heard Teacher Tony's appointment, they all had strange expressions in their eyes.

Although they themselves know that they are excellent, but in the past few days of study, in fact, Mr. Tony didn't know much about the students.

But Tony Stark just suddenly remembered something, and said.

Also.....I..know that some of you have also taken a mechanical manufacturing course.

"I advise you, it's best to give up the class of that two-knife guy as soon as possible!"

"Don't be fooled by this guy's words!"

After he said these words, the audience suddenly fell into silence.

in this case…...

The students looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They didn't expect Mr. Stark to say such a sentence suddenly.

But immediately afterwards, Tony Stark continued as if nothing happened: "Anyway.

"Principal Chen Feng does not allow you to participate in two projects at the same time. If you have registered for the mechanical manufacturing course, you have to start weighing."

"If you are going to give up the weather controller project, then the classes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings will not be used."

After saying this again, he continued: "Then today is still a class on artificial intelligence.

"We talked about the self-learning ability of artificial intelligence in the last class..."

"Then the next step... What we're learning today is how artificial intelligence can add empirical judgment to new learning capabilities."

"I hope that everyone can think about themselves first. When judging unknown things, what kind of thinking are you in to judge?"

His class started abruptly, and the questions that were thrown out suddenly caught the students a little off guard.

But after all, they are some elite students, and they are also thinking about this problem in their brains while taking notes.

But at this moment, Tony Stark suddenly said: "Remember what you are thinking about now."

"This is also the thinking mode that real artificial intelligence needs to generate when making judgments!"


The students in the audience were amazed!

Mr. Stark's class can always surprise them in various senses. They never expected that this was also a flash of thinking of Teacher Tony that appeared during the classroom!

The teachers in this military academy are really amazing!

The students immediately recalled the thoughts that just flashed by, and how they thought about the sudden problems.

And Stark continued: "Experience, memory..."

"Used in artificial intelligence, it is the analogy of the database. Data analysis of images and events!"

"It is difficult to simulate the emotions that humans have, and this is the biggest difference between artificial intelligence and humans, but through this kind of learning, machines may also have similar signal transmission!"

"Then this formula..."

While saying this, Tony Stark projected a formula on the screen.

"This formula is going to be the foundation of artificial intelligence, whether it's a learning algorithm, not any other..."

In the afternoon, it was Bruce Wayne's class.

And just as Tony Stark suddenly threw out the manufacture of the weather controller, Bruce Wayne brought in a new teacher before starting class.

".||Students, before class today, let me introduce a teacher who just came back."

"This teacher is called Song Xiao."

"He is the instructor who will carry out the mecha design and development project in the future, and we will carry out the mecha research and development course together.


Although Mr. Bruce Wayne's voice was as flat as ever, when his voice landed... the whole classroom cheered!

"Great! I can finally learn mechs!"

"During this time, I feel that I have learned too much! Teacher Wayne's class is too dry!"

"My God, I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly!"

"Can we visit that factory!! I dream about that factory every day!"

Hearing such a voice, the expression of Song Xiao standing in front gradually changed from surprise to relief.

She said: "Students of (yours)......"

"The Mech Engineering project will start every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoon.

"If you are interested, you can go to the third classroom of the main teaching building after the daily space navigation course..."

"I will tell some other things about the mecha in advance.

"But of course, the mechs we want to make..."

"It's not just related to mechanical manufacturing. I think you can also let some students who study artificial intelligence come to the class."

"I think you'll like it."

There was a burst of applause.

Of course, some of these students also studied artificial intelligence courses. Hearing such a voice now makes me feel that my efforts were not in vain...

On the other hand, Song Xiao didn't notice...

Bruce Wayne's expression, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, is a little stiff at this moment...

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