City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 84 Mecha Information Leaked!

Chapter 84

July 17th, military academy time at 7:00 pm.

Chen Feng used the computer in the principal's office to send the email to the private phones of the heads of state.

Chen Feng's words are very concise, and the information he sent is only a few sentences.

"The follow-up enrollment plan is under preparation, and the cooperation between Huaxia and the military academy is at a critical stage."

"Any organization or country that is against the engineering project will be regarded as going against the will of the Earth General Defense Military Academy.

"We will use our strength to reverse that will."

"Principal of the Military Academy of the General House of the Earth——Chen Feng."

The effect of this email can be said to be immediate.

After seeing this letter, the leaders of various countries... have to increase their attention.

The military academy remains a mystery to them.

Although what the military academy spread about the invasion of alien civilization three years later is regarded as a big lie...

But now the new enrollment plan that President Chen Feng said, and the use of force to reverse this will...

It's hard to ignore.

After all, the technology of the military academy is regarded by them as the development path of future human beings.

If Principal Chen Feng stops recruiting their students, it will make their country completely non-competitive in the future.

Therefore, even though the things that Principal Chen Feng said are unreliable in their eyes, the technologies mentioned in the admissions posters are real...

Especially after the surreal defenses such as "magnetic storm coils and light prism towers" that countries have heard from the students they sent to military academies, the defense level of military academies in their respective countries has been raised a bit.

#BA …

Since Huaxia paid for the construction of the railway, there is nothing to stop it.

Under balance...

On July 18th, the United Nations suddenly held an emergency meeting to evaluate and analyze Huaxia's human train project.

Although the specific content of the meeting has not been disclosed, it is true that all countries have opened up the authority of Huaxia's "Human Community Project".

Chen Feng was very satisfied after receiving the news.

He didn't reply to the message, but at least the leaders of those countries are relieved...

The military academy is thriving.

With the development of the weather controller project and the mech design and development project, the academic atmosphere in the whole school has become a bit better.

Chen Feng knew that the current situation was very good.

In addition, Huaxia has already started construction, and now, what the military academy needs is time.

But in the military academy, of course not everyone is devoted to scientific research.

For Carroll, however, things are not looking good right now.

Because there is no basic relationship between artificial intelligence and mechanical manufacturing, military students like him can only study on the subject of space exploration.

And the study of space exploration... But it can't bring any good news to Colonel Hills who is waiting for him to pass on the technology outside.

What's more, now he has no way to pass the news out.

Uncle Qin and Mr. Zhang at the gate are simply two door gods. It is difficult to get out of the school, let alone pass the news out?

Days passed, and because he had no other choice, he broke his cans and became more familiar with campus life day by day.

Today, during Elizabeth Shaw's cosmic exploration course.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the class.

It was a strange female, but obviously not a student.

Carroll looked at the woman and frowned.

After talking with the woman, Dr. Xiao turned around and said, "Everyone, do you want to support the mecha design and manufacturing project~"?"

"They need a test driver."

"However... what needs to be noted is that this test may be extremely dangerous!"

"Once it fails, it is very likely to face the crisis of death..."

Hearing this news, Carroll's heart moved.

This is an opportunity!

Opportunity to get in touch with mechs!

So Carroll didn't hesitate, he stood up immediately: "Mr. Xiao, I am willing to be a volunteer."

Elizabeth Xiao smiled and said, "Very good, Carol. I reward you with a credit."

"In the process of exploring the universe, it is often impossible to judge by experience."

"Dare to undertake, with leadership potential in space exploration."

"But the necessary prudence should naturally be preserved at the same time, and there should be no needless recklessness."

But at this time, Carroll had followed the female teacher out of the classroom.

"Hello, classmate."

"I'm Song Xiao. The teacher of the mech class."

"We have just developed face-to-face, and we need a student with good physical fitness and sense of space to test."

"Are you okay?"

"Although the risk factor is high, we will do our best to ensure your safety."

Carroll nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Song, I was trained as an astronaut back then.

Hearing this, Rong Xiao nodded: "Then come with me.

In the classroom of mecha design and manufacturing, when Carol stepped into it, the entire project team seemed to be quiet.

In the class, Mr. Bruce Wayne was standing there with his shoulders leaning against the wall.

'.||This is from Space Exploration, Carroll. "

"Volunteered to be a tester for our new console."

"So... shall we begin now?"

At this moment, Carroll's eyes had already landed on the classroom podium.

There is a black orb connected by various cables.

The podium has been removed, and the traces of the previous demolition are even clearly visible.

The black spherical object is framed by the cube frame, which looks full of...a kind of cyberpunk feeling.

There, it should be the new control system.

At this time, Teacher Song Xiao's voice came.

"Okay, let's go."

"We will collect the experimental data, but you also have to truthfully reflect the situation during the operation.

Carol froze for a moment after hearing such words, and then said: "Why I don't know how to operate...

Song Xiao continued to smile and said, "Don't worry, kid."

"As long as (Li Qianhao) goes in, you will understand."

"The basic operation is very simple."

After saying this, several boys in white coats came up, holding various electronic devices in their hands, and put them on Carol without saying a word

Carroll knew it was helping herself, but she still felt uncomfortable.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard another voice ringing in his ear.

"I know your identity Fang."

"Keep quiet."

Carroll caught sight of an Asian face from the corner of his eye, and in his impression it was a neon man named Takaaki Kishimoto.

He was helping Carroll put on the helmet at this time.

And his voice kept coming.

"We need to transport the news and need your help."

"Of course not for free."

Carol's expression didn't change.

He didn't answer either.

But in his pupils, light has already flickered. .

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