City: I Will Practice Martial Arts A Little More And Become The Only Immortal!

Chapter 138: The Upgrade Plan Of Shenxiao Martial Arts

"Finally found!"

"So this is Bai Xuan's cerebellum, the biggest change!!!"

After finishing all the tests and experiments, Ye Zhuo finally found the answer he wanted by comparing the data!

"So it is, so it is..."

"It turns out that the incoming system has undergone fundamental changes, or evolution, or upgrade."

There are many systems in the human body to maintain human life activities.

Life activities are like this, so is the brain.

Even the systems in the brain are more complex.

It is much more complicated than the current top supercomputer.

One of the many systems of the brain represented by the cerebellum is the afferent system.

In terms of afferents to the cerebellum, they can generally be divided into two afferent systems: camp-like fibers and climbing fibers.

The mossy fibrous afferent system includes:

The impulses from the body's proprioceptors and exteroceptors are transmitted to the anterior lobe of the cerebellum through the spinocerebellar bundle and the cuneus cerebellum bundle, and the impulses from the brainstem and deep cerebellar nuclei are projected to the front of the cerebellum through the reticular nucleus group through the reticular cerebellar bundle In leaves and vermis, most of these fibers are uncrossing projections.

Impulses from head proprioceptors and exteroceptors project to the V and VI lobes of the cerebellum via the trigeminal nucleus and the trigeminal cerebellar tract; 1st-order fibers from the vestibular nerve and 2nd-order fibers from the vestibular nucleus make up the vestibule The cerebellar tracts project to the flocculus and adjacent cerebellar cortex, and terminate in the fastigial nucleus.

Impulses from the cerebral cortex descend through the cortical pontine tract to the pontine nucleus, and then project to the new and old cerebellar cortex via the pontine-cerebellar tract.

These afferent fibers to the cerebellum together form the mossy afferent system.

The climbing fiber afferent system includes impulses from the cerebral cortex, brainstem reticular nuclei, red nucleus, and deep cerebellar nuclei, which project to the inferior olivary nucleus of the medulla, and then to the entire cerebellar cortex on the opposite side.

There is a fairly fine-grained correspondence of projections from the inferior olivary nucleus to the cerebellar cortex. The inferior olive nucleus is a lamellar structure, which is composed of three parts: the dorsal accessory olive nucleus, the main olive nucleus and the medial accessory olive nucleus.

Different parts of the accessory olive project to different longitudinal regions of the cerebellar vermis cortex, the dorsal and ventral plates of the main olive project to one cerebellar hemisphere, and the lateral rami and dorsal cap of the main olive project to the flomber lobe .

In addition, due to the continuous deepening of research, the third afferent system of the cerebellum, that is, the afferent projection of monoaminergic neurons, was proposed.

It has different morphological and physiological characteristics from mossy fibers and climbing fibers.

The number of such monoaminergic nerve fibers is much less than that of mossy fibers and climbing fibers.

According to the different transmitters produced and released by the afferent terminals of monoaminergic neurons, it can be further divided into noradrenergic projections and serotonergic projections.

The former originated from the locus coeruleus of the medulla oblongata and projected to the entire cerebellar cortex, with the vermis, flocculus and ventral paravertebral most densely.

The latter originated from the raphe nuclei and projected to almost all regions except the VIA lobule of the cerebellar cortex, and the vermis and HVA of the VIAX lobule had the highest density of cortical projections.

The third afferent system may play a regulatory role in the cerebellum, rather than the transmission of specific information like the ribbon fiber or climbing fiber afferent system.

Morphological and electrophysiological studies have demonstrated a structural and functional unit in the cerebellum that is a microcomplex of cortical nuclei.

This unit is composed of the micro-longitudinal area projected by the cerebellar cortical nuclei and its corresponding inferior olivary nucleus-cerebellar cortical area projected together.

It has been estimated that there are as many as 5,000 structural and functional units in the human cerebellum.

Due to the activity of cortical nuclei microcomplexes, the cerebellum processes signals more precisely in the regulation of movement.

"Bioelectricity, biomagnetic field...

"It's no wonder the changes in the cerebellum are so dramatic."

"It turns out that the cerebellum is responsible for the afferent system, which is closely related to the brain's ability to manipulate bioelectricity and biomagnetic field.

"Since that's the case... I seem to know how to exercise the cerebellum, so as to break the limit of the brain."


"Just exercising the cerebellum doesn't seem to work."

"According to Bai Xuan's description, the frontal cortex needs to be exercised first."

"And after exercising the prefrontal cortex to a certain extent, it will spontaneously affect other areas of the brain.

"And the area most affected is the cerebellum."

"And the brainstem."

After studying changes in the cerebellum, the lobe zoomed in on the brainstem region.

The brainstem is located below the cerebrum, between the spinal cord and the diencephalon, and is a smaller part of the central nervous system with an irregular columnar shape.

From bottom to top, the brainstem consists of three parts: the medulla, pons, and midbrain, and the medulla is connected to the spinal cord.

The brainstem is the part of the spinal cord that extends upwards. Its lower end is connected to the spinal cord and its upper end is connected to the brain. From bottom to top, the brainstem can be divided into the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain.

The upper cranial nerves and the white matter in the brainstem are composed of ascending and descending conduction bundles, as well as nerve fibers emanating from various parts of the brainstem.

It is an important pathway for the interconnection of the brain, cerebellum and spinal cord. The gray matter in the brainstem is scattered into gray matter blocks of different sizes, called "neural nuclei"

Nerve nuclei are related to receiving peripheral afferent impulses and efferent impulses to innervate organs, as well as conduction of ascending and descending conduction bundles.

In addition, there are reflex centers that regulate important physiological activities such as cardiovascular movement, breathing, swallowing, and vomiting in the medulla oblongata and pons.

If these centers are damaged, it will cause serious disturbance of heartbeat and blood pressure, and even endanger life.

The caudal end of the medulla connects with the spinal cord at the foramen magnum, and the cranial end of the midbrain connects with the diencephalon. The medulla and pons lie on the slope of the skull base.

The function of the brainstem is mainly to maintain the life of the individual, and a series of important physiological functions including heartbeat, respiration, and digestion are all related to the brain.

The nerve impulses transmitted to the brain through the spinal cord enter in a crossed way, that is, they pass from the left to the right and then enter the brain, and the same is true for the right.

"Neural nucleus..."

"The most important function of the brainstem is the eight types of nuclei in the brainstem."

"As for Bai Xuan's brainstem, the most dramatic changes are these eight types of nerve nuclei."

The eight types of nuclei are as follows.

First, the general body motor nucleus:

Oculomotor nucleus: Innervates the levator palpebrae, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, and inferior rectus.

Trochlear nucleus: Crosses out of the brain and innervates the superior oblique muscle.

Abducens nucleus: lateral rectus muscle.

Hypoglossal nucleus: inner and outer tongue muscles:

Second, special visceral motor nucleus.

Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve: muscles of mastication, mylohyoid muscles, digastric muscles, anterior abdomen.

Facial nerve nucleus: Innervates all facial muscles, digastric muscle, posterior stylohyoid muscle, and pedal muscle. Dorsal nucleus: frontalis, orbicularis oculi.

Ventral nucleus: Perioral muscles.

Suspect nucleus: fibers join the glossopharyngeal vagus accessory nerve to innervate the throat muscles.

Accessory nucleus: Send out fibers to form the spinal root of the accessory nerve, which innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.

……ask for flowers…

Third, the general visceral motor nucleus:

Oculomotor accessory nucleus: pupillary dilator ciliary muscle.

Superior salivary nucleus: Fibers join the facial nerve to innervate the lacrimal gland, the sublingual gland, the submandibular gland, and the glands in the oral and nasal cavities.

Inferior salivary nucleus: Fibers join the glossopharyngeal nerve to innervate the secretion of the parotid gland via the otic ganglion.

Dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve: fibers pass through the vagus nerve, exchange neurons in organs and paraganglia --- postganglionic fibers manage the movement and distribution of visceral smooth muscle, myocardium, and glands in the thoracoabdominal cavity

Fourth: General visceral sensory nucleus:

Nucleus of the solitary tract: general visceral sensation of the mucosal vessel walls of visceral organs---glossopharyngeal vagus facial nerve---solitary tract---nucleus of the solitary tract---sends fibers to ascend to the diencephalon

After the relay, it reaches the advanced center.

Brain stem motor nucleus: involved in visceral reflex, reticular structure, involved in respiratory cycle and spit reflex.

Fifth: special visceral sensory nucleus:

Small dorsal part of the nucleus of the solitary tract: receives taste fibers from the afferents of the facial nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Sixth, the general somatosensory nucleus:

Trigeminal nucleus.

Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal tract: Pain, temperature, and touch of the frontal, nasal, and oral mucosa.

Trigeminal sensory nucleus: touch-pressure sensation in the frontal, nasal, and oral cavity.

Midbrain nucleus of trigeminal nerve: related to frontal facial proprioception.

Seventh, special somatosensory nucleus:

Cochlear nerve nucleus: Sound wave stimulates the central cochlear nerve anterior and posterior nuclei of the cochlear nerve around the spiral organ, most of which cross, and some of which do not cross and finally reach the auditory center on the same side; some fibers of the cochlear nerve nucleus end at the oblique of the superior olivary nucleus The lateral lemniscan nucleus of the square nucleus participates in the auditory reflex, and the medial geniculate body of the lateral lemniscus radiates to the auditory center of the temporal lobe.

Vestibular nucleus: part of the fibers of the vestibular nerve enter the cerebellum directly through the lower peduncle of the cerebellum, and other fibers reach the vestibular nucleus.

Eighth, other important nerve nuclei in the brainstem:

Thin fasciculus and cuneiform nucleus, cuneiform nucleus, superior colliculus nucleus, inferior colliculus nucleus, pretectal area, locus coeruleus, reticular nuclei, red nucleus, substantia nigra, inferior olivary nucleus.

"After these neural nuclei have been evolved, their original functions have been improved by nearly a hundred times."

"It also has the ability to manipulate bioelectricity and biomagnetic field."

"The cerebellum and brainstem, combined with the prefrontal cortex, together construct an electromagnetic control system that manipulates bioelectric currents and biomagnetic fields."

As soon as this conclusion came out, Bai Xuan's eyes could not help but light up slightly.

Bai Xuan commented on the electromagnetic control system marked by Ye Zhuo, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile:

"That's the entry point I was hoping to find."

"Combine the Shenxiao Leigang circulatory system with the electromagnetic control system."

"Shenxiao Leigang's circulatory system can cover and cover the frontal lobe, cerebellum, and brain stem together in one breath."

"In this way, Shenxiao Martial Arts will definitely be able to upgrade to LV4.

To know,

So far, Bai Xuan has never acquired a LV4 skill.

So Bai Xuan didn't know how powerful LV4's skills were.

It is precisely because of this,

Bai Xuan will be looking forward to it.

Because it makes him stronger.

Maybe it can make him break the limit again!

With this expectation, with the assistance of Ye et al.

Bai Xuan first perfected the extraordinary martial arts that help warriors see gods invincible and sense magnetic fields.

Then he designed an upgrade plan for the Shenxiao Leigang circulatory system. .

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