
"Crackling!! Crackling!!"

"Crackling!!! Crackling!!! Crackling!!!"

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the thunder dragon, about 500 meters long, surrounded Bai Xuan, its momentum was extremely terrifying, and its size was extremely shocking.

What is the concept of 500 meters?

Many mountains are less than five hundred meters high.

Five hundred meters, it is already a very astonishing towering mountain!

Converted to the floor level of the building, it is about 17000.

Such numbers must be able to give people a more intuitive impression.

And such power.

It is Bai Xuan's most superficial strength at this time.

After completing the upgrade of the Shenxiao Leigang circulation system.

Bai Xuan's brain has had a very huge improvement.

This promotion can be mainly divided into two parts.

The first part is the seventh sense, and the second part is the Shenxiao field.

The former is the foundation of the latter.

The latter is the appearance of the former.

at this very moment,

The 500-meter-long Thunder Dragon that Bai Xuan controls is the power of the Divine Firmament Field.

Bai Xuan, who has a seventh sense, can easily control the power zone of the Shenxue field.

But the ability of the seventh sense is more than that.

The seventh sense means a sensitive sense of time, and also a psychological sense of time, that is, human consciousness has the function of simulating and analyzing the future based on past memories.

It is not the seventh consciousness Mana Consciousness mentioned by the Buddhist Yogacara School. Mana Consciousness means "I"~attachment, but its function of "attachment as self" includes the sense of time of the past, present, and future.

It stands for simulation, analysis, deduction, and even calculation.

This is like a super biological computer, which can give Bai Xuan extremely terrifying computing power.

This kind of computing power is terrifying enough to allow Bai Xuan to deduce the future to a certain extent.

With the seventh sense, Bai Xuan can not only upgrade the martial art of the gods more easily, but also can quickly master many cutting-edge academic knowledge at a terrifying speed.


Bai Xuan can even push forward the technological leap by himself.

This is the most important thing for Bai Xuan.

Because this means that Bai Xuan is about to usher in a period of growth in knowledge and strength.

And because knowledge is power.


Then during this period of time, Bai Xuan was very busy.

And along the way, Bai Xuan is quickly becoming more knowledgeable and stronger.

Human Mechanics, Mechanical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Molecular Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Space Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Universe Theory

"Sure enough, along with breaking the limits of the human body."

"Not only will the body undergo tremendous changes, but the brain will also undergo very dramatic changes.

"This kind of change is not only a change at the genetic level, but also involves all aspects of the human body, including the eight major systems of the human body. 17

"With the changes in the brain, the brain power has gained a huge leap, which is enough to cause changes in the eight major systems of the human body."

"With just a simple command, the brain can generate electrical signals, which affect the eight major systems of the human body and ultimately change the structure of the human body.


"The change here is a benign change, a kind of strengthening, and it can even be said to be a kind of evolution."

Six months later, Bai Xuan looked at his latest physical examination report, as well as the newly mastered profound knowledge in his brain, and ten unprecedented senses of fulfillment flooded his heart.

This feeling is really wonderful.

I have incomparably powerful power, and I can also master my own power in detail.

Not only that, the profound and systematic knowledge in the brain can also fully understand one's own strength and one's own strength.

Light has power, but no knowledge.

Just monsters.

There is only power, not mastery.

Still a monster.

Possess power, but also master, more knowledge.

This is true evolution!


It is the future of mankind!

【Name: Bai Xuan】

【Life: 1000】

【Age: Twenty】

[Power: 1000 (limit)]


[Physique: 1000 (limit)]

[Spirit: 1000 (limit)]

[attribute points: 132]

[Skill: Divine Martial Arts LV4 (Completion)]

[Effect: Shenxiao Field (1,000 meters)]

"(Good) "One thousand points of limit attributes, and one thousand years of life."

"A thousand years, what a long time is this?"

"A thousand years ago, the germination of science did not germinate."

"A thousand years later, can human beings go out of the Milky Way?"

"more importantly,"

"In a thousand years, I will definitely be able to break through my own limits again and complete the third upgrade of the Divine Heaven Martial Arts.

"By the time,"

"How much strength and longevity will I gain?"

"With enough power to destroy Blue Star, is there still a lifespan in units of ten thousand?"

Bai Xuan whispered like this, and after writing down all the data in the medical report, he turned his attention to the latest foreign intelligence. .

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