Five hundred and seventy-four kilograms!

One thousand one hundred and forty-eight catties!

This power is very strong.

For ordinary humans.

This power is weak.

For firearms and technology.


Looking at his fist, feeling the slight pain in his flesh and bones, Bai Xuan's brows could not help but frowned slightly.

"Sure enough,"

"The strength is too strong, but I haven't practiced hard skills, which led to this result."

"Although with my current strength, I can easily crush the stubborn stone."

"But my fist is not as hard as a rock."

"If I hit it head-on, I'd get hurt."

"In that case,"

"I'd better complete the Golden Bell Shade, Iron Cloth Shirt, and Iron Sand Palm as soon as possible."


"Practice the golden bell first, and give priority to the attribute to the golden bell."

"Complete these three martial arts, and then learn Xingyiquan and Bajiquan."

"So as to meet the requirements of practicing Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou, and finally master Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou."

"As for the martial arts of Wudang, there are too many types."

"And many of them are methods of equipment, even if they are learned, they are useless."

Yang Qingyun had already reminded Bai Xuan.

What to do and what not to do.

And Bai Xuan, who has memorized the entire criminal law, naturally knows that Longguo has very strict supervision on the control of knives.

In Wudang martial arts, many exquisite martial arts are swordsmanship, and the sharp sword is naturally one of the controlled knives.

Of course, Bai Xuan will not know the law and break the law.

"Let's arrange it like this for now."

Now that he has planned his short-term goals, Bai Xuan doesn't think too much, but concentrates directly and starts to practice the golden bell jar.

Then, wash and sleep.

The next day, continue military training.

There are some differences in today's military training.

That is, the instructor wants to teach military boxing.

"Students, look after you."

"Although military boxing looks simple, it is easy to learn but difficult to master."

"And since the country promotes military boxing in the army, it proves that this boxing is not as simple as you think."

"Today I will give you a good explanation of one or two."

While explaining, Wang Zhiqiang demonstrated.

"Military boxing follows the principle of from simple to complex, from basic skills to basic movements, and from small to large exercise."

"The movements incorporate basic fighting movements such as kicking, hitting, throwing, holding, grabbing knives, grabbing guns, and attacking. The movements are concise and applicable, and every movement is a move to control the enemy."

"At the same time, it has also absorbed the characteristics of Changquan's stretching and generous, flexible movements, swiftness and force, and clear rhythm, as well as the style of Nanquan's steady steps and vigorous movements."

"For military boxing training, almost every part of the human body participates in exercise."

"It makes people's body and mind get a comprehensive exercise, which can improve the function of the human body, better develop the strength of muscles and the flexibility of joints, and achieve the purpose of strengthening the body and strengthening the physique."


"When practicing military boxing, it is not restricted by the venue and equipment, and the weather is not greatly affected. It is a very good boxing style."

Watching the instructor's demonstration and listening to the instructor's explanation, a strange color flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes.

Because Bai Xuan figured it out, military boxing also belongs to the traditional boxing of Longguo.

That is to say,

In theory, practicing military boxing can also develop strength.

It's just because military boxing is more about actual combat and lacks training methods.

In other words, traditional martial arts training methods are not as efficient as modern scientific training methods.

Therefore, military boxing only has the method of actual combat, but not the method of exercise.

But precisely because of this,

Military boxing cannot develop dark energy.

"There are too many items that soldiers need to train, so military boxing cannot be too complicated."

"Traditional martial arts, especially traditional martial arts that are systematic, can be trained to develop bright energy, dark energy, and traditional martial arts that are transformed into energy. They are all very complicated."


"How to reduce complexity should be a key to the development of martial arts."

Thinking like this, Bai Xuan also followed the instructor's teaching and began to learn military boxing.

For Bai Xuan, who has already become a martial arts immortal.

Just followed up and played again.

He directly mastered the military boxing, and even raised the military boxing to LV1.

[Military Boxing LV1 (0/1000)]

[Effect: military toughness]

"This effect seems useless to me."

"However, since it can produce no effect, it can also prove the extraordinaryness of military boxing."

When it was time for a break, Bai Xuan began to search out of curiosity about military boxing.

Find the introduction:

Military boxing is a kind of boxing composed of fighting movements such as punching, kicking, beating, grabbing knives, and grabbing guns.

Regular training in military physical boxing is of great significance for cultivating soldiers' tenacious, brave and tenacious fighting style.

In future wars, what we are facing is a vicious enemy, not a lamb that will be killed without a fight.

In performing special missions such as reconnaissance, anti-submarine, sentry detection, and camouflage, as well as in righteous actions to protect the legitimate interests of the people from infringement, we often have to fight the enemy with our bare hands.

"There is no instructor who speaks in detail."

"And there is not a lot of information about military boxing on the Internet."

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