Tigers Climb Hard!


Tiger offers its claws!


Fist to claw, head to head, tiger to tiger!

The powerful force acted on Guiyun's claws, causing his legs to retreat involuntarily while the claws were suffering from pain.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps!

After taking five full steps back, Gui Yun regained his balance.

Feeling the faint pain coming from his fist, Gui Yun showed a quick and bitter expression.

"Amitabha, good and good."

"Bai Xuan's benefactor is really talented, extraordinary and refined, and his eight poles are fierce, fierce and domineering, shocking the world."

"The poor monk is willing to bow down.

He said so on the lips, but Gui Yun couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

Sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach.

The current juniors are really incredible.

He, a martial arts senior, should also be eliminated.

It was also this thought that made Gui Yun's face look helpless.

"Grandmaster Gui Yun's Shaolin Five Fist is also exquisite and unsurpassed."

Hearing Bai Xuan praise himself so much, Gui Yun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

He looked at Bai Xuan, then at his senior brother, and then at "017" Bai Xuan's classmates.

After pondering for two seconds, he opened his mouth and said:

"I don't know if the benefactor Bai Xuan is interested in discussing martial arts with the poor monk."

Bai Xuan naturally thought about it.

But I am not alone today.

"Master Gui Yun, please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Sun Longhu and the others:

"Everyone, it may take some time for me to discuss martial arts with Master Gui Yun."

"Why don't you go play first, and come to you after my end here.

"Okay, then Bai Xuan, after your introduction, please send us a message.

Sun Longhu naturally had no objection.

Others naturally have no objections.

After saying goodbye to each other, Sun Longhu and others left.

Gui Yun also let his brother Gui Fa leave.

When they came to Guiyun's meditation room, the two sat opposite each other.

Gui Yun first poured a cup of tea for Bai Xuan, and then said unhurriedly:

"Although Bai Xuan benefactor, your martial arts talent is frighteningly high, and may even be higher than Patriarch Bodhidharma."

"But your understanding of Shaolin Wuquan, or pictograph boxing is really too little.

As Gui Yun's words reached Bai Xuan's ears, Bai Xuan couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Master Guiyun, please explain in detail."

Seeing Bai Xuan's humble and polite appearance, Master Gui Yun was naturally willing to give Bai Xuan some advice.

"It's actually not a secret."

"You just said that my Shaolin Five Fist is superb. There is a problem with this sentence, and it is wrong."

After a slight pause, Gui Yun continued:

"Although Shaolin Wuquan is also a pictographic boxing, what is different from other pictographic boxing is that each boxing method of Shaolin pictographic boxing has the mystery of the imagery, can attack and defend, and has many changes."

"Monkey boxing uses dexterity to defend and attack, crane boxing uses lightness to come and go freely, dragon boxing uses momentum to strike first, snake boxing uses dexterity to attack the vital points, tiger boxing is powerful and aggressive, and leopard boxing is ferocious and unstoppable."

"Another example is Eagle Boxing, Chicken Boxing, Dog Boxing, Praying Mantis Boxing, etc., all of which are famous in the world for having both form and spirit, lifelike."

"As for perfection, it is the highest state of Shaolin Pictographic Fist."

"Although my Shaolin Wuquan practice is not bad, it is far from reaching the state of perfection."

"The so-called ecstasy means to reach the state of selflessness in meditation. Like a dragon becomes a dragon, like a crane becomes a crane. In one attack and one defense, you can deeply experience the desire to survive of the imaged object. Only in this way can you attack and win. Difficult subject."

"The so-called transformation means paying attention to the similarity of the external shape, seeking the similarity of the spirit through the similarity of the shape, like a snake like a snake, like a dog like a dog, and absorbing the strengths of all things in one move and one style to enhance one's ability to adapt to harsh situations."

While listening and thinking, Bai Xuan's gaze also froze slightly.

Looking at Bai Xuan's appearance, Gui Yun could guess that Bai Xuan was suspicious.

"Actually, I have your doubts too."

"In order to answer my doubts, I read a lot of books."

"Finally got something."

Hearing Gui Yun's words, Bai Xuan said directly:

"Please teach me, Master."

Gui Yun also didn't like to play tricks, so he answered directly:

"The key to ecstasy, in my opinion, is self-hypnosis.

Just the four words of self-hypnosis made Bai Xuan's eyes light up suddenly.

Although Bai Xuan never thought about it, Master Gui Yun would use scientific theories to explain the perfection of Shaolin Pictographic Fist.

But since Master Guiyun can use the theory of science and technology to explain the perfection.

Then Bai Xuan was naturally happier.

Because it is easier for Bai Xuan to understand.

Just at the next moment, Ri Xuan heard a detailed explanation about the ecstasy.

"Brain science research has proved that the prefrontal cortex of the brain is not only related to mental activities such as consciousness and thinking, but also has a close fiber connection between the prefrontal cortex and the hypothalamus, which regulates the activities of internal organs.

"This structural connection may be the main material basis for humans to actively use consciousness and imagery to regulate and control visceral physiological functions."

"The subconscious mind plays an important role in regulating and controlling the human body's breathing, digestion, blood circulation, immune response, substance metabolism, and various reflexes and reactions."

"Many studies have shown that when the body is in different states suggested under hypnosis, there are corresponding changes in metabolic rate.

"If hypnosis suggests that you are doing heavy physical labor, your metabolic rate can increase by 25 percent."

"Using autogenetic training method for self-hypnosis, after the mind and body are relaxed, the metabolic rate is reduced by 15% to 20% compared with the usual resting state."

"Therefore, in the state of hypnosis, according to the principle of reinforcement, I continuously strengthen positive emotions, good feelings, and correct ideas."

"Make it imprint, store and concentrate in the conscious and subconscious, and take advantage of the brain to self-regulate the psychosomatic state and behavior through the psychophysiological mechanism

"And trance is a form of self-hypnosis."

"In the state of perfection, the body's metabolic rate will be increased, which will cause the body to secrete different hormones, such as adrenaline, thyroid hormone, and other

"All of this can affect the state of the human body, thus erupting into a more powerful force."

When this knowledge was introduced into Bai Xuan's ears, Bai Xuan's eyes could not help showing a bit of enlightenment.

And while suddenly realizing it, he also understood one thing.

I need to look at the relevant knowledge about human brain, psychology, and hypnosis.


There is too much knowledge involved in martial arts.

If you want to study martial arts thoroughly, you can't just study martial arts

"Thank you very much Master Gui Yun for your answer, I understand now."

Seeing Bai Xuan's sincere thanks, Gui Yun nodded lightly, then pondered for two seconds.

"I'm too old and I don't have a high degree of education. Although I have read a lot of books, I also understand that I am not a professional.

"It's just that as I continue to practice martial arts and continue to study, I can more and more understand the profoundness of martial arts.

"There is a saying in the martial arts world that describes Shaolin Pictographic Fist like this."

"Non-Zen practitioners cannot reach this realm."

After saying this, Gui Yun paused slightly, then changed his tone:

"You probably don't know what Zen is."

"Then let me explain it to you."

"The so-called Zen family refers to those who practice meditation."

"Zen Ding is a special translation method in the translation of Buddhism. "Zen" is the abbreviation of Sanskrit Dhyana, and its meaning is "fixation", "thinking maintenance", "merit forest", etc., so "Chan Ding" is a combination of Hua and Sanskrit. This is explained from its name.

"In its sense, a practitioner can absorb the scattered mind and concentrate on one place, which is the so-called "concentration".

"Cultivating mind and mindfulness is a kind of method that can give birth to various samadhis, that is, "thinking maintenance"

"Depending on meditation, various merits and virtues can be born, which is the so-called "forest of merits and virtues."

"To sum up, meditation is a mind-adjusting method for practitioners of the bodhisattva way. Its purpose is to purify the mind, exercise wisdom, and enter the realm of the truth of all dharmas.

"From this point of view, meditation is the means of the necessary process of practicing Bodhisattvas; the taste of Zen cannot be grasped, and stagnant water does not hide dragons, which is to correct the mistake of thinking of means as the end.

"Because meditation is not necessarily Zen, no matter whether they use mantras, prayers, prostrations, or chanting, the results obtained are mostly the effects of meditation.

"You can understand it and cultivate your mind."

"Exercising one's mind, spirit, will, and strengthening one's ability to manage emotions.

"When you practice to a certain level, you will be able to complete self-hypnosis in a very short period of time."

"And this is also the fundamental reason why non-Zen masters cannot reach the realm of perfection."

"Because ordinary warriors don't know how to cultivate mind 5.1."

Hearing this, Bai Xuan almost understood.

The essence of trance is self-hypnosis.

And self-hypnosis is not so easy to accomplish.

Only through mind training similar to meditation can one be able to complete self-hypnosis in a very short period of time, even in an instant.

It's just that Bai Xuan doesn't know much about meditation, so he doesn't comment much.

But Bai Xuan speculates.

There must be a more scientific self-hypnosis exercise method than meditation in this world.

"I'll look up some information later, and after I have mastered the relevant professional knowledge about self-hypnosis, I'll think about how to cultivate my mind."

After making a plan for the future in his heart, Bai Xuan offered tea to Master Guiyun, thanking him:

"Thank you very much, Master Gui Yun for your guidance, and I offer you a cup of tea."

Gui Yun did not refuse, and after accepting Bai Xuan's offer of tea, he continued:

"My Buddha has always been merciful."

"Bai Xuan benefactor, we can add a contact information."

"If Bai Xuan benefactor, you want to learn Buddhist martial arts or practice meditation in the future, you can ask me anytime.

"Okay, Master Guiyun."

After leaving his contact information, Bai Xuan bid farewell to Master Gui Yun.

Harvest today.

It's really not small! .

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