City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 115 Thank You, Shut Up 3/10 (Subscribe)\r

The people on the bride's side applauded the most, and half of them applauded for Zhang Chen's wonderful speech.

The other half applauded because Zhang Chen was scolding the groom's side.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend, which is vividly displayed in them.

The middle-aged policeman couldn't help but clapped a few times.

Excuse me, it's so exasperating!

He has been in the business for so many years, and he is used to seeing various families fight against each other because of economic problems.

There are all kinds of snobbery, all kinds of people with inexplicable superiority.

To treat such a person, the professional ethics of the police tell him that he must be treated equally.

No matter how much you don't like it in your heart, you have to get along normally.

Can't show it, let alone say it.

This is because it is easy to intensify contradictions and goes against the principle of mediation.

But these words came out of Zhang Chen's "840" mouth. Not only was it harmless, but it also removed the bad anger that had been in his chest for many years.


How cool!

The faces of the groom's side are all ugly.

Some people originally wanted to ask Zhang Chen: "Who are you saying is cheap?

But just as I was about to say it, I always felt something was wrong!

Isn't it wrong!

If according to what Zhang Chen said, there is no distinction between high and low, then what are you rushing to scold for?

If according to the way of thinking of the Yi family, the rich and powerful are noble, and vice versa...

In front of Zhang Chen, isn't the Yi family the lowly group of people?

In terms of assets, it can't compare to Zhang Chen's finger.

As far as status is concerned...

They clearly remember that Huang Wenbin attended Yi Fangyuan's wedding yesterday.

But the strange thing is that Huang Wenbin sat directly at the table in the classmate's seat, making it clear that he was a family member.

Maybe it was for Zhang Chen.

So from the perspective of identity, Zhang Chen is also several levels higher than Yi's family.

Compared with such a big guy, you are not inferior, who is inferior?

Don't say anything about this, just endure it for a while and it's over.

If you say it, it will be scolded in public...

Zhang Chen paused and continued:

"Yesterday, Gao Mingjing told me that she wanted to go to teach in the mountains, but I don't know exactly where she went!

"That's all I know, and in a marriage that doesn't have any feelings at all, I think just let it go!

"Strong melons are not sweet. Both family members are adults. Why bother to embarrass adults? It's not easy!"

After speaking, Zhang Chen leaned against the police desk, waiting for the responses from both sides.

"At the wedding of Gao Mingjing..."

Someone from the Yi family spoke. He originally wanted to say that Gao Mingjing ran away with the wild man.

But looking at Zhang Chen, he swallowed the three words "wild man".

"Gao Mingjing regretted his marriage at the wedding. This incident has had a very bad impact. Both families are victims. This is an even balance!"

"But what about the money for the wedding banquet? Our Yi family paid 1.2 cents for this meal and the wedding!

"Your parents didn't pay a penny, and they received money for nothing! 99

When the maiden's family heard the money, they were not happy immediately, and hurriedly responded:

"Our family has collected some money. Could it be that your family has confiscated it? There are many more people from your family than ours!"

"You took all the cheap, and now you want to beat it, how can there be such a good thing!?"

"Yes, we still pay for the wedding photos. Why don't you tell me about the cost?"

Husband's family: "You have to return the dowry money anyway. If the marriage is not completed, are you embarrassed to take the dowry?"

Her parents' family: "Who cares about your bride price, but do you have to calculate the cost of the new house decoration? 35

Husband's family: "The new house is the down payment paid by Yi Fangyuan, and it belongs to our family. Would you like to decorate it voluntarily? This is called a gift!

Mother's family: "You said it was a gift? Did we agree? You are robbing and robbing..."

Husband's family: "It's okay to break up, then you spit out all the money Fang Yuan spent on your daughter in the past two months, the clothes you bought, the meals you bought, the money for watching movies..."

Her parents' family: "Do you think your family, Yi Fangyuan, is such a gentleman? Gao Mingjing paid for the meals several times. I'm embarrassed to say that you..."

Pay back the money, or it's a cheating marriage!

"You still owe us money..."

"Money, money..."

A familiar scene appeared again.

At that time, after Zhang Chen came to the door of the mediation room, what he heard was this scene..

As a result, I came in and solved most of the problems myself.

This scene is repeated again.

Money, money, money, my mind is full of money.

The middle-aged policeman gently supported his forehead with his hand.

Matters involving money are the most difficult to mediate.

Both sides are afraid that they will suffer losses and will not give in an inch.

At the beginning, it was just before the decoration, and the money for the betrothal gift was barely able to be divided clearly.

Now even the cost of falling in love, eating, watching movies has been added, and the situation is getting more and more complicated and out of control.

The middle-aged police officers also have nothing to do, especially since Gao Mingjing is still not around.

In the absence of an important party, it is impossible to verify whether what the groom said is one-sided.

He looked at Zhang Chen slightly helplessly.

Zhang Chen saw that the relatives of the bride and groom had realized the problem, and was willing to admit the fact that Gao Mingjing and Yi Fangyuan broke up.

It should have been a relief.

Now seeing that they are arguing about money again, I hurriedly shouted:

"Enough, shut up!"

Zhang Chen had previously left a very strong and strong impression on both sides.

So now when he speaks, naturally there is a kind of coercion.

Both sides immediately shut up and looked at Zhang Chen.

But the words "I will never give in for profit" are revealed in his eyes.


A problem that money can solve is not a problem at all.

In Zhang Chen's view, what they are pursuing and unwilling to give up is just a set of numbers.

And it's a string of numbers so short that it can be ignored directly.

"I asked for the money for the wedding banquet, and treat it as my treat, including the wedding!""

Zhang Chen said suddenly.

He didn't have to be a big head, but because Gao Mingjing dedicated his most precious things to himself on the wedding day.

This moved Zhang Chen very much.

It is necessary for her to help her solve these bad things behind her.

Let her run towards her dream without any worries.

What's more, this worry is just a little effort for me...

In fact, you can't even raise your hand, just move your fingers and you're done.

Knowing that money can handle them, Zhang Chen just flicked a coin until they shut up!

Simple and rude!.

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