City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 126 You said this is good news? 8/10 (Subscribe)\r

Fu Xiaoman stomped his feet angrily when he saw the direction where Zhang Chen disappeared.

It was going well, Zhang Chen was completely unaware of her existence.

As long as she continues to follow up, she will be able to figure out what Zhang Chen is going to do.

As a result, the van exploded at this juncture!

You must know that she took a lot of troubles to sort out the shareholder composition of Wanshan Tourism day by day.

It took five full days to analyze that Li Wenda was just a pretense.

Zhang Chen is the real controller of Wanshan Tourism.

As a result, I didn't expect to get into trouble when I started to act.

"I just said that our car is not good, we can't keep up with other people's good cars, and we are only a few seconds short of starting!

"Our power, turning ability, balance, we are completely incomparable!""

"You have to let me chase after you, this is good, the cylinder burst, and no one can leave!"

Master Wang felt a little distressed when he saw the van he had driven for several years.

He couldn't help complaining to himself.

Fu Xiaoman watched helplessly as an absolutely explosive economic news slipped out in front of his eyes, and was almost on the verge of tears.

She didn't have time to care about what the driver said, and hurriedly dialed a series of numbers.

Before the beep on the phone could ring, the call was connected.

It means that the person on the other end of the phone has been standing by the phone, just waiting for Fu Xiaoman's report.

So the phone was connected as soon as it rang.

"Hey, Xiaoman, how are you over there?"

Before Fu Xiaoman could speak, the editor-in-chief asked impatiently.

"One good news, one bad news, which would you like to hear first?"

Fu Xiaoman leaned against the van Shang and said with his arms crossed.

"Oh, I've been waiting for your call for most of the day, the bidding will start soon!

"What are you selling to me at this time... Really..."

"I'll hear the bad news first!

The editor-in-chief said a lot, but after all, it did not go against Fu Xiaoman's meaning.

"The bad news is that our car burst and we couldn't catch up with Zhang Chen, so we lost""!"

"Ah? I lost it?!"

The editor-in-chief's voice is so loud that the earpiece mode is forcibly turned into the amplification mode.

Fu Xiaoman had expected it, and put the phone away from his ears in advance.

Wait until the editor-in-chief's surprise, nervousness, disappointment and other emotions are almost vented.

I put the phone back to my ear.

" tell me the good news!

The editor-in-chief thought that there was still good news, not too bad.

This forced himself to calm down.

"The good news is that we know that Zhang Chen is heading in the direction of Tianyang City, if he doesn't leave Binhai Prefecture..." Fu Xiaoman added.

"Tianyang City?"

The editor-in-chief took a deep breath and thought hard, "Tianyang City is just an ordinary third-tier city, there is nothing to be concerned about!"

"If you want property or not, you don't need anything. The only advantage is that it is very close to Bianhai City, only more than 30 kilometers!"

"But this is not an advantage, Zhang Chen shouldn't be going to Tianyang City!

"If Zhang Chen doesn't go to Tianyang City, where will the next place be?"

Fu Xiaoman is really smart.

She had already predicted the questions that the editor-in-chief would ask, so she asked them clearly in advance.

"I just asked the driver, if I don't stop in Tianyang City, I will leave Binhai Prefecture! 99

"As long as he leaves Binhai Prefecture, there are so many places that this road can take him to, and he has no way of knowing!

After speaking, Fu Xiaoman moved the phone away from his ear again.

Sure enough, the phone automatically amplified again:

"No way to know? Gu Xiaoman? You tell me a good news, a bad news, the final result is no way to know? 35

"Isn't this both bad news? What word games are you playing with me, you!"

"The big boss Zhang Chen is lost, what an important news clue we have to lose!"

"Do you know how much we have to lose if it is first reported by other financial magazines?

"Gu Xiaoman, this is the good news you said, what a shit!


It took a long time for the editor-in-chief to calm down a bit.

Gu Xiaoman brought the phone to his ear again and said:

"Editor-in-chief, I think there is a high probability that Zhang Chen will be in Tianyang City!

"Because the person he supports is Hu Qingfu, who is now the governor of Binhai Prefecture, Zhang Chen will definitely not leave Binhai Prefecture!

"Tianyang City is where Zhang Chen once lived..."

"Secondly, Tianyang City is also the city with the lowest economic development in Binhai Prefecture, and it has always been a bottleneck for the development of Binhai Prefecture!"

"If he can drive the economy of Tianyang City, it will be of great significance to the development of several other cities in China Unicom and to realize the linkage between talents and economy!""

"I think it's very possible that Zhang Chen is paving the way for Hu Qingfu's next development!

"So there is a high probability that he will go to Tianyang City!"

The editor-in-chief listened to Gu Xiaoman's words, nodded slightly, and asked:

"`|| But how are you so sure that Zhang Chen is to pave the way for Hu Qingfu?"

"He pushed Hu Qingfu to the position of governor, and now in the entire coastal state, Zhang Chen can basically do whatever he wants! 99

"The existence of one person below ten thousand people!"

"Shouldn't this be the time to discuss meritorious deeds, to seek benefits from the government, and to collect money wantonly?"

"Why are you paving the way for Hu Qingfu? He is doing good deeds without seeking fame and fortune!

A slyness flashed in Gu Xiaoman's eyes, she said with a smile:

"Chief editor, you are too good at joking, how can there be such a thing as not seeking fame and fortune in this world!

"A person who can be called a person who does not seek fame and fortune, he is seeking fame, and he has successfully obtained a good reputation!"

"According to my observation, Zhang Chen is a business genius who does unexpected things!"

"But every move of chess definitely has his deep meaning! 99

"Although I still don't know what he is going to do, (Qian Lihao) is certain that he is definitely paving the way for Hu Qingfu! 35

"There's a word called strange goods!

"Hu Qingfu is an honest official, has a rigorous style, and has a very good influence and reputation in the political circles and the masses!"

"What if Zhang Chen wants to escort Hu Qingfu all the way to the prime minister's seat? That's not impossible!"

"At that time, the whole ****, Zhang Chen can do whatever he wants!"

"His vision is definitely not a small Bianhai city, let alone Binhai Prefecture. Maybe it's the whole country, or even swallowing the whole world!"

Hearing Gu Xiaoman say this, the editor-in-chief's mood also rushed from the bottom to the top.

Also followed by a surge of excitement.

If Zhang Chen really has such ambitions, then he will follow the series of things Zhang Chen is doing now, and he will become the growth Shijie who dominates the world economy.

A fantasy epic in the business world!

It can definitely be recorded in the history books, and it will be remembered through the ages!

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