City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 14 It's Your First Joke 510 (Seeking Flowers, Evaluation, Monthly Pass~)

Is there an additional condition?

As soon as these words came out, it was like a basin of cold water poured a chill on Hu Qingfu and Zhao Weijian.

Brother, can you speak without breathing?

Everyone thought it was done, Zhao Weijian was about to take out champagne to celebrate, but you came with a condition? !

If ordinary people say I have a condition.

Not to mention Hu Qingfu, even Zhao Weijian can not even listen to the other party's conditions, just make a decision: I agree to your conditions!

In Bianhai City, they do have this strength.

But the man in front of him was no ordinary person.

What's more, the bank interest rate given by Zhao Weijian is 7%, and the condition given by the four major banks is 9%!

Zhang Chen put forward a condition at this time, stating that this condition is equivalent to 2% interest rate in his mind!

2% in one year, 10% in five years!

10% of 20,000 is 2,000 yuan!

This is not a small amount!

The condition that can be worth this extra code will definitely not be a simple condition!

So Hu Qingfu and Zhao Weijian looked at each other and swallowed nervously.

Although the two did not speak, the tacit understanding of cooperation for many years has allowed them to develop a communication method that can communicate only by looking at their eyes.

Zhao Weijian: Mr. Shi, the other party has to put forward conditions, you have to bear it, life and death are at stake here!

Hu Qingfu: I also want to resist, but who knows what conditions the other party will ask? I will try my best!

After the two looked at each other, not only did they lose confidence, but they felt even less confident.

"Excuse me, Mr. Zhang, your condition is..."

Zhao Jianwei asked this sentence with a slight trembling.

"It's very simple, I want to buy the land in Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area!"

Zhang Chen said.

"What? Buy Wanshan Bianhai Scenic Area?"

Hearing this sentence, Hu Qingfu and Zhao Weijian were stunned.

I thought that Zhang Chen wanted the lions to open their mouths to win a prime location, or that what he wanted would require the government's capital support policy.

It is understandable that businessmen seek profit.

Who knew that Zhang Chen actually asked for a scenic spot that had been abandoned for many years?

Originally, Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area was a symbolic tourist attraction of Bianhai City.

Not only mountains, seas, islands, but also lakes and streams, it is indeed a scenic resort.

However, people's awareness of environmental protection was not strong before, and the managers of the scenic spots did not manage the scenic spots well.

After more than ten years, the beaches and forests have piled up garbage, and the branches of the trees are covered with plastic bags.

Later, a wildfire burned more than half of the mountains.

The whole mountain was dark and bare.

In addition, there is a chemical factory in the upper reaches of the river, which discharges sewage into the river every day.

Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area has become synonymous with bald mountains and smelly water.

Later, several large investors came to visit on the spot and wanted to re-build it as a tourist attraction, but they all shook their heads and left after the inspection.

First, garbage cleaning is a heavy work that requires a lot of manpower and time.

Second, to develop the scenic spot, it is necessary to relocate the chemical factory and a fishing village by the sea as a whole, which is another huge expense.

In the end, there are not many lots that can be used to build hotels or residential areas. Even if you buy them, it is impossible to build hotels and villas in pieces.

On the whole, let alone making money, it is impossible to lose less.

Recently, Bianhai City has been developing and expanding inland to the west, focusing on the economic development zone.

So gradually, Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area has become an abandoned garbage dump.

Now, the mention of Hu Qingfu in Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area gives me a headache.

Not to mention selling this land, even if it is free, no one wants it now.

As a result, Zhang Chen actually said that he wanted to buy this land?

Can't hear it wrong!

"You mean... you want to buy Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area? And you are willing to deposit a 20,000 yuan fixed deposit with our Bianhai Bank at an interest rate of 7%?"

Zhao Weijian was so surprised that his eyes were as big as copper bells, and his chin couldn't close.

"'re not kidding us, just kidding us!"

As soon as Zhao Weijian said these words, Hu Qingfu gave him a stern look.

Now there is a popular stalk of short videos on the Internet. The interviewer asks the interviewee, our company does not have overtime pay for overtime, can you accept it?

The interviewer said: I don't need a salary for work!

Interviewer: Really? You are not kidding!

Interviewer: You were the one joking first...

This is so choking!

Hu Qingfu thought it was very interesting when he watched it at the time, but now when he thinks about it, his back gets chills...

What he is most afraid of now is that Zhang Chen suddenly said, "You were the one who made the joke first!"

That would be cool! *

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