City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 160 The Leisure Life of Four Little Birds (Subscription)\r

Zhang Chen was lying on a bench on the beach, wearing sunglasses, sunbathing.

Next to him, Xiao Hei was applying sunscreen to Zhang Chen with a blushing face.

Mantou sat obediently beside Zhang Chen, looking at his handsome profile like a nympho.

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng are heartless, running, splashing and jumping happily on the beach.

Zhang Li sat obediently under the shade of a tree.

Once Zhang Chen has any needs, she will satisfy them as soon as possible.

"Ah, what a beautiful day!

Zhang Chen looked at the blue sky and felt the gentle sea breeze.

There are also a few big beauties waiting around, which is indescribably comfortable.

The Emperor Island where he is now is the island closest to the high seas in the Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area.

It is also the largest island among the hundreds of islands.

Like an emperor, he looked westward at a group of subjects who were crawling under their feet.

The west side of the island will be developed into Bikini Beach, and half of the area will be opened for tourists to use for sightseeing and accommodation.

The remaining area will be developed into Zhang Chen's private estate.

The current part of the private estate is only partially completed.

There is a temporary seaside wooden house for people to live in.

Every time Zhang Chen came over, the construction workers on the island would rest.

So now on the whole island, only Zhang Chen and a few well-behaved and lovely maids are around him.

"Oh, didn't the master promise to let us play for a day, why are you still relying on the master!

In the distance, Xiaomeng saw Xiaohei and Mantou greasy and crooked around Zhang Chen with a look of jealousy.

He didn't care that he was having a good time playing here, so he pouted and ran over angrily.

"You are so cunning. You know that Xiaobai and I are playful, so you want to secretly occupy the master while we are playing in the water! Humph!"5

Xiaomeng crossed her waist and pouted her face, very cute.

Xiaobai's heart is relatively large, and he didn't notice these details.

Picking up shells on the beach.

She picked up a shell the size of her palm and shouted in surprise:

"Look, what did I find?""!


Xiaomeng was called by Xiaobai, and her attention was instantly attracted.

He hurriedly ran over with bare feet and trotted all the way, and asked:

"What is this, why is it so big?

"Where did you get it? I want one too!"

Zhang Chen smiled and shook his head, what a child!

But also, these girls are children.


Moreover, they have been trained in the same training institutions as concentration camps since they were children, and have never had the opportunity to contact the outside world.

Although Sakura Bamboo Country is an island country, these children have never seen the sea since they can remember.

These days are their first intimate contact with the sea.

"Go, you guys also go to the beach to play for a while, I'll take a nap by myself!"

Zhang Chen said to Mantou with a smile.

"Okay, Master, if you have anything, you must call me!

Mantou took off his coat.

After revealing the swimsuit inside, he also quickly ran to the beach, shouting as he ran:

"Wait for me, I want to see the big shell too, take me one!

Zhang Chen squinted at a few girls in the distance...hiss...

When other girls run on the beach, they are so girly and cheerful...

Why does the style of the steamed bun change when it runs?

The waves were choppy, one wave after another rhythmically hitting the beach.

It's really no wind and no waves!

"Okay, Xiao Hei, you have already applied the sunscreen on my body three or four times!"

"Go, go and play for a while! 39

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

He knew that Xiao Hei belonged to the kind that was full of inner drama.

Although she is not as outgoing as Xiaomeng, she always speaks with practical actions.

Xiao Hei blushed even more when Zhang Chen poked at the center.

She was wearing a swimsuit and could see that her neck was red.

"Well! Then I've gone too, Master!"

Xiao Hei stood up and walked a few steps, and looked back at Zhang Chen reluctantly.

She turned around and sniffed the scent on her hands.

Mmm! It has the taste of the master!

very nice!

Zhang Chen felt the gently blowing sea breeze, as well as the warm sunshine, and gradually fell asleep when he heard the silver bell-like laughter coming from his ears.

I don't know how long it took.

When he woke up, it was on the big bed in the cabin.

The sun has set in the west.

The golden radiance spilled over the sand and the calm sea.

Dyed everything around it golden.

Zhang Chen raised his right hand, and suddenly found that a smaller body was curled up in the arms of his right hand.

It's Xiaomeng.

She was sleeping sweetly and soundly.

Probably tired after playing all day.

Next to Xiaomeng lies Xiaobai.

The long legs crossed Xiaomeng and pressed directly on his own legs.

On the left is Xiao Hei and Mantou.

Xiao Hei's sleeping position was also very good, and he fell asleep with Zhang Chen in his arms.

Mantou's sleeping position was a little bold, lying in a large font, half of his body was still beside the bed.

The whole person almost fell off the edge of the bed.

Seeing Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile.

The sea breeze at dusk was a little cool.

Several people were also covered with a thin layer of silk quilt.

Afraid of disturbing the four little guys, Zhang Chen carefully sat up and walked down.

As soon as I walked to the door of the wooden house, I smelled a burst of fragrance.

"`||Master, are you awake?

Zhang Li looked at Zhang Chen with starry eyes.

No way, who made this master so handsome.

Not only does he have staggering financial resources, but he also has a handsome and handsome face.

And now I'm only wearing swimming trunks.

The muscles with clear water chestnuts all over the body are unobstructed at a glance, which makes any woman will be moved by it.

"Well, didn't you take a break in the afternoon, you've been busy?"

Zhang Chen asked slightly surprised.

He saw that there was a glass of coconut water on the table, and the ice cubes in (Qian Zhao's) had not melted.

It is impossible for Zhang Li to know when Zhang Chen will wake up.

So the coconut water and ice cubes in the cup are constantly changing.

Whenever the ice melts by more than 50%, or the open coconut is exposed to the air for more than 1 hour, it will be thrown away and remade.

Only in this way can Zhang Chen drink the freshest and refreshing coconut water whenever he wakes up.

Similarly, the charcoal for the barbecue fire outside has also been changed many times.

Keep the heat just right at all times, so you can barbecue at any time.

"I'm used to it, and these four little girls are exhausted. Someone has to serve you!"

"The hotel staff are so careless, I don't trust them to come!

Zhang Li said with a smile.

She was wearing an exotic costume with a small flower on her head.

The whole person is a little more charming and sexy.

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