City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 165 Unequal Terms (Subscription)\r

Zhang Chen was in a good mood, and under Hu Qingfu's guidance, he threw another shot.

Not long after fishing, another fish was hooked.

Huang Wenbin is not in the mood to fish anymore, he spends most of the time watching the fish float in a daze.

Either he was laughing painfully beside Zhang Chen.

Don't know what to do next.

Another good time passed.

Zhang Chen has caught four or five fish, and a large grouper that is half a meter long.

Simply a great harvest!

Hu Qingfu felt that Zhang Chen was in a good mood now, and it was an opportunity, and hurriedly said:

"Mr. Zhang, I also know that your layout and vision are relatively high and lofty. 55

"There are also many issues to consider when investing..."

"We are really determined to develop this science and technology industrial park, you can see what the conditions are, you can mention it!

"Huang Shi is also a little anxious, but he will never dare to be disrespectful to you! 35

Huang Wenbin nodded his head like a chicken eating rice, and agreed:

"Yes, yes, yes! I really don't mean to be disrespectful at all... It's just that I sometimes have a bad brain..."

"I hope Mr. Zhang will take more care of me and take me with you. After all, I'm just taking up the post and I don't have much experience..."

Zhang Chen saw that Huang Wenbin was putting his words on it, so he didn't want to embarrass others too much.

After all, he is also the mayor of a city, so he has to save some face, right?

So he nodded and said:

"Okay, if you want me to invest in a technology industrial park, you can, but I have a condition!"

Huang Wenbin's eyes lit up when he heard what Zhang Chen said, and hurriedly said:

"You mention it, you mention it, we all depend on you!

Zhang Chen said slowly:

"Technology industry investment is a project with a long payback period, and the initial investment is huge!"

"Even so, there is no guarantee that the research results will be achieved, and the risk is very high! 39

Huang Wenbin originally wanted to add: Once the breakthrough results are researched, the profits will definitely be super impressive.

How many companies in the world have gained a monopoly position by relying on a technological breakthrough in a certain area, and thus entered the world's top 500!

But his mouth moved, but he didn't dare to say it after all.

With the last lesson, he learned a lot.


Zhang Chen continued: "I can buy a piece of land, and I can also invest in an industrial park, but I demand that the companies here are exempt from tax for the next 20 years!

“And all projects that come in must be screened and approved by my tech company!

Huang Wenbin sweated when he heard Zhang Chen's conditions.

It's understandable that all settled projects need to be approved by Zhang Chen.

After all, it is someone else's investment, it is impossible to let all kinds of projects go into it.

But tax free for the next 20 years... this...

It is very common for a truly developed technology company to generate hundreds of dollars in taxes a year, or thousands of dollars.

Moreover, there are countless projects that may be hatched in the science and technology industrial park, and the value generated is difficult to estimate.

Tax-free for 20 years, what a reduction in fiscal revenue!

He looked at Hu Qingfu as if asking for help.

I saw the latter nodded slightly.

Still Hu Qingfu sees it clearly.

With Zhang Chen's financial resources, if he wants to vigorously support technology companies, he can do it at any time.

Now the key to establishing a science and technology industrial park is not the R&D team, but a strong and stable capital flow.

To put it bluntly, leaving Zhang Chen, the science and technology industrial park is an idea.

And Zhang Chen left Huang Wenbin, he can still do whatever he wants without delay.

Without Zhang Chen's support, the technology industrial park would not be able to get up, let alone any taxation.

So it's not so much a negotiation as it's a plea.

"Ok, deal!"

Huang Wenbin gritted his teeth and agreed.

Zhang Chen smiled knowingly.

In fact, he doesn't care about the little tax that he pays in a year.

Perhaps for Huang Wenbin and Bianhai City, this is a very considerable income.

But for me, this money is nothing more than a few days of sun on the beach can earn income.

He wanted to give Huang Wenbin a memory.

I know that I can no longer play with my own mind and cleverness!

Otherwise the cost will be severe.

This matter was done, and Huang Wenbin relaxed a lot.

One after another, fish started to take the bait.

But I don't know how, Hu Qingfu didn't catch a single fish.

Taking the time to go to the toilet, Huang Wenbin asked Hu Qingfu:

"Old leader, why are you acting out of order today!

"I remember when you were able to get the top ten players in the National Fishing Contest!"

"It's so strange that I didn't catch a single fish today! 35

Hu Qingfu laughed:

"Who said I didn't catch a fish?

"If it weren't for me, we would both have to go home empty-handed today!"


Huang Wenbin was stunned for a moment, and then instantly understood.

Damn it, it is indeed an old river and lake!

Hu Qingfu is not fishing at all, he is playing with Zhang Chen.

Trying to make Zhang Chen happy!

Only by coaxing Zhang Chen into happiness, will the science and technology industrial park come to an end.

If it weren't for Hu Qingfu's hand, I'm afraid this project would have gone bankrupt now!

`|Old leader, Gao, you are really brilliant!"

"I'm still inexperienced, I'm willing to give up!"

Huang Wenbin hurriedly followed suit and took a few shots in the back.

"Okay, stop flattering, the key is Mr. Zhang taking care of the overall situation!"

"If he didn't really want to contribute to the technological construction of the empire!"

"If it were just a swinger who knew nothing but extravagance!

"Don't say it's fishing, even if the two of us kowtow here, we won't be able to get a penny!"

Hu Qingfu said sternly.


Huang Wenbin nodded.

He heard only one meaning from Hu Qingfu's Central China.

That is, in front of Zhang Chen, Hu Qingfu didn't dare to ask for big things, and he didn't even dare to accept flattery.

Hu Qingfu has to go and flatter Zhang Chen!

So this person is a truly terrifying existence.

If I make the same mistakes as before, I am afraid that Hu Qingfu (Qian Qian Zhao) will not be able to protect himself.

What is companionship like companion tiger?

This is called accompany the king, such as accompany the tiger!

Huang Wenbin felt Alexander for the first time.

The two returned to the deck.

I was seeing Liang Lu reporting to Zhang Chen in a low voice.

The two did not dare to disturb, and could only pretend to look at the sea view beside them.

After a while, Liang Lu left, and they returned to Zhang Chen's side.

"I have to meet the distinguished guests brought by the Governor! 35

Zhang Chen stood up, just walked a few steps, suddenly turned around and said:

"By the way, Brother Hu, this time you can put bait on your hook! 99

"Ah good..."

When Hu Qingfu heard this, his expression froze.

Nothing can escape Zhang Chen's eyes...

Fortunately, I have been trying to please him, and the starting point is good...


Hu Qingfu and Huang Wenbin looked at each other and shuddered.

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