City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 21 Girlfriends 210 (For flowers, evaluation, urging more~!)

In fact, Zhang Chen's words mean literally, not irony at all.

He is a lonely man, and it really doesn't cost much to eat alone.

But the three are different, and girls, always like to spend money on useless things.

In high school, Lin Miaomiao and her parents took great care of themselves.

Just after the meal, Zhang Chen can also take Lin Miaomiao to go shopping and do some shopping!

In return for Lin Miaomiao, he also strives to spend 1 yuan to open the points system!

Zhang Chen just spent 200 yuan to buy Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area.

It's a pity that real estate transactions are considered asset purchases in the system, not consumption, so there are still no points.

In the same way, buying a car or buying a house is definitely not a consumption.

In order to spend 1 yuan and open the point system, Zhang Chen was really heartbroken.

If it weren't for the fear of Lin Miaomiao's misunderstanding, Zhang Chen really wanted her to bring all the girls in the class to spend together.

Thirty minutes later...

While drinking milk tea, Lin Miaomiao looked at the direction of the entrance of the mall with anticipation.

Li Ru, her classmate, sat across from her impatiently and kept looking at the time.

"Really, how long has it been, why hasn't it arrived yet? I said, why does your senior have no sense of time at all?"

"Date with a girl so late? Don't you know how to love Xiangxiyu? If this is my boyfriend, I will definitely kick him!"

Lin Miaomiao smiled, reached out and grabbed Li Ru's arm and said softly:

"Probably the senior lives far away, and it's my fault. I just sent him my location without asking him where it is convenient! Anyway, we've been waiting for so long, so don't be afraid to wait a little longer!"

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was still trying to excuse Zhang Chen, Li Ru said in a sour tone:

"Hey, is it your senior or your boyfriend that I came to see with you? Why are you talking to him like this? Is it okay to be late?"

When Lin Miaomiao heard the word "boyfriend", she immediately lowered her head in shame and said in a hurry:

"Oh, what are you talking about, I'm just my senior, not a boyfriend. When you see senior, don't talk nonsense! It's not good for people to misunderstand me!"

Lin Miaomiao is a talented girl and a beautiful woman, but because of her strict family education, she has never had a boyfriend since she was a child.

And Li Ru, who is about the same age as her, is not as good as her in appearance, talent, knowledge and family background.

But the boyfriends around me kept on changing, and seven or eight people changed in four years of college.

Now fishing for a rich second generation.

Li Ru herself knew that she was not as good as Lin Miaomiao.

Moreover, as long as the boys around him see her and Lin Miaomiao appearing at the same time, they will definitely not be able to help secretly inquire about Lin Miaomiao's affairs.

No way, Lin Miaomiao is too beautiful.

Although she is not as hot and sexy as Yang Mi'er.

But she has a feminine beauty unique to oriental women, which is unforgettable.

Out of jealousy, but also out of fear that Lin Miaomiao robbed her boyfriend.

Li Ru has been secretly making rumors behind her back, saying that there is something wrong with Lin Miaomiao's orientation.

In addition, during college, Lin Miaomiao did keep a distance from many suitors, and she had never dated a single boyfriend.

This made many people think that what Li Ru said was true.

Slowly, fewer people pursued Lin Miaomiao.

Now Lin Miaomiao shows a good impression of Zhang Chen, which makes Li Ru very uncomfortable.

Once Lin Miaomiao is really with Zhang Chen, wouldn't the lies he made up before be self-defeating?

In case the second generation of the rich who is fishing now finds out, shouldn't he turn around and chase Lin Miaomiao?

By then, I'm afraid I'll have nothing to do with myself.

So Li Ru secretly decided to give Zhang Chen an order of Ma Wei, let him retreat despite difficulties, and dare not accept Lin Miaomiao's favor.

She had a good plan in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be Lin Miaomiao's good best friend.

Li Ru lightly bumped Lin Miaomiao's shoulder with her shoulder and said with a smile:

"I know, I know, there are so many men chasing us Miaomiao. From here, we have to queue all the way to the train station. How can I take advantage of this guy who loves to be late and has no sense of responsibility?"

"After this ordeal comes, look at how I corrupted him a big meal and taught him a lesson!"

Lin Miaomiao frowned and said:

"Senior Zhang Chen is an orphan. It's not easy to work hard in Bianhai City. We'll just have something to eat in a while! It's mainly just to meet and catch up!"

"You must not open your mouth to scare people, it will be bad!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Ru said on the surface: "Okay, I understand! I'll listen to you!"

But he had already made plans in his heart. *

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