City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 226 What God-Level Negotiation Strategy Is This? (Subscription)\r

If Lilia heard Zhang Chen's thoughts, she would definitely drop her jaw.

Maybe I immediately resigned with Buster and turned to Zhang Chen's arms.

This is too embarrassing, isn't it, a few rich people can barely match Zhang Chen's one-year income?

This is too scary!

Even the powerful Penguin Group of the Chinese Empire, the Big Mac with a market value of more than 5 million, only has a profit of only 70,000 yuan a year.

The annual profit of Ali Group is only 110,000 yuan.

They are a younger brother in front of Zhang Chen.

Moreover, this small profit still needs to be distributed with various interest groups.

It can be seen how precious cash flow is for companies.

"Of course, we have also calculated the return on investment, and we have classified the companies with good assets and investment potential in Savoie!

"Then it is divided according to your investment preferences of Mr. Buster and Mr. Zhang!

"Here is a breakdown of the electronic list, you can take a look!

"According to our estimates, through our operations in the later stage, the market value of these companies can be doubled within a few months!"

"At that time, you can choose to become a hero of Savoy, get a noble title, and enjoy the privileges and land that only the supreme nobles can have in Savoy!"

"You can also choose to sell the business in your hand and make a big profit!"

As Lilia spoke, she sent a densely-packed list of detailed information such as company names, business projects, investment estimates, profit models, and so on.

Zhang Chen glanced at it, put it away, and asked with a smile:

"You trust me so easily? Send me the information so easily?

"Aren't you afraid that I will bypass you to do these things yourself?"

Lilia smiled confidently and said:

"This matter can only be operated by both of us together, and it can't be operated without either one!"

"Because Savoy has run out of money, if there is no strong support from the outside world, bankruptcy will be a matter of this month or so!

"We have done more than a year of research and preparations before, including the establishment and the new appointment of the Savoyard royal family, obtaining the exclusive acquisition business permit and so on!

"It's impossible for anyone but us to do more than a year of our work in just one month!"

“I am still very confident in the efficiency of our Baster Investment Group! 99

She took a sip of coffee and continued:

"Similarly, because of the tight schedule, we simply can't convince those stingy financial groups and rich people to come up with a large amount of cash flow to do this in a short period of time!"

"So I have to come to you desperately, Mr. Zhang!"

“As I said, both of us are inseparable, and after a month, this investment opportunity is fleeting!35

"We look forward to your cooperation reply!

Zhang Chen tapped lightly on the table with his fingers a few times, looking at the scenery outside the window without speaking.

After a while, he suddenly asked:

"Lilia, have you been to the Huaxia Empire before?"


Lilia thought everything was a sure bet.

Zhang Chen has been successfully persuaded by himself.

After all, the aristocratic status specially approved by the royal family is a huge temptation to double the investment in one year.

No one can refuse.

And Zhang Chen just asked a lot of detailed questions, indicating that he is really interested.

But why suddenly ask such a strange question?

"My grandmother was from the Huaxia Empire, but she was married to the West when she was young!

"This is the first time I have come to the Huaxia Empire. It's very beautiful and I'm surprised!"

"I used to think that the streets of the West were the most modern, but now I come to Huaxia and find that this place seems a little better! 99

Lilia answered cautiously.

Originally, Lilia took the initiative in the conversation, and Zhang Chen's ideas were almost completely carried out in the way she envisioned.

The idea of ​​this conversation had been rehearsed with Buster many times before she came.

Make sure nothing (ajci) is lost before it starts.

It can be said that Lilia's conversation with Zhang Chen is equivalent to Buster's conversation with Zhang Chen.

It's just that Lilia is young, beautiful, and more friendly.

Communication with young men like Zhang Chen will give her an advantage over Buster's personal communication.

But now she couldn't understand why Zhang Chen suddenly changed the subject.

I don't know what Zhang Chen's questions have to do with this cooperation?

This wiped out the negotiating confidence Lilia had just built.

"As a citizen of the Chinese Empire, I only have a question about the way of thinking of Westerners!"

Zhang Chen squinted his eyes and said while looking at the scenery outside the window.

"You...please say it!""

Lilia felt that Zhang Chen was going to talk about the main point.

This question is likely to be the key to whether this cooperation can be facilitated.

She immediately became tense, and every nerve and every cell in her body was mobilized to the best state.

I want to find a clue from Zhang Chen's tone, expression and even micro movements, to peep at his true thoughts.

"Be it a citizen of our Huaxia Empire or a businessman, it's more about feelings!"

"Although we are talking about business, the bond of emotion cannot be completely separated after all!

"For example, if we are good friends, then even if the temptation of this investment is not so impressive, I may invest in the perspective of helping friends!

"The same thing, if we were enemies, or to put it another way, let's say you did something to hurt my table and my friends!"

"Then you have become my opposite and become my enemy. Generally, in this case, even if the temptation is great, I will consider whether to invest or not!"

"After all, helping you is equivalent to offending my friend!

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Lilia nodded, but quickly shook her head again with a confused look on her face.

To say the literal meaning of what Zhang Chen just said, she really understood.

But what does this have to do with this investment cooperation?

She didn't understand the deep meaning of it, so she shook her head again.

A big guy who can spend hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands casually will never speak as simply as it literally means.

Negotiating skills are unfathomable.

But Lilia has gone through so many international negotiations, and she has no clue about Zhang Chen's negotiation strategy.

This made her feel a little guilty.

"Actually, let me put it simply. According to your Western culture, do you feel that as long as there is interest, whether it is an enemy or a friend, you can work together?"

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked straight at Lilia.

"This... I still don't quite understand what you mean... Of course we are friends!"

"On behalf of Mr. Buster, I express my sincerity to you and propose a win-win cooperation, of course, because we treat you as a friend!"

Lilia tried to understand Zhang Chen's words and said slowly.

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