City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 228: The Lesser of Two Evils (Subscribe)\r

"That thing... which one?"

Lilia asked in surprise.

She had never seen Mr. Buster so terrified!

In her impression, Buster is a mature, stable and wise man.

No matter what, it is in his calculations.

In order to do a good job in an investment, he can make an exhaustive plan in advance, predicting all possible outcomes.

And be prepared in advance.

Therefore, any unexpected investment project, in Bast's view, is expected.

However, such a calm and steady Mr. Buster would exclaim?!

It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.

"Oh, it's nothing... You've done a good job of this, you go out first!"

"I suddenly remembered that there is an important "September 17" matter to deal with!95

Bast realized that he had just lost his temper, and hurriedly restrained his frightened expression.

Give Lilia an encouraging look, and then watch her leave the office.

With the office door just closed.

The smile on Bast's face disappeared instantly, and his brows were twisted into knots.

With his hands behind his back, he paced back and forth in the office anxiously.

What to say enemy, what friend.

Buster didn't really understand it at first.

But suddenly he understood what Zhang Chen meant.

A while ago, in order to keep the share price of Xiyang Apocalypse Technology, he suppressed Xia Yu Technology, the most powerful competitor of the Huaxia Empire.

Specially lobbied chip manufacturers to reduce their supply of chips to Xiayu Technology.

Chip manufacturers are equivalent to an oligopoly, and there are only a few companies in the world that can produce.

For them, the most important thing is to be able to do business.

Because the global demand for mobile phones is fixed, as long as someone produces mobile phones, his chips will be continuously supplied.

Restricting the export and product upgrading of Xiayu Technology has no loss at all for these oligopolistic enterprises.

Xia Yu Technology sells less here, and other companies make up for it if they sell more.

And of course Buster has provided a lot of convenience and help to these oligarchic companies.

Just such a small action.

Xiayu Technology's mobile phone sales plummeted, and new products could not be released.

Apocalypse Technology grabbed a lot of market share all of a sudden.

The shares of Apocalypse Technology held by Bast are naturally rising all the way.

Just waiting for the third quarter financial report to come out, which is equivalent to giving the market a shot in the arm!

The stock price will skyrocket again.

Then he will be able to withdraw and make a fortune.

"Xiayu Technology is a star enterprise of the Huaxia Empire. It must be said that a big guy like Zhang Chen can get to know the person in charge of Xiayu Technology, and even become friends...

"This is absolutely normal. Could it be that Zhang Chen's friend's friend is referring to Xia Yu Technology?"

Bast analyzed to himself.

After a while, he shook his head again, and quickly denied his own idea:

Several major oligarchs have issued statements to increase the offer of Xiayu Technology's chips and temporarily suspend the provision of upgrade services.

This matter has already been on the news, and everyone knows that all the media are pointing at these major monopoly companies!

However, no matter how powerful the media clamor, it is useless for oligopoly enterprises, no matter how much you scold them, they must use my products in the end!

There's no way to get hold of them at all.

He hid himself so well and deeply, how did Zhang Chen find out that he was behind this incident!?

This is simply incredible!

Buster walked back and forth quickly, and then sat back to his office.

Forget it, it doesn't matter how Zhang Chen figured out his details.

A big guy who can throw out hundreds of thousands of people at will, can he be an ordinary person?

There is no way to control such a huge wealth?!

Zhang Chen has already put forward the terms of cooperation for himself.

Only by becoming friends can the cooperation continue.

The so-called becoming friends naturally means lifting the ban on Xia Yu Technology!

Now there are only two paths in front of Bast.

Either stick to Apocalypse Technology and continue to suppress Xia Yu Technology.

Either lift the ban immediately and shake hands with Zhang Chen to make peace.

It is said that there are two roads, but in fact there is only one way to go.

That's the second way 0..

After all, he has been planning to buy out the lifeline enterprise of Sava for five years.

Moreover, there are politicians and financial groups involved, and they have not allowed themselves to give up halfway.

Once the investment fails, this consequence is definitely not something that Bast can bear personally.

"Hs... ugh!"

"Okay... Zhang Chen, you won!"

Buster sighed sullenly, and then quickly dialed a series of numbers.

"Hey, boss!"

A man's voice came.

"Apocalypse Technology, all stocks, sold at any cost! 95

"It must be emptied before the market closes tomorrow at the latest!

Buster said very quickly.

"What? Clear all Apocalypse shares?

"No, boss, now Apocalypse Technology is popular, and there are a lot of buying orders every day! 35

"Today we made 100 yuan. If we persist until the third quarter report is published, we can make thousands of yuan less!"

The person on the other end of the phone said in surprise.

In his opinion, Buster must be crazy.

Not even a few thousand dollars?!

"Stop talking nonsense, do as I say, in short, before the market closes tomorrow, I don't want to see a stock of Apocalypse Technology!

"Otherwise, go home and feed the baby!"

Buster hung up the phone angrily.

The sell-off will start at 2.8 tomorrow, and there will definitely be some stocks that are flat with the buying price, or even sold below the buying price.

After tossing for a long time, the Apocalypse Technology is equivalent to playing for nothing.

Buster didn't dare to stop, and immediately made another round of golf to the presidents of the oligarchs.

His ability to lobby again successfully persuaded them to restore the ban on Xia Yu Technology.

The news broke the day after Buster's Apocalypse Technology stock just sold off.

"Xiayu Technology has completed the industrial upgrade, won the new position of the chip manufacturer, and the supply of new chips will resume immediately!"

"Xiayu Technology will hold a new product launch conference at the end of this month, and is expected to become the global mobile phone industry sales champion in the third quarter!

"Tianqi Technology's stock price fell 35%, and investors suffered heavy losses..."

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