City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 250 The rarest gem mine in the world (for subscription)\r

Zhang Chen had indeed heard that the class hierarchy in Savoyard was very distinct.

The status of the royal family is the highest, even if they are down, they can eat and drink for free, and they are respected wherever they go.

Nobles are second only to the royal family, owning their own land, manor, servants, and exclusive taxation of the territory.

In their own territory, nobles are like emperors, and they can even revise or even formulate new laws on the basis of the basic laws of Savoy.

Except for the royal family and nobles, the rest are commoners.

If the commoners offend the nobles or the royal family, of course the fate is conceivable.

Not even the laws of Savoyard can protect them.

After all, Zhang Chen is also about to be named a noble.

And Mana's home happened to be within Zhang Chen's fief.

That's why Mana was so nervous about Zhang Chen.

Seeing that Zhang Chen was a little impatient, Mana didn't dare to speak any more, so she could only tremble back to the reclining chair next to her.

Say sleep.

But she was terrified, how could she fall asleep?

He could only pretend to sleep with his eyes closed, but his ears were listening carefully to Zhang Chen's every move.

Once there is any trouble here, she will be the first to serve.

Zhang Chen opened up Mana, and only then did he have time to check the mineral distribution of Savoy.

He clicked on the resource transfer ability.

Immediately, the entire Sava map appeared in front of Zhang Chen.

Of course, only Zhang Chen can see the system.

The area of ​​the entire Savoy is almost as large as the area of ​​Gyeonggi-ju!?

This made Zhang Chen slightly surprised.

It is no wonder that the Huaxia Empire spanned the entire East and West continents and was vast.

Therefore, the area of ​​each week is naturally a little larger.

If it weren't for the fact that Savoie was a small country, then hundreds of thousands of funds might not have been able to acquire the entire lifeline enterprise of Savoyard.

Soon, a long list of numbers appeared on the map!

Discovered resources: gold veins, grade: medium;

Found resource: iron ore vein, grade: small amount;

Found resource: Coal, Grade: Tiny;

Found Resources: Rare Earth Resources, Grade: Abundant;

Discovered resources: Beryllium magnesia ore, grade: very rich;

The reserves of other resources are very small and can be ignored.

In the column of other resources, I wrote diamond veins, copper mines, natural gas veins, uranium mines, other rare metal veins...

Zhang Chen doesn't know much about other things, but he is very aware of the value of this gold and rare earth.

Needless to say, gold, at a price of 400 milligrams per gram, is the hard currency in the world.

Long-lasting, even in the face of inflation, holding gold is a very safe safe-haven investment.

Next is rare earths!

A large number of rare metals contained in rare earths are indispensable materials in electronic products, which are called industrial vitamins.

If nothing else, just relying on these two ore veins, you can easily earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a year!

Buster himself joined a group of bigwigs to invest 250,000.

Even if he accounted for 50% of it, it would only be 125,000.

With such a little investment, in exchange for two ore veins that keep making money?

5 years to return to the capital, the rest of the time to make a steady profit or not lose?!

Where in the world is there anything more profitable than mining?

Not to mention the gold mines and rare earth mines that are in short supply?!

What's more, the companies that Bast invests in bring him profits every year.

This guy is really good to the core.

It can be attacked and defended.

Even if you need to cash out one day in the future, package these useless businesses and resell them.

Or directly operate the listing, and make a lot of money!

Zhang Chen snorted softly.

It seems that Wei Yuanzheng's prediction is very prepared!

This Buster investment is just a by-product, the real target is these mineral resources!


Zhang Chen was curious when he looked at the beryllium-magnesium spar mine marked in red on the map, which showed a very rich reserve.

What the heck is this?

The reserves are actually very rich.

Is it also marked by the system in red font?

He simply searched the Internet.

Beryllium magnesia spar, also called taffeta, is one of the rarest gems in the world.

According to different quality and purity, the price of one carat taffyite can reach up to 2.4 cents!

Destroy all other gems.

It is not the same as a diamond.

Diamonds are a hype, and there are countless diamond mines around the world.

Once all of them are mined, diamonds will drop below the price of cabbage in an instant.

Even now, diamonds are gradually falling out of favor.

Prices have been falling again and again.

But taffy stone is different, the veins of taffy stone that exist in the world are very rare.

And not all beryllium magnesia can be called gems.

Its brightness, color, etc., must meet certain standards.

Originally, the reserves of taffy were good, and the standards for becoming a gemstone were still strict.

This led to the status of Taffy Stone Zhuoran.

At present, the world's largest taffy stone is only 5.86 carats.

Even the Zeeland Museum, which claims to be in the world's collections, only collects a 2.86-carat taffy stone.

This is compared with diamonds of dozens of carats, hundreds of carats.

Taffy is significantly more precious.

And its preciousness comes from rarity, and it is a real collector and representative of luxury brands.

Zhang Chen clicked on the beryllium magnesia spar mine on the map.

A detailed description appeared immediately above, and it was clearly stated that it was gem-level!

A very rich gem-quality ore vein?

Oh my God!

Zhang Chen took a deep breath.

It looks like I made a mistake!

Buster is not targeting gold mines (Nolly's) and rare earth mines.

Whether he knew about the existence of these two veins was a question.

Because they are hidden deep in the mountains on the border of Savoy.

But the taffy lode is very close to the mine of the mining company that Bast acquired, only a few dozen kilometers away.

This guy came for the taffy stone vein from the beginning.

This thing is made into jewelry, whether it is sold as a luxury item or sold at auction as a treasure.

It's all a fortune!

And with such rare jewelry, it is easy to gain the favor of rich ladies in the rich circle.

Improve the quality of people!

tut tut!

What a pity, I took these things!

Zhang Chen selected gold mines, rare earth mines and taffy mines, three resources.

Then swipe into your territory and you're done!

Just waiting for Chunan Mining to come and mine!

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