City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 253 Welcome to the Gold Master Dad (Subscription)\r

Some people even put Zhang Chen in the photo when they took a selfie.

It seems that being able to eat with such a god is even more proud than eating with the royal family of Savoy.

The two sides ate fruit for a while in their seats and took a rest.

Soon the king of Savoy, accompanied by the queen and three daughters, came out.

As expected of a king.

Although the country of Savoie is small, the king has a lot of style.

A colorful crown set with diamonds and gems, a velvet cape, and a scepter of solid gold.

In the future, she and her three daughters also wore jewels.

The diamonds on the body reflect a sparkling light under the light.

Just one word: Expensive!

Everything is expensive.

Crowns and scepters, in particular, have been around for thousands of years.

It is not only a symbol of power, but also a very precious antique.

"Thank you all for visiting!""

The king of Savoy said in Savoy.

The translators beside Bast and Zhang Chen immediately started simultaneous interpretation.

Lying in the ears of the two, he whispered the words of the king.

Fortunately, the king was full of words, and there was more than enough time for translation.

"...Hope you all have a wonderful and unforgettable journey in Savoie!

"May our cooperation last for a long time and achieve a win-win situation for all parties. Thank you!"

Wow, there was a warm applause.

After all, they are kings, and in fact they are all those clichés, nothing new.

But for the king of a country, everyone needs to show enough respect.

The two sides signed an agreement and held a ceremony.

Zhang Chen is different from Bast et al.

Others are co-signers.

Zhang Chen signed it independently, and at the same time signed a nobility award confirmation.

That is to say, from now on, Zhang Chen is the 9th noble member of Sava.

Savoyard controls the noble titles very strictly, once the nobles or the descendants of nobles commit major crimes.

Although nobility will not be punished, but they have lost the qualification to pass on.

After waiting for this generation to die, the territory and everything related to it will return to the hands of the king.

It is precisely because of the existence of this system that the country has not been divided because of too many nobles.

In addition, the enfeoffed land is basically relatively barren areas and towns.

In fact, the King of Savoy was also very smart. He distributed nobles to those who were rich or made outstanding contributions to the country.

And then through these people governance fiefs, at the same time to enhance the country's economic strength.

It can be said that not only win people's hearts, but also stimulate the economy.

It's a two-in-one thing.

As for why the King of Sava only gave Zhang Chen the title but not Bast, the reason is unknown.

However, Zhang Chen also secretly speculated.

Since Wei Yuanzheng knew that Bast was a vampire.

The King of Savoie might have heard more or less disturbing rumors.

So if a dangerous person like Bast is made a noble of the country, it will even be passed down from generation to generation.

It's definitely dancing on the tip of a knife.

It's hard to say if Buster will join some people to overthrow the King of Savoy for the sake of money, or the economic market will be turned upside down.

In fact, the King of Savoyard did think so.

In his opinion, Buster is a white-eyed wolf who is never familiar with him.

Cooperating with him can only be counted as getting what they need.

In contrast, Zhang Chen is a gold master father.

From being famous to now, money is being thrown everywhere.

And the whole person is like a mascot, wherever he goes, the economy will take off.

Before the fame in Bianhai City, the economy of Bianhai City skyrocketed.

It is said that the Huaxia Empire has begun to consider calculating the economic indicators of Bianhai City separately, and it is likely to develop into the next municipality directly under the Central Government.

The same is true of Tianyang City.

It used to be a quiet little city.

According to the grapevine, the city almost went bankrupt because it couldn't repay its bank loans.

As a result, Zhang Chen had only been there for a few days, causing the land price in Tianyang City to triple or quadruple.

It even established a university town, which made Tianyang City very profitable.

Such a great god came to Savoy, could the king not make good use of it?

It is because of his status as a king, otherwise he can really kneel and lick Zhang Chen.

As long as you can get money and let the national economy take off, everything is easy to say!

Awarding is a process of 0. . . .

Zhang Chen followed King Sava to a solemn and sacred room.

There were reporters ready on both sides of the door.

All are waiting to witness this historic moment.

"What kind of title do you think the king will award this time? 35

"It's hard to say, it was thirty years ago that the last time a reporter was conferred a nobility!

"Thirty years ago? At that time, it was the Thirty-fifth King Keelung, who created the title of a scientist baron!

"The higher the title, the bigger the fief. Zhang Chen is a member of the Huaxia Holy Empire. Sava has always had a friendly relationship with the Huaxia Holy Empire.

"I heard that this Zhang Chen is very legendary, and he is also a very important figure in the Huaxia Holy Empire! It is said that on the day he came, the Commerce Minister of the Huaxia Holy Empire also personally called the Prime Minister to ask about this! 35

"Hi... If the Huaxia Holy Empire is very fond of people, it is estimated that it should be able to be named an earl!"

"Well, I think it is very likely that it will also be a count. After all, this title is already the highest-level title that Savoie has conferred in the past hundred years!"

"Canonization of the Earl? This is definitely an explosive heavyweight news. Hurry up and start the live broadcast to fully broadcast the canonization ceremony!"

In fact, there is no need for reporters to say that, all the media in the whole Savoie are doing this.

Whether it is a large LED screen in the 2.8 alleys of the street, or the news feed on the mobile phone, or the live broadcast room of the live broadcast platform, and the TV channel.

It's all about playing this historic moment!

The overwhelming news and self-media news bombed the entire Savoy media circle in an instant.

"After thirty years, Savoie welcomes a new noble!"

"A testament to the friendship between Savoy and the Chinese Empire, the first Chinese to become a Savoy upstart! 35

"Experts predict that this canonization will likely appear the highest title of Savoyard in the past 100 years!""

"The King of Savoy made a wise decision, the new nobles may bring about economic recovery in Savoy?!""

"The New Noble Territory confirms that in the Gesangtag area, the local residents rejoice!"

"The property near Ge Sontag may become an upstart international buyer, and the local department is forced to stop the noble land transaction and wait to welcome the new owner!"

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