City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 256 The Principality of Saiyan (For Subscription)\r

Just when the whole country of Savoy is celebrating the birth of new nobles, it will bring new economic growth points to the country and improve people's living standards.

The reporters in the award hall all had serious expressions on their faces.

They were all engrossed in waiting for the last part of the award.

Confirm the title!

The awarding process in the Kingdom of Savoie is very different from that in other countries.

In other countries, titles are first determined and then honored, so there is no suspense at all in the awarding process.

But the Kingdom of Savoie is different, here is the first award.

Then the king took up the velvet cloaks representing different titles and put them on the nobles.

According to the size of the titles, they are King, Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and Baron.

The colors of the corresponding capes are gold, red with gold, blue with red stripes, green, white, and black.

Among them, the king can only be assigned to outstanding members of the royal family, so this title can be ignored.

The remaining titles, theoretically speaking, may be awarded.

But among so many titles, the reporters felt that the most likely title was Earl.

After all, Zhang Chen is Chinese, not a citizen of Savoy.

Count is already the highest title that foreigners can obtain in the history of Savoyard.

Everyone waited with bated breath, waiting for the choice of the King of Savoy.

I saw him walking to the table where he was wearing the award cape, stretched out his hands, picked up 963 and put on a cape.

The cloak should be folded and placed, so from the photographer's point of view, only a little color can be seen.

It's red!


Is it the Marquis?

One level higher than the Earl?!

Marquis cape with red stripes on a blue background!

This is definitely big news, the Chinese with the highest title in history!

Youngest Marquis!

Journalists have already designed the title and content of the article in their minds.

Crazy, this news is so exciting!

Tomorrow is sure to be the number one news for Savoie!

Maybe even the international version!

The reporter quickly asked the camera to zoom in and gave Zhang Chen and the king a close-up.

Immediately afterwards, the king slowly lifted the cloak over Zhang Chen's head.

Then lightly disperse.

A red cloak inlaid with gold slowly fell on Zhang Chen's back.

this... this is...

The reporters' pupils could not help shrinking.

People on the streets of the entire Savoy, people watching TV indoors, people watching live broadcasts on mobile phones.

Almost everyone was stunned.

This cloak...

Is it the duke's cape?!!!

This title is second only to the existence of the king.

In fact, it is the highest level of title that non-royal people can obtain!


Such a position can be said to be the head of the eight nobles, second only to the supreme existence of the royal family!

How could the Chinese people be given such a high title?

Is this true?!

The whole country of Savoie was shocked.

Although the Duke and the Earl are only two grades apart.

But the pay is very different.

A duke can govern a state, and as long as he does not act contrary to the royal family, all other acts are not subject to law.

Doing anything in the fief and implementing any economic policy does not require the consent of the royal family.

Just pay regular taxes to the royal family.

It is an existence under one person.

The territory of the duke is equivalent to the kingdom of Savoy.

In the eyes of many people, it is impossible.

But for Buster, this result was only slightly beyond his expectations.

Originally, according to his prediction, Zhang Chen would definitely not be as simple as an earl.

At least it has to be a marquis.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Chen of the Kings of Savoy would pay such a high degree of attention.

Directly gave the position of a duke.

The most important thing for a gold owner like Zhang Chen is cash flow.

What Savoy lacks the most is the injection of funds.

At the end of the day, if Sava is likened to a company.

King Sava is the chairman, and he invited Zhang Chen to become the company's second largest shareholder.

That's what it means.

With the addition of Zhang (ajci)chen, improving the economy is naturally a piece of cake.

Next is territorial division.

Unsurprisingly, King Sava assigned the Saibang Islands and Yasay City and a dozen nearby towns to Zhang Chen.

The Duchy of Yasai was re-established.

This piece of land is relatively barren, and no agricultural products can be grown, and the urban planning and construction are relatively backward.

It is only equivalent to the scale of third- and fourth-tier cities in China.

But such a city is a relatively standard city in terms of Savoie.

In addition to the capital city and the tourist resort Selago Island, there are three cities in the big city, as well as the red light district resort Niger, which is equivalent to the first-tier cities in China.

The development of other cities is tepid.

This kind of fief plan is actually nothing special, but for Zhang Chen, it is extraordinary.

Because Savoy and Huaxia face each other across the sea.

The most coincidental thing is that there is no high sea between the sea areas of the two countries, and they are directly connected.

The Saibang Islands are actually an island reef with the archipelago of Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area in Huaxia Bianhai City.

It's just that there is a sea area in the middle that is separated, belonging to two countries.

But now Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area is Zhang Chen's freehold land.

The Saibang Islands in Savoie became Zhang Chen's fief again.

It is equivalent to such a large archipelago and sea area that spans the two countries, all of which are made by Zhang Chen alone.

This is really cool!

After the canonization was completed, it was time for the dinner party.

The three daughters of King Sava came to Zhang Chen's seat to make a toast, which aroused the jealousy of the middle-aged men on Baster's side.

Zhang Chen didn't quite understand either, so he toasted one by one and drank them all.

At this time, Mana next to him suddenly spoke:

"Which princess do you think is the prettiest princess!?


"This is..."

Zhang Chen was startled, he hadn't thought about this issue yet.

Because to tell the truth, the princesses in fairy tales are all beautiful and beautiful.

But the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.

The beauty of the three daughters of the King of Savoy... It's hard to describe!

"If you have a princess you like, you can take the initiative to go to toast, so that she will know that you are interested in her! 35

"If she's also interested in you, you're likely to be a royal!

Mana said excitedly.

Why are you so excited about my blind date?

But having said that, against the background of these three princesses, it seems that Mana is indescribably charming and beautiful!

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I'm pretty or not, the main reason is that I don't like toasting!

Zhang Chen said, he drank the fruit wine in the glass,

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