City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 259 This Is For You (Subscribe)\r

very good? good? very good?

The people in the conference room were even more confused now.

where is good?

Where is it good?

The problem is big, alright?!

Could it be that the new duke was frightened by the mess in front of him!

Now insane and starting to babble?

The finance minister of the Principality of Assai gently pulled the corner of King Banner's shirt and whispered:

"I'll tell you that this kind of thing has to be done step by step, let's infiltrate the Duke little by little!"

"You don't listen, you have to say it all in one breath! 35

"It's all right, the Duke is crazy!"

"This mess, who can stand up to you and me?!

Wang Banner also had an innocent look on his face, and said in his heart, "I'm just telling the truth. Who would have known that I could hit the Duke so hard?"

"Ordinary people must be frowning when they encounter such a situation!"

"If you want to say that the city is deeper, and the heart is tougher, you may look calm and say something to encourage everyone!"

"In fact, we have discussed these situations before, and they are all foreseeable situations..."

"But the duke in front of you actually laughed 09 times? You kept saying yes? 39

"What kind of routine is this? I really don't have a clue!

King Banner looked at the Chancellor of the Exchequer and several other ministers.

All of them have a look of "the fruit on the tree, you and me under the tree".

No one dared to speak or make any loud noises.

Even moving the clothes is in slow motion, for fear of attracting too much attention.

Everyone was stunned by Zhang Chen's smiling expression.

Just when the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely tense, there were bursts of shouts from outside the window.

"We're going to work! We're going to make money! We're going to support our family! 99

"We're going to work! We're going to make money! We're going to feed our families!""

"The Principality is responsible to every citizen!

"A day without work, we don't leave a day! 35

"Yes, we want to see the Duke, we want to ask for an explanation! 99

There was chaos outside.

Someone took the lead in shouting, holding a loudspeaker, and the voice really entered the conference room.

In this quiet environment, it is very abrupt.

Wang Banner and the Chief Sheriff looked at each other with a look of unease.

These people are too picky about their time!

Just in time for the Duke's first day in office, he came to add to the congestion.

The most deadly thing is that Wang Banner has just finished taking a few pairs of powerful medicines.

This side has not been digested yet, and the other side is here again!

What the chief sheriff is most afraid of is that Zhang Chen leads the troops to do some impulsive things.

After all, he is the ruler of the principality, and has the power to kill and kill, and all laws are invalid for him.

He can even make a law immediately and arrest these people legally.

A battalion of troops to deal with these unemployed civilians outside is as simple as slaughtering chickens and dogs.

However, such a result was not what Wang Banner wanted to see.

Nor was it the outcome anyone in the entire room wanted to see.

"Well, well, since they want to see me, I'll go see them!

Zhang Chen stood up and slightly stretched the front of his clothes, which was wrinkled from sitting for a long time.

However, this fabric is iron-free, and the folds on it will disappear immediately after being stretched a few times.

"Your Majesty, you have to pay attention to safety! 39

"These people have been making trouble for days!

"I'm afraid they will do something impulsive! 39

The chief sheriff spoke in a rapturous Chinese language.

"I'm here to help them solve their problems, not to quarrel, what are you afraid of?!

"Besides, aren't you the Chief Sheriff!

Zhang Chen quickly memorized the photo names and positions on the roster.

As soon as these words came out, the Chief Sheriff's face immediately flushed, and he had nothing to say.

Hastily trot all the way downstairs, organized the police to maintain law and order.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Chen came downstairs, accompanied by the translator Mana and Wang Banner, the chief minister.

Zhang Chen stood on a makeshift podium made of wooden boxes.

These people have long heard that the newly appointed duke is a Chinese.

As soon as he saw Zhang Chen, he immediately recognized his identity.

The scene that had been very noisy immediately quieted down.

Banner Wang shouted at the people with a loudspeaker:

"You send representatives to express your demands, don't be noisy, if it's too messy now, we can't hear your demands! 55

"If you can't hear clearly, you can't help you solve your problem! Then you will have no income for one more day! 99

"We are here to solve the problem, and the difficulties in front of us need to be confronted by our concerted efforts. It is not something that can be solved by blocking the building and shouting slogans with loudspeakers!"

Soon, two men and one woman emerged from the crowd, all in their early twenties.

The man in the middle wears glasses and looks polite.

He went to the front of the crowd and said with a loudspeaker:

"Our appeal is simple, we need jobs!"

The principality cannot provide us with enough jobs, and we have no way to make money!

Wang Banner wisely handed the loudspeaker to Zhang Chen.

He can't solve this problem at all.

In order to save financial expenses, the cleaning work in the office building is carried out by each employee responsible for one area.

Not even a cleaner is hired.

How can he be able to solve the problem of employment.

"I'm the new Duke, my name is Zhang Chen!"

"Since your appeal is work, it's very simple, I'll just give you work!

"But I have a question. Are you afraid of suffering, tired, or danger?"

Zhang Chen had previously communicated with Zou Baoye, president of Chunan Mining.

They all have equipment for developing rare earth mines and gold mines.

The equipment for developing gemstone mines is also being introduced, which is not a big problem.

The only thing that bothered him was the problem of the workers.

Mining is a very dangerous job.

Many people in China would rather do assembly-line jobs with half the salary of miners than risk their lives to work in the mines.

Recruiting domestic workers is already difficult.

Not to mention wanting these miners who have left their homes to come to work in Savoie.

Technicians and managers are relatively easy to handle.

The most difficult to recruit is the ordinary miners at the grassroots level.

"Oh, compared to what the Duke said, what we are more afraid of is that we have no work and no food!"

The young man at the head said coldly.

In his opinion, Zhang Chen is likely to deliberately create problems in order not to provide work for everyone.

However, this challenge was not set up successfully.

A person is about to starve to death, you ask him if he is afraid of death?

Of course I am afraid of death, but I am afraid of starvation, not afraid of dying!

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