City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 273 I beg you to do it first, okay? (Subscribe)\r

"Boss, I'll buy the 200mm first and come here ten times!"

Zhang Chen happily scanned the code for the boss.

"Okay, you pick your own guns, it's almost the same anyway!"

The boss said with a smile.

200 millimetres at a time?

This is definitely a big client.

Many customers buy once or twice, and five times are considered too many.

Zhang Chen is 200 millimetres in one shot?

It is estimated that he wanted to show his face in front of the two girls.

"Come on, let's all try!""

Zhang Chen picked up the rifle curiously and took the lead in fighting.

He touched guns and hit targets during military training.

It's a real shot in this life.

Now I'm holding a gun, almost not anymore.

When the boss saw Zhang Chen's posture until he couldn't shoot, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Pong pong!

Soon, ten bullets went out. "Nine Eighty"

Zhang Chen only hit three goals.

Got a keychain.

Xia Jingjing and Du Xiaoshuang were also curious, and they also shot and played for a while.

The two girls were even worse. Du Xiaoshuang hit two targets and Xia Jingjing hit one target.

Also got a keychain as a reward.

"This gun is not accurate at all, is there something wrong with the muzzle!"

Du Xiaoshuang pouted and said.

Although she rarely shoots with a gun, she often sees others shooting training.

I have practiced sometimes.

Know how to aim a shot.

Including the muzzle calibration of different firearms, the degree of offset and so on.

But only at the novice level, I can find the problem, but I can't figure out what to do.

"No, this gun can do it!"

The boss smiled and took the gun, and he aimed at the target in front of him and fired five shots.

All five hits.

"That's right, this gun is very accurate, and it's easy to win big prizes!"

"It has nothing to do with the gun, it's a matter of your own level!"

Not only did a man appear out of nowhere, he looked at Zhang Chen and Wu Yi with disdain, and then said to the boss:

"Boss, 20 cents!

This man with a cigarette saw that Xia Jingjing and Du Xiaoshuang were pretty.

I also saw that Zhang Chen's marksmanship was rather bad.

So I decided to come over and pretend.

"Look, the gun must be so sharp, three points and one line, so that it can hit the target! 55

The cigarette man said to himself.

The wisps of blue smoke that rose up made him half-squint his eyes.

But in order to be handsome, he was unwilling to put out the cigarette butts.

Because it's the same way that the masters in the TV series shoot.

With half-squinted eyes and a cigarette in his mouth, he looked relaxed and freehand.

Just let the task complete.

Since you are pretending to be forced, of course you have to wear a full set.

The cigarette man stared at the target in front of him and clasped his index finger lightly.


Hit the target!

Boom! Boom!

A series of ten shots were fired, with seven hits.

In fact, the difficulty of the boss designing this shooting game is from five shots to seven shots.

In addition to the first shot is not easy to master the skills of shooting.

As long as it is played a few times, there has been practice.

Basically 5 shots hit.

The cigarette man is a frequent visitor here, and often relies on this to pick up girls.

So the marksmanship was very skilled, and he hit seven bullets.

"Congratulations to this gentleman for hitting seven bullets, rewarded with a big throw pillow! 99

The boss said with a smile.

In fact, the cost of the pillow for 7 rounds of bullets is about 15 millimetres.

Still earning.

Only 9 hits and 10 all hits are losers.

Especially the super huge doll in all 10 rounds.

The market price is around 3%.

If 20 cents were won, he would cry to death.

Therefore, although the tenth ring and the ninth ring differ only by one ring, the difference in difficulty is not a star and a half.

"Beauty, which pillow do you like, go get one yourself, it's useless for me to ask for this!

"Anyway, I always win the game of shooting, you can pick one! 99

"The other sister is not in a hurry, I will help you win a prize!

The cigarette man said to Du Xiaoshuang and Xia Jingjing.

At this time, four or five men came behind him.

Several people giggled and looked at Du Xiaoshuang and Xia Jingjing with sullen expressions on their faces.

No wonder this cigarette man dared to be so reckless.

It turned out to be because there were too many people here.

Seeing that there were only two people on Zhang Chen's side, he took the initiative to provoke him.

Wu Yi moved his body, but he hadn't exercised for a long time.

He was expecting Zhang Chen to say something in his heart.

Or someone on the cigarette man's side makes a threatening move.

In this way, I can justifiably give this group of people a blast.  …

From the very beginning, Wu Yi saw that this group of people was not pleasing to the eye.

It's just that he's a guard, not a thug.

You can't just shoot someone.

Xia Jingjing and Du Xiaoshuang didn't even look at the cigarette man.

This kind of ruffian can't be dealt with, and as soon as it is dealt with, it sticks.

Both of them are goddess-level beauties, and they never lack all kinds of conversations.

Naturally, a set of ways to deal with the conversation has also been developed.

Just pretend not to hear.

Cold process.

Often, the other party will back away.

Otherwise, once you open your mouth and say the reason for refusal, it is equivalent to talking to him.

If you come across the clingy type, you will be stalking and looking for topics to chat with you.

"Uncle, are you still playing? If you don't play, let's go, this game is meaningless!"

Xia Jingjing pulled Zhang Chen and said.

Du Xiaoshuang is actually a militant.

She looked eagerly at the cigarette man.

In fact, her thoughts at the moment are the same as Wu Yi.

I really hope that the cigarette man can do something out of the ordinary, and it is best to do it first.

It's been a long time since I've really dealt with people, and my hands are itchy.

Zhang Chen is also a master-level martial artist.

Among the four people in this group, three people are not easy to mess with, only Xia Jingjing can't do anything.

But if you move your hands, let alone the people in front of you.

Even if there are dozens of people, 2.8 may not be the opponents of Zhang Chen, Du Xiaoshuang and Wu Yi.

"There are still a few more chances, let your brother Wu Yi play, he shoots more accurately!

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

When Wu Yi heard that he wanted to let himself perform shooting, he couldn't help but smile.

Fight and shoot.

In fact, he is better at shooting.

After all, there are few opportunities for fighting on the battlefield, and most of the time is shooting.

Marksmanship and bodywork determine a veteran's survivability on the battlefield.

"Okay, since Mr. Zhang has said it, then I'll show my ugliness! 35

Wu Yi said and picked up his rifle.

The way he holds the gun has formed muscle memory.

The moment the hand touches the gun, the action of aiming the gun is completed immediately.

In one go, without pretentiousness, the boss looks stupid.

I know this is going to be tough!

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