City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 280 Restless Birds? (Subscribe)\r

Early the next morning, Du Xiaoshuang woke up with dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was disheveled.

Xia Jingjing hasn't gotten up yet at Zhang Chen's side.

Only Zhang Chen was in high spirits, fighting with Wu Yi in the open space.

The two sides just point in time and do a warm-up.

Not to mention that whoever takes the initiative is more tiring.

Whoever is passive is more spiritual.

Zhang Chen is as relaxed physically as he is mentally.

"Mr. Zhang, you are in a good mood today, and you still have time to practice boxing with me! 35

Wu Yi made moves while chatting.

The movements of the hands and feet did not stop at all.

"Well, I had a good rest last night, lying motionless in bed, very comfortable!"

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Oh? Mr. Zhang doesn't turn around while sleeping?"

Wu Yi asked in surprise.

"That's right!" Zhang Chen smiled.

Wu Yi looked at Zhang Chen with special admiration, and then continued:

"In the past, our barracks used to be very lively at night, with people grinding their teeth, talking in their sleep, and snoring!

"There are also sleepwalkers, who sleep until the middle of the night, and suddenly fall off the top bunk, and still haven't fallen!"5

"Then walked over to each of our beds and patted our heads!

"Patting the head?" Zhang Chen looked surprised.

"To be honest, this picture is quite strange!

"If I'm half asleep and someone comes and pats me on the head, I'll definitely kick him! 55

"Hahahaha!" Wu Yi was amused by Zhang Chen's words, he nodded and said:

"Indeed, if we hadn't known that he had the habit of sleepwalking, we would have kicked him!"

"But I heard that sleepwalking people can't be woken up casually, otherwise it seems easy to go crazy!

"Anyway, we've all heard it, and we don't know if it's true or false, we'd rather believe it or not!

"So all the comrades in our dormitory didn't move!"

"I watched him pat the heads of the battles in the surrounding beds, and then went back to bed and went back to sleep"!"

Wu Yi made a few moves, feeling that he couldn't keep up with Zhang Chen's speed.

Looking a little breathless while talking.

So he hurriedly jumped back a step and signaled to stop and rest for a while.

It just so happened that Zhang Chen was also very interested in Wu Yi's sleepwalking story, so the two of them simply sat on the bench beside the venue.

Continue chatting while wiping sweat with the towel you carry with you.

"And then? Why did he do this, did he have a dream?"

Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, it was indeed a dream!"

Wu Yi nodded and said:

"Then the next morning, after that comrade woke up!"

"The seven comrades-in-arms whose heads were patted on their heads were all surrounded, so it's not good to directly talk about his sleepwalking!"

"Just say he was talking in his sleep yesterday, ask him what dream he had!

"As a result, this guy terrified us when he opened his mouth!"

Wu Yi deliberately sold a pass, and then drank a few sips of water.

This goes on to say:

"This guy said he had a dream last night that the sweet potatoes in his hometown's watermelon field were ripe!

"There are seven large watermelons in total. He took a knife and cut the watermelons tonight..."


When Zhang Chen heard the result, he burst out laughing.

I didn't expect Wu Yi to tell jokes!

Also speak honestly!

Wu Yi also laughed.

The two laughed for a while, and Wu Yi's expression suddenly became serious, and he frowned and said:

"It was just a joke, but I recently discovered a very strange phenomenon, I have to report this to Mr. Zhang!"

"Recently, I found through surveillance that last night, the birds on the big trees next to your mansion were very restless!

"Generally they should sleep at night!"

"But I don't know why, all day last night, the birds didn't dare fall back on the branches!"

"Because you said, don't let people patrol the vicinity of your mansion at night!

"So we can only observe by monitoring!"

"But I checked the monitoring of many key entrances and exits, and I couldn't see any beasts or strangers!

"So I want to ask you, do you need me to send some more staff to your side at night!"

"I'm afraid there is some negligence..."


Zhang Chen thought about it and asked:

"Then you say, is it possible that the birds are frightened by the sound!"

"For example, a sharper sound, or a louder noise?"

Wu Yi nodded and said:

"It is indeed possible that birds are very sensitive to sound!

"And the monitoring can only capture the picture, but can't hear the sound!

"So what you said may also be a reason!"

Zhang Chen smiled relievedly and said, "Well, that's right! It's the sound! 35

"I like to... turn on the stereo at night..."

"Because it's very quiet at night, the sound of the speakers seems to be louder!"

Wu Yi looked stunned, and said naively:

"Oh! It is so, and if so, it makes sense!"

"But what loud speakers do you turn on at night?"

"And it's open all night? Doesn't that affect your rest?"

"Huh?" Zhang Chen blushed when asked.

However, he concealed it very well, and hurriedly coughed a few times, his face flushed red.

This way you can't see the blush.

Then, coughing, he said:

"Actually, it's some music to help you sleep. With this music, I usually sleep better!

"And I don't put it on every day, but sometimes I'm in a state, just let it go!

"Look at me, I'm in good spirits today!"

Wu Yi was convinced, um, Zhang Chen's words were very convincing.

That's for sure.

"By the way, what happened to what I asked you to check yesterday? (No money)?"

Zhang Chen suddenly changed the conversation and asked.

"What about the investigation? Oh, are you talking about Du Dahai and Lukou Village?

"I checked it yesterday, and a scenic spot was built next to Lukou Village!

"Later because of the need to widen the road and build a resort, I fainted!"

"So the government sold the land to Huaheng Real Estate!"

"But what was reported in the local news is that the lions in Lukou Village's nail-biting households opened their mouths and collectively resisted the demolition!

"But this news has only been reported by a tabloid!"

"Other self-media or something, can't find any information about this matter!"

Wu Yihui reports.

After all, in a small place like Lukou Village, there are hundreds of thousands in the entire empire.

Even if there is news, it really doesn't make any waves.

Now Du Dahai and the media hold their own opinions. What exactly is going on, we still have to investigate on the spot!

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