City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 285 You dare to move the martyr's mourning hall? Are you crazy! (Subscribe)\r

Zhang Chen and Du Xiaoshuang rented a BMW three-series directly from the airport.

This is the most expensive car that can be rented in Nanlu City.

Originally, he wanted to buy a car to drive.

However, considering that I have to detour to the 4S store to buy a car, I have to sign up for gas and go through a lot of trouble.

Simply don't buy it, just rent a car and hit the road.

Although the BMW 3 series is a bit cheaper.

The feeling of sitting in it is not comparable to any of Zhang Chen's cars.

But it's okay.

"There really isn't any change here in Nanlu, it's similar to what I remember when I was a kid, just a few more tall buildings!

Du Xiaoshuang sat in the co-pilot's seat and sighed while looking at the familiar street scene from the window.

"Well, the economic development of Kuanzhou is indeed slower, but the advantage is that there is no change, full of memories!"

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

If nothing else, the city construction of the empire is indeed second to none in the world.

Even an extremely slow-developing city like Nanlu City is on par with the capital of Savoyard.

The car followed the map navigation, drove on the highway for a while, and soon drove into the national road.

There are fewer and fewer high-rise buildings around, replaced by a green wheat field.

Du Xiaoshuang looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

She has lived in Beijing for too long.

Lei Junshen was worried that she would walk around by herself, so she never traveled far.

Not to mention tourism, even the military compound is rarely seen.

Every day is the two-point line between the military compound and the school.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have arrived at Zhang Chen's mansion, just like visiting the scenic spot, he would be as ignorant as possible.

With a thud.

The car hit a rubble.

After passing a fork in the road, the road ahead suddenly became difficult to walk.

The national road is the same national road.

But this road often has large trucks leading to the scenic spot.

The ground is full of marks from the wheels of the big truck.

It's uneven in many places.

The entire asphalt road was pressed into waves.

"How come this road is like this, the local government doesn't care about it"]!

Du Xiaoshuang's interest was all spoiled by this undulating road.

He could not help complaining softly.

Zhang Chen frowned and didn't speak.

In fact, the highway administration must be very clear about how many tons of cars this road can withstand.

The reason why these large trucks are allowed to run through here without restraint.

It is nothing more than a relationship with a chain of interests behind it.

It's not that kind of gray income chain of interests.

It is the compromises and concessions made by local governments in order to develop the economy.

Kuanzhou is a well-known difficult household in more than 30 states in the country.

Surrounded by mountains.

There are only a few railways in and out.

Not many airports.

Therefore, the agricultural products here are unsalable.

All of them are transported by air, which is too expensive.

Originally, vegetables and fruits are not like seafood, and they are not high-profit products.

Even if it is shipped out, there is no price advantage to compete with the fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers in other states.

Therefore, if the local area wants to develop its economy, it can only find another way.

What are the scenic spots to stimulate consumption.

However, the stones and building materials needed to construct the scenic spot all need to be transported from outside.

In order to build a panoramic area, the local government sacrificed the surrounding roads.

This is also a no-brainer when a trade-off has to be made.

The car drove according to the navigation for a while, then turned a few turns and entered the provincial road.

Then it becomes a dirt road.

After the wheel passed, a burst of loess was set off.

The car quickly drove into Lukou Village.

At this time, Lukou Village was full of people and noisy.

The dirt road is full of indentations from the tracks.

Several houses at the entrance of the village have been demolished into rubble.

The excavator bucket raised high can be seen in the distance.

A dense group of people, wearing hard hats on their heads, holding wooden sticks, shovels, and steel pipes in their hands.

He doesn't look like an ordinary worker either.

One by one, there were more than 100 people around the place aggressively.

Many villagers were forcibly stopped in corners by construction workers.

They held white banners in their hands that read: Reject violent demolition! Give me justice!

Several large black characters.

There are also several shoe prints on the background of white banners.

It seems to have just been trampled on.

But the villagers raised the banner again.

It can be seen that the villagers do not want to cause trouble, but just want to protect their rights and interests through legal means.

But the developers don't care about those at all. In many of the ruins that have been demolished, you can still see intact iron pots and smashed water tanks.

"You can't do this, this is completely demolishing, we will sue you! 35

"Fortunately, I was in the yard just now, and my house was demolished with a bang, if I were in it, I would have been crushed to death!

66 `|| These people are too much, they don't care about life or death at all, they will be demolished when they come up!

"We have already called the police, and the officials will be here soon to see how long you can be arrogant!"

"Oh, it's useless. It takes an hour's drive for the officials in the county to get here, and by the time people arrive, the house will be demolished long ago!"

"Really, there's no reason for it, isn't it?"

"I heard that Li Xiaoliang, who was in charge of the demolition and relocation, is the county magistrate's brother-in-law. Who dares to control him, it's useless to sue him!

"Alas, our lives are so bitter! Woohoo!"

Young and strong villagers are also holding sticks and shovels in confrontation with the construction workers.

But there are only seven or eight young people in the village.

Many people went to work in the city.

The rest are all old people, women and children.

In front of the gangsters led by Li Xiaoliang, these people did not have the slightest fighting power.

They can only complain softly, and even some people are sobbing softly with their children in their arms.

(Nuo Qian's) In front of the excavator, the farmyard has been demolished in half.

Further ahead is a mourning hall.

There is a black-and-white photograph of a soldier on it.

On the wall is written the four big characters "Heroic Soul Eternal".

Du Dahai opened his arms, led a family and stood in front of the mourning hall, and said loudly:

"This is the second uncle's tablet, if you want to remove it, you have to wait for me to find someone to do something, and remove his tablet safely before it can be removed!

"My second uncle is a hero of the empire, a martyr who protects the heroic sacrifice of the people, you can demolish my house, but you must not demolish this place!

When the excavator driver saw such a scene, he was also a little undecided and stopped the excavator.

He looked at Li Xiaoliang with an embarrassed look on his face.

After all, this is the mourning hall of the heroes, and it is easy to dismantle it with a shovel.

But...isn't that disrespectful?

"What are you afraid of, give me a shovel!" Li Xiaoliang commanded from the side with a cold expression.

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