City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 289 This is a special dimensionality reduction blow! (Subscribe)\r

Five minutes ago, Zhang Chen called Wu Yi.

2 minutes ago, Li Xiaoliang sent away the two idiots who came to ask questions.

Cut, a remote place like Lukou Village.

Not to mention the governor, even the county governor can't come once a year.

Mr. Shi probably knows that such a small village is still unknown!

Now tell me that a group of big coffees have come to the village entrance?

He is also the governor of Nanshan and Kuanzhou.

Even the head of Nanlu City came.

What about fooling idiots?

How can I, Li Xiaoliang, be so easily deceived?

How dare you come over to me Li Xiaoliang with two cars?!

This kid is too brave!

so what?

Two younger brothers are here, aren't you embarrassed to see me, a hundred or so people?

"I said that your little brother is too different, so you let seven or eight people like me block the door and dare not come in?"

"It doesn't seem like your phone calls are of any use! 35

Li Xiaoliang looked at Zhang Chen mockingly.

"My people? Can these miscellaneous soldiers under you block my people 09?

Zhang Chen smiled contemptuously.

I'm afraid this Li Xiaoliang is not crazy!

Are more than 100 people arrogant?

But as for who was blocking the entrance to the village, he did not know.

But it was definitely not the reinforcements sent by Wu Yi.

"It doesn't matter if it's yours or not!""

"I still say that, tear it down for me! 35

"I'm not afraid of a living Imperial soldier, how can I be afraid of a dead man?!

"Go on, whoever stops you will be shot to death!

“Laozi has insurance, not afraid of losing money!”

Li Xiaoliang opened his eyes and roared with a ghastly face.

It was as if he was the most arrogant being here.

"I got it, Brother Liang!"

The excavator driver hesitated, and finally decided to start the excavator.

Boom, boom, boom...

A hum followed the roar of the engine.

"Huh? Is there something wrong with the excavator's engine? 35

"It shouldn't be that voice!

The excavator driver opened the door and was about to go out.

Suddenly, Li Xiaoliang, who was standing outside, was pale and looked up in the air with a dull gaze.

The other people around were the same, and some people were so frightened that their legs went weak and they fell to the ground.

It was as if some terrifying picture appeared in the sky.

When the excavator driver turned his head, a strong wind blew.

It made him unable to open his eyes.

In the half-open state, he finally knew what these people were afraid of.

Three Z-9WA gunships were suspended in midair.

This gunship is a unique armament of the Imperial military.

It is equipped with a heavy-duty machine gun, and there are three rockets on each side of the missile rack.

From the open doors of the helicopters, you can see that there are seven or eight fully-armed imperial soldiers in each helicopter.

All tactical helmets, camouflage body armor, assault rifles, pistols, grenades, tactical grenades, saber...

These are the pieces of equipment that only the most elite troops will be equipped with.

In fact, you don't need to look at the equipment, just look at the helicopter.

Ordinary army soldiers will not come here by helicopter.

Those who can come like this are all elite troops!

"The Falcon calls the headquarters, the Falcon calls the headquarters, the target has been found, and the threat evaluation level is low!

"The headquarters received, the headquarters received, please complete the protection task first, the python team will arrive later!

"Received, act immediately!"

Radio communication just hung up.

I saw the soldiers on the three helicopters jumping down quickly with ropes wrapped around them.

Then work in groups of three to form a tactical group.

Quickly seize the high points that can be used in the village.

The other three groups quickly surrounded Zhang Chen and others.

He aimed the dark muzzle at Li Xiaoliang and the more than 100 boys around him.

in this case.

No matter how arrogant Li Xiaoliang was, he was now frightened.

The brain is blank, and the body seems to be out of control, unable to move at all.

The younger brothers around him saw this posture and had no fighting spirit.

Ping, pong, pong, and the sound of sticks falling everywhere.

Some people are even old people who have entered the palace for the second time and committed crimes.

Directly habitually put his head in his hands and squatted on the ground.

They squatted neatly against the wall.

Others Some people want to run, but dare not run.

Who knows if these soldiers will shoot?

If you run away and become the target of shooting instead, that's bad!

After all, that's how it's done in a lot of movies!

The scene in front of me is just like the movie!

It's so scary!

Only this time the villain is himself!

Imperial soldiers don't care what these bastards are doing.

It doesn't matter whether you surrender or retreat.

At present, the order they received is to protect Zhang Chen and others, and wait for the python team to come to support.

According to the display of the locator on the map, the python team will be able to arrive in a few minutes.

As long as these people do not attack Zhang Chen, they will not take the initiative to take any aggressive behavior.

"You... who are you..."

Li Xiaoliang's body stiffened for a long time before he recovered.

But my legs were still a little numb and I couldn't walk.

Only the mouth can speak.

"You can't offend people!"

Zhang Chen said expressionlessly.

Yes, this is really not to be offended!

Li Xiaoliang only reacted now.

It turns out that Zhang Chen's 980 phone call was not to his younger brother, but to the military!

So the military sent troops to support, especially gunships!

With such a big battle?

Not to mention helicopters, even these three heavily armed soldiers.

One person, one shuttle of bullets...

No, no bullets, just show the gun.

The little brothers on my side all fell apart!

This is a 200 cents a day hired!

Who can take their lives for 200 millimetres?

Since Zhang Chen called the military, who was at the entrance of the village?

Li Xiaoliang's heart froze!

Damn, in front of a big guy who can mobilize the military.

This kind of strength is far beyond what Boss Li and Boss Liu that I know can compare with the real estate business and land tycoons!

Maybe...the people at the entrance of the village are really the governors of Nanshan and Kuanzhou...

This is so special... I seem to have stabbed an ant's nest...

No, he stabbed the tiger's den.

Any big guy here can make himself ashes with a flick of a finger.

And he just offended them all in one go!

Boom, boom, boom...

There was another commotion.

I saw the crowd obediently spread out a large gap.

I saw a bunch of armored vehicles, armed personnel carriers, and a pickup truck with a heavy machine gun slowly driving over.

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