City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 291 Uncle Police, I beg you to arrest me! (Subscribe)\r

More than half an hour later, the police in charge of Lukou Village arrived.

This is already the speed at which they are rushing slowly.

After all, a police station is in charge of many villages, the distance is long, and the road is not easy to walk.

It really can't be rushed over in an hour and a half.

One police car, three cops.

This is all the police force that can be dispatched here in Lukou Village.

Captain Lao Jiang took two little police officers, Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang.

All three of them were nervous for a while along the way.

Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang have little experience, but when they heard that they were facing hundreds of rogues, their expressions still couldn't help changing:

"What? Captain? More than 100 rogues? Just the three of us, can we do it?"

"Yeah Captain, are there any guns in the bureau... we don't have any self-defense weapons... so we're done?"

The captain looked calm and said:

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of hooligans, with a frightening aura, but it's actually useless!"

"We caught the leader, and these people are leaderless!"

Although the tone is very calm, but the heart is actually a group of panic.

He knew very well who Li Xiaoliang he was going to arrest was.

That is the brother-in-law of the county magistrate Gao Wentao!

This kind of person eats both black and white.

Even if he can be caught today, if there is no solid evidence, and no one has committed any particularly serious case, 980.

It won't take long for people to be released.

A rogue like Li Xiaoliang, once offended, is like a dog-skin plaster.

You can't get rid of it, and you will have endless troubles.

The captain is actually a police officer, usually dealing with simple fights and troubles.

It is also the first time I have seen such a situation with more than 100 people.

It's inevitable that you're a little nervous.

Will Li Xiaoliang really be captured?

What if you don't get caught?

When they arrived at the scene, the three policemen were all dumbfounded.

"Team... Captain... Why is this scene different from what I imagined?

Xiao Liu said with a dull expression.

"Yeah, Captain, why is there a gunship here?

"Is your information wrong? Are you sure you're just catching some hooligans?"

"Could it be that some Talaban terrorists are hiding here, the army has been dispatched!"

"We...should call for support...but in this it useful to call support..."

Xiao Wang was also frightened.

It was like a scene in a movie.

The captain's mentality has collapsed (ajci).

Completely unclear what exactly happened.

"What support are you calling, these are imperial troops, if they carry out their tasks, we will withdraw!"

"Even if the police department knows about this, no one can handle it..."

The three police officers stood bewildered at the entrance of the village, wanting to enter but not daring to enter.

"Hello, comrade police, we are the captain of the 15th Marine Corps of the Imperial Army, the Python Squad!"

"I received instructions from my superiors to hand over these criminals to you, and if we need help escorting them, we can drop by!

The captain of the Python squad patted the outer armor of the sturdy armored vehicle behind him and said.

"Then... well, thank you for your hard work!"

The captain quickly nodded in agreement.

I don't agree with this, so what are you waiting for?

The best result of the three of them came was to capture Li Xiaoliang from the hands of more than one hundred hooligans.

Then the three were able to get back to the police station.

For Lao Jiang, this was already the best ending envisioned in his mind.

As a result, I didn't expect to catch all the more than 100 people in one breath.

And the military escorts them personally in armored vehicles?!

Holy crap, this is awesome!

This bullshit is enough to blow himself up for a lifetime!

Li Xiaoliang, the leader of this group of hooligans, was taken into a police car.

A car with three police officers.

When Lao Jiang went to pick up Li Xiaoliang.

I saw this guy lying face down on the ground, and the surrounding soil was wet.

Exudes an extremely unpleasant smell.

In the past, when Li Xiaoliang saw the police, he either had the expression of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, or he had a face like you have no evidence, but I am not.

Today's attitude has undergone a 180-degree turnaround.

"Uncle policeman, uncle policeman, please arrest me quickly! 35

"I've done a lot of things, I'll admit them all, take me back to the police station quickly!"

"As long as you want to ask anything, I will recruit all of them one by one. I beg you to take me away!"

"I really don't want to stay here for a second longer..."

"I beg you, I'll do everything, I've wounded people twice, got together to fight five times, and embezzled the villagers' demolition funds!

"I'm not a human being, hurry up and take me away, it's better to lock me up for a while!

"Don't rush to let me out, thank you uncle police!""

Li Xiaoliang said these words almost crying.

Seeing the police is like seeing a savior.

"Huh? Take the initiative to confess? Also take the initiative to ask to be locked up?""

The old ginger looked surprised.

I don't know what this Li Xiaoliang has just experienced.

To make such a "rude" request?!

"Satisfy you, Xiao Liu, Xiao Wang took Li Xiaoliang to the test and took him away!

"Yes, Captain!"

Two police officers dragged Li Xiaoliang up and put their hands behind him.

He was handcuffed tightly, and then Li Xiaoliang, who was surprised and grateful, got into the police car.

It's not that Li Xiaoliang is crazy.

It was Li Xiaoliang who learned to be obedient and became smarter.

He just thought that the soldiers were going to kill him, and he was scared to pee.

And even more frightening, the two soldiers in charge of watching him.

The muzzle of the gun was so brightly dangling in front of his eyes.

This is not over, the two are still chatting.

Tell a little story about a gun that went off.

It is said that the soldiers of the empire accidentally collapsed to death when they were cleaning their guns. The scene was bloody and miserable.

Who else is joking, not holding the gun according to the regulations, and the gun misfires, killing the person behind.

Basically this is the story.

Li Xiaoliang was afraid of death, but when he heard such a horror story, he was connected to the dangling muzzle.

Really dead heart!

If you say that people are dead, they really have nothing to be afraid of.

The most fearful thing is that this kind of person may live or die, and he still does not know when he will die.

This feeling is the most painful.

Therefore, he is very much looking forward to having the police detain him in the police car, at least the police won't hold guns in front of his eyes.

And Li Xiaoliang knew that he had offended Zhang Chen, the big guy who could summon the army casually.

After finally getting the chance to go to jail, what are you going to do when you come out?

For Li Xiaoliang, there is no safer place than prison now. …

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