City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 321 Dare You Say Chairman? What Are You? (Subscribe)\r

Three days later, the first Empire Chip Technology Exchange Summit was held in Bianhai City as scheduled.

The location is selected in Binhai City, Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area, and the coastal hotel in the seaside bathing beach.

Professional and technical personnel, scientific researchers, and heads of enterprises and the technical departments of government departments from the entire empire and the electronic chip industry are all here.

Among them, the highest position is the Minister of Science and Technology of the Empire, Ji Yongjie.

He also has a group of researchers from the Imperial Academy of Sciences, who have just established a carbon-based chip project.

The main purpose of his visit this time is to collect some outstanding talents who can make contributions in the field of carbon-based chips.

Ji Yongjie has done some simple investigations before coming here, and initially locked some of the key communication goals for his participation in this conference.

One is Zhou Haitao from Bianhai Science and Technology Industrial Park, and the other is Zou Lang, a tech genius.

There is also Xia Yu Technology, which almost lost a lot because of the chip blockade.

In Ji Yongjie's view, under the current circumstances, Xia Yu Technology's determination to develop carbon-based chips is even greater than that of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

If you can unite these people, form an alliance.

It is believed that with the strong funds and the mutual exchange and parallel research of the technical team, technological breakthroughs will soon be achieved.

Ji Yongjie is full of confidence in these.

Participants who come to the Shore Hotel will definitely feel a strong contrast.

The first is the natural scenery of Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area, which is like a dream.

Because the beach has begun to partially open to some influential companies such as self-media network celebrities, model companies, and film and television companies.

So you can often see handsome guys and beauties showing off their bodies by the sea.

It's like a fairyland on earth.

The participants who were sitting on the sightseeing bus were all crazy:

"Wow, this place is too beautiful. It's the first time I've seen blue on one side and light green sea on the other side!"

"It seems that you have never been to Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area before, it has always been a tourist paradise, but in the past ten years, there has been too much garbage, which has ruined the environment!

"Yeah, it's back to the way it was now, it's just...beautiful!

"Not to mention, seeing so many beautiful women, I want to stay here for a few more days to solve my personal problems!"

"I don't know when the scenic spot will officially open. I heard that Wanshan Tourism will re-develop here, and I have been looking forward to it!""

"It is said that Wanshan Tourism has invested a lot of money this time, a full 100,000 yuan! Tsk tsk tsk, this is a huge sum of money!"5

"To say that Wanshan Tourism is really awesome, I heard that the salary of the staff is very high, so the quality of the staff is also very good!""

After the last sentence was finished, everyone unanimously focused their attention on the beautiful guide who was accompanying the car.

This guide is also in his early twenties, and his smile is very sweet.

The upper body is wearing pink sports short sleeves, the lower body is wearing a tennis skirt and a sun hat.

A feeling full of youthful vitality.

Especially the voice of the speech is also very soft.

It's heartbreaking to hear.

Such a face, such a good character.

In any company, it is definitely a goddess-level existence.

Enjoy this kind of dog licking kneeling.

However, this girl is just an ordinary person in the entire Wanshan Tourism Company.

The beauty is not even a beauty.

Just ordinary.

Because although a girl is picked out, her appearance is probably at this level.

To say that there are many good-looking ones, it is no exaggeration to say that they are alluring in other companies.

Most of the researchers who participated in the conference were straight men from science and engineering, and they had never seen so many beautiful women.

And the character is gentle and graceful, and their eyes are straight.

I'm afraid that if Zhang Chen said that the company was recruiting people, three or four of the ten people on the scene could change jobs.

Seeing this scene, Zou Lang in the car couldn't help but pouted and said with a look of disdain:

"Wanshan tourism is indeed rich, but it is a pity to invest money in this scenic spot!

"One hundred thousand yuan, if all of them are invested in the research and development of carbon chips, I wonder what the empire will be like now?"

0......... ask for flowers...

"If you want me to say, it is a grandstanding company.

"What's the use of a scenic spot? To the empire, to the people, to the development and progress of science and technology..."

"Any contribution? Not at all!"

"If you want me to say that the responsibility of Wanshan Tourism is to make money! Cut ~ short-sighted!"

Zou Lang had a look of disdain on his face, and his legs were shaking and shaking.

His eyes just happened to see a beautiful woman in a white gauze and a swimsuit on the beach outside the window, taking pictures.

Could not help but take a few more glances.

But he was afraid of being discovered, so he hurriedly looked elsewhere.

Zou Lang spoke so loudly that everyone in the car heard it.

The girl who guided her was no exception. She didn't want to pay attention to this person.


After all, her task is to serve all the guests well and leave a good impression on them.

But when he heard Zou Lang's last words, he pointed directly at Zhang Chen, the chairman of Wanshan Tourism.

The fire finally could not be suppressed.

You can say anything, you can say anything!

I can pretend I can't hear it!

But what about the chairman, Mr. Zhang Chen?

Is that someone like you qualified to judge?!

Don't say it's on yourself, even if it is on the body of any Wanshan Tourism employee, this kind of thing will not be allowed to happen.

That is to say, it is the guide who hears this sentence.

If it was someone from the Security Department, it is estimated that Zou Lang would definitely be miserable.

The girl smiled slightly, walked to Zou Lang's side, and said Yingying:

"I'm sorry sir, the space for the tour bus is limited, please put your legs away, so as not to disturb the guests next to you!""

As soon as she said these words, all the people in the car focused their attention on Zou Lang's Erlang's legs, who straddled the two seats.

Indeed, the people around were all sitting upright in their place.

It's just that he is a little arrogant, and he actually sits like this.

Especially the guests close to the car window have their legs close to the outside of the car.

For fear of being stained on the soles of Zou Lang's shoes.

It probably didn't smell too good, so I stuck my head out the window and pretended to be looking at the scenery.

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