City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 327 God's Science Knows No Borders (Subscription)\r

Zhang Chen didn't have time to pay attention to this Zou Lang.

Because he has already figured out Zou Lang's technical progress.

Such technological progress is not worth mentioning in front of its own carbon-based chip products.

He just got a call.

The world's most luxurious yacht he customized has been built overtime.

On the way here, I hope Zhang Chen can go to the port to receive it in person.

In order to please Zhang Chen, the yacht supplier specially held a unique yacht handover ceremony.

Dozens of world supermodels and well-known actors have gathered on the yacht.

Just to throw a party for Zhang Chen to celebrate.

Now the yacht has set off from the high seas and has sailed to the vicinity of King Island.

It is estimated that it will take more than an hour to reach the port.

Has your custom yacht arrived?

Zhang Chen looked excited.

It's like the long-awaited car model of "Zero Twenty Seven" has finally arrived.

This is a yacht for more than 10,000 yuan.

That's a lot of money, even before prices fall in value!

So Zhang Chen excitedly rushed to the port.

How can there be time to pay attention to the launch of such a worthless technology?

Here, Zou Lang saw that Zhang Chen was not in the team preparing to board the yacht.

A little satisfaction in my heart:

"It seems that this Zhang Chen is still very self-aware! 35

"Knowing that I am a layman myself, and I am not welcome by myself.

"Even if you get on the boat, you can't help being ridiculed by yourself. It's smart to avoid it!"

Zou Lang's yacht is an ordinary yacht, which can accommodate a dozen people under normal circumstances.

Now even the deck and the captain's room are crowded with people, and there can only be about fifty people in total.

shoulder to shoulder, extremely crowded.

In fact, this yacht is not Zou Lang's at all.

It was Carmel who lent it to Zou Lang for free in order to curry favor with Zou Lang.

To put it bluntly, Carmel Corporation is also a thief.

On the surface, they sent cars, rooms, and yachts.

In fact, the property rights are owned by Carmel Corporation.

Zou Lang only has the right to use it.

Now you Zou Lang is proud of the spring breeze, and these things are all yours to use.

One day in the future, if you fail, these things can also be taken back by Carmel Company immediately.

Not the slightest loss.

Soon, everyone found their own suitable angle and stood up.

They all looked up at Zou Lang, who was standing at the top.

The latter cleared his throat and soon began to explain his technological breakthrough in carbon-based chip research.

He spoke eloquently for about twenty minutes.

Basically, the achievements that have been made and the prospects for the future have been clearly stated.

Although the people around him disdain Zou Lang's character.

But he is still very envious of his scientific achievements.

"at last!"

After Zou Lang finished talking about the technical progress, it was time to enter the stage of summarizing the speech.

Everyone is very much looking forward to knowing what kind of amazing words this scientific genius who has solved the key technology of carbon nanotubes will make.

Generally speaking, such geniuses are very ambitious.

The reporters were all waiting for what Zou Lang said.

Chances are, these words will make the news!

Ji Yongjie also looked at Zou Lang expectantly.

If Zou Lang showed the slightest sense of closeness to the Imperial Academy of Sciences, he would definitely accept him without hesitation.

And give him the best resources and equipment, equipped with the best assistants to help him complete the research and development of carbon-based chips.

Under everyone's attention, Zou Lang continued:

"Finally, I will express my personal feelings and thoughts! 99

"As we all know, I completed my studies in China from elementary school to university."

"By chance, I had the opportunity to study electronic chip technology in the western country of Repin!

'In the country of Repin, I learned not only the cutting-edge science and technology, but also the customs of the country of Repin!

"It is a country full of friendliness and freedom. People are very tolerant of each other. When they encounter problems, they can discuss in good faith and help each other!"

"It was a very good time..."

"However, after I returned to the empire, I found that I was originally a compatriot, but there were many people who spoke ill of each other!

"I'm not even as friendly as the foreigners in Repin, which really makes me sad!

When the people in the audience heard Zou Lang's words, they were all startled.

According to the routine, shouldn't it all be to say that when you achieve such an achievement, you are grateful for the cultivation of the empire, and the teacher's teaching is like this?

Why did you suddenly start talking about the empire?

When Ji Yongjie heard Zou Lang's words, he couldn't help frowning...

A bad feeling suddenly rose in my heart.

Zou Lang continued on stage:

"Take the example just now, when I was riding the sightseeing bus of Wanshan Tour, I just complained casually, saying that the seat of the car is too narrow!

"As a result, I was taught a lesson by the guide, and put out a lot of big truths, saying that this is an international standard and so on!"

"It's unimaginable that the domestic service industry has done so poorly!""

"Don't you even have the courage to face mistakes?!"

"When someone makes a random suggestion, they use the big truth to oppress them?! This is the domestic service industry?!"

"Let's talk about the investment in my project..."

Zou Lang paced in place without stopping, and said with a sympathetic gesture of disdain for the people in the world:

"Originally, for my technology, the first thing I thought of was Xia Yu Technology!"

"After all, everyone knows what happened some time ago, so I won't repeat it here!"

"I thought that Xia Yu Technology would welcome me with joy and give me various conditions suitable for experiments and research!"

"What I didn't expect was that Xia Yu Technology was indecisive and uncertain! 39

"In the end, under my repeated questioning, I did not give me an accurate answer!"

"This is the attitude of well-known imperial companies towards scientific research!

"How can such an attitude become an international brand like 2.9 Tianqi Technology? 55

"How could such a business possibly drive the development of the imperial economy?

"Both of these things really disappoint me!"

"So I decided to accept the investment of the Repin Kamel Group! 55

"The carbon nanotube technology I developed has applied for a patent, and the Kamel Group has all the patent rights!

As soon as these words came out, the entire crowd on the yacht boiled.

No one expected such a result!

As the most cutting-edge carbon-based chip researcher in the empire, Zou Lang easily sold carbon nanotube technology to Repin?!

Ji Yongjie felt dizzy and almost lost his footing.

If this is the case, the chip technology of the empire will be completely monopolized by foreigners.

And at least fifty years of being blocked by technology....

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