City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 330 Holographic imaging technology? The audience is on fire again (please subscribe)\r

Ji Yongjie and the reporters present were obviously not too concerned about these extravagant pomp.

After all, no matter how rich Zhang Chen is, it has nothing to do with him.

What they are more concerned about is what Zhou Haitao is going to announce!

They glanced by chance and saw in the sky garden on the second floor.

Zhang Chen and Xia Weiguo were drinking while exhorting Zhou Haitao.

Xia Weiguo is actually here?

This guy was not at the summit, but went to Zhang Chen's luxury yacht to drink and eat seafood?!

Ji Yongjie frowned slightly.

No, it's definitely not that simple.

He knew too well who Xia Weiguo was.

Typical workaholic.

The entire Xia Yu Technology, headed by him, is the master of life-threatening work.

How could Xia Weiguo come to enjoy it at such a critical moment!

I'm afraid Xia Weiguo and Zhang Chen have already reached a consensus.

Or as Zhou Haitao said, he has also made breakthrough technical progress in carbon-based chips! 027

Thinking of this, Ji Yongjie's awkward mood was relieved a little.

Zhang Chen and Xia Weiguo were together, indicating that this technology must be used by Xia Yu Technology.

Although he lost Zou Lang's technology.

But the empire still has Zhou Haitao's technology, after all, it is lost in mulberry and elm, and it is in the east corner!

After everyone was settled on the yacht, Zhou Haitao appeared on the deck on the first floor nervously.

Although he has practiced many carbon-based chip product launch speeches before.

I also demonstrated it to Zhang Chen and Xia Weiguo before.

But at this time, facing so many people at once, it was inevitable that I was still a little nervous.

He wiped his sweaty hands on his trousers and took a few deep breaths.

Then he came to the microphone and said:

"Everyone please be quiet!

"Next, I will announce the latest progress of carbon-based chip research (ajcj)!

"Please put the camera at the most suitable angle, because this exhibition will take the form of holographic projection!"

"At the same time, the content to be announced will be a historic turning point that will change the direction of the chip industry in the future!

Hearing Zhou Haitao say this, everyone in the audience suddenly became quiet.

Has the historical significance of changing the development direction of the chip industry?

This is too exaggerated!

Could it be that Zhou Haitao is so confident in his research?

Do you think that you must be stronger than Zou Lang's research?

Zou Lang must have a look of disdain, and whispered:

"Cut, it's flashy, what's the point of doing scientific research with so many gimmicks? 35

Jiaren also raised his brows, folded his hands on his chest, and said with a smile:

"Let's take a look, what tricks Zhou Haitao can play!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Haitao took a few steps to the side.

Behind him was a small room with no lights on.

Just when everyone was confused.

A miraculous scene happened.

I saw a row of three-dimensional characters suddenly appear in the darkened small room.

It read: "An epoch-making product is about to be released!

"Please hold your breath!"

Then comes the countdown of numbers 5,4,3,2,1!

There is a feeling of watching a blockbuster in the cinema.

But surprisingly, these extremely clear and three-dimensional effects are not projected on the screen.

It's not even a display of LED effects.

Instead, it appeared out of thin air in this dark room.

In other words, Bianhai Science and Technology Industrial Park has indeed developed holographic air projection technology.

These images are displayed in three-dimensional space throughout the room.

So there is such a three-dimensional effect.

This is not the same as ordinary naked-eye 3D technology.

This technology because the entire image itself is 3D, so no matter from which angle to see.

It's all three-dimensional.

Moreover, the people standing on the front, left and right, see different scenes.

The previous naked eye 3D is no matter where you stand, you see the same picture.

What is displayed in front of you, what you see in front of you is a positive effect.

What you see on the left is the left side of the stereoscopic image.

Same goes for the right.

To put it bluntly, it is like there is really a three-dimensional thing presented in the room.

This technology alone has already made people look trendy.

Because such a powerful technique is not worth mentioning specially by Zhou Haitao.

Instead, the carbon-based chip technology that will be displayed will be described as an epoch-making product.

It can be seen that the next content must be very exciting!

"Quick, prepare to shoot for a long time, and make sure not to miss a shot!

"I'll communicate with other reporters, put in a few more cameras, and shoot from different angles!"

"This kind of effect can only be more shocking after it is made into a film! 35

The reporters and cameramen were immediately busy.

The scientific research leaders in the audience were also excited. They walked around the display a few times, feeling the indescribable novelty.

Not to mention the swimsuit models, who were almost screaming with excitement.

When his eyes looked at Zhang Chen, water was about to flow out.

These women are not stupid, they know that the real owner of these technologies is actually Zhang Chen who is drinking and watching the moon on the second deck!


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