City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 334 Take the Face to the Sweeper, Sweep Clean (For Subscription)\r

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he directly played the surveillance video in the mobile phone from the big screen.

It is the No. 17 tourist bus where Zou Lang is located in the video.

When the reporters and researchers on the scene saw the pure and pleasant-looking orange standing at the front of the car, they couldn't help but light up.

The girl is really pretty and looks clean.

She is an absolutely pure and lovely beauty.

Many reporters drove in by themselves.

They did not enjoy the service treatment of Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area.

This is the first time I see the service staff, and all of them can't help but secretly amazed.

The participants who have made the tour bus are even more impressed.

Because they all thought they were lucky, they met the guide who was a beautiful woman.

But now it looks.

It seems that the guide of each car is very beautiful.

To build such a high-value service team.

Wanshan Binhai Scenic Spot is hard to do without fire.

But as for what happened to this beauty guide and Zou Lang, everyone still doesn't know.

Before, I heard Zou Lang's words.

Now that the video is out, it is estimated that the truth will be revealed soon.

In the video, Orange speaks very standard Mandarin, and introduces the scenery of the scenic spot to the guests in a soft voice.

Her voice was particularly soft, as warm and gentle as the spring breeze blowing across her face.

Make everyone feel very comfortable.

Listening to this sound is like a treat.

But soon, a very out of place voice appeared:

"Wanshan Tourism spends so much money on scenic spots, what contribution does it make to the country and society?"

"If all the money is invested in the chip field, how much will it help the empire" ||?

“Ignore the advancement of technology and spend money on these grandstanding places. 39

"The person in charge of Wanshan Tourism is also short-sighted at first glance..."

It's Zou Lang's voice!

Everyone has just attended Zou Lang's technical conference.

Very sensitive to his arrogant voice.

"Zou Lang said that the person in charge of Wanshan Tourism is short-sighted? Isn't that Zhang Chen?"

"Hahaha, Zhang Chen's talk about chip technology has already taken shape. If this is all short-sighted, wouldn't Zou Lang be blind?"

"Face slap, bang bang, it's really cool, if I were Zou Lang, I'd just find a hole in the ground to crawl in, and I'd never come out again!

"Anyone can talk about contributing to the empire, but Zou Lang can't. Didn't he just sell the technology to Repin?"

"That is, this traitor has the face to promote the progress of the empire and society? Bah!"

"It's really a thief shouting to catch a thief, Mr. Zhang Chen's carbon-based chip technology has completed the cooperation with Xia Yu Technology, and it is clear who is loyal and who is traitor!

Although most people look down on Zou Lang, they are optimistic about Zhang Chen.

But there are also a few strange voices in the crowd:

"This debate is unnecessary, Zou Lang's real name report is Wanshan Tourism's service attitude!

"That's right, don't you allow others to have different voices?"

"Let's talk after watching the video. If there is a problem with Wanshan Tourism's service attitude, what if Zhang Chen talks about chips? The two things are not next to each other at all!

Foreign journalists and some people with public identities have begun to contradict the mainstream speech.

It was almost enough to hold the flag high to support Zou Lang.

The video continues to play backwards.

Soon, it was time for the guide, Cheng Zi, to remind Zou Lang to close his legs.

During the whole process, Orange's attitude was very calm, and there was no overdone attitude.

On the contrary, it was Zou Lang who was domineering.

It can be seen from the video surveillance that his feet are almost on the legs of the person next to him.

The squeeze made the man twist his leg to the side.

His entire waist was about to break.

"No matter how you look at it, it's not a problem with other people's oranges!"

"That's right, I crossed Erlang's legs in the car, I really don't know what this guy Zou Lang thinks? 39

"Don't say it's a tourist car, even if it's a plane, a train, or a car, which seat is spacious enough to make you cross your legs?

"Zou Lang is nothing to look for at all. According to his logic, there is no way to cross Erlang's legs when driving, and he has to sue the car manufacturer!

Mian`||Puchi, is it alright to drive with Erlang's legs up? Then it won't crash?"

"The explanation given by the little girl from the back is also very good, and it is well-founded. It is not the kind of arrogance that Zou Lang said!"5

"I've seen the highest level of thieves shouting to catch thieves!"9

See the one-sided rhetoric.

Just now those foreign reporters and husbands all shut up.

Even if they can argue again, they still understand right and wrong after all.

At least there is a moral bottom line.

If you don't spray black and white under this circumstance, it's like fanning your mouth wildly.

If this matter is exposed, it will be discredited.

So they all remained silent.

Even the foreign reporter who had just attacked Zhang Chen at the beginning was a little overwhelmed.

Originally, it was a good intention to help Zou Lang regain some face.

As a result, after a long time, Zou Lang's last bit of face was completely torn to shreds.

At this time, these people understood why Zhang Chen apologized to Zou Lang just now.

It's not that Zhang Chen is apologizing because he feels that his service is not in place.

It was because Zhang Chen knew the truth of this matter, but he wanted to save Zou Lang the last bit of face.

However, under the pressure of foreign reporters, Zou Lang's mask of hypocrisy was revealed as a last resort.

Obviously he is justified, but he is embarrassed to expose the shortcomings of others.

What kind of open-mindedness is this!

The people present gave Zhang Chen another layer of respect.

I feel that Zhang Chen's personality is shining brightly!

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