City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 420 This deal is not a loss! (Subscribe!)\r

Lei Hejun's bear hug was ruthless and anxious, and Zhang Chen's sense of waking up disappeared instantly.

He appeared here now, definitely because he was besieged by pirates. He should have flown over from the empire without delaying for a moment when he heard the news.

Zhang Chen knew that Lei Hejun was an honest and iron-blooded soldier, and he was very steadfast to the various systems of the empire.

This time, for his own sake, he may have broken a lot of precepts, and the fact that he alone approved a plane to fly into the airspace of an allied country without saying hello may cause him a lot of problems in the future.

He is not a hard-hearted person, so he will naturally feel very moved.

"Big brother, I'm fine. Those pirates are just a mob. They took money from others and blocked them at the port. They didn't fight at all. In our empire, they are at the level of third- and fourth-tier gangsters."

Zhang Chen took the initiative to comfort Lei Hejun, the two brothers returned to the church, and he greeted the people from the Gore Group to get some food.

Lei Hejun has calmed down at this moment, as long as Zhang Chen is fine, other issues are not important.

He took off the military water bag from his waist and threw it to Zhang Chen.

"Have a bite."

"What's this--shit, cough cough cough... 35

As Zhang Chen asked, he raised his head and took a sip. In an instant, it was like drinking a mouthful of magma, and every cell in his tongue, mouth, mouth, and mouth burned up.

The spicy liquid fell into his stomach down his throat, and he only felt that all the cells in his body were activated, his energy was unlimited, and he could immediately go out and fight for another three hundred rounds.

"Hahaha, doesn't it feel good? This is the wine brewed by our military department. It can only produce 3,000 catties every year. Only soldiers on special missions can be equipped with a bag. No matter how tired you are, you can drink it all day long. .

Lei Hejun looked at Zhang Chen's expression, he took the water bag, raised his head and took a sip, wiped his mouth, and showed a refreshing smile.

Zhang Chen waved his hand and smiled bitterly.

"Brother, I don't have the ability to go out on special missions, this kind of wine is really unbearable - when I go back this time, I will buy a few wineries and brew some delicious wine for your brothers to drink.

The more the brothers talked, the happier they became, and they chatted while eating the dishes that were served.

Zhang Chen told Lei Hejun about the pirates and Christina, but he ignored his gun skills and only said that he had practiced guns before, and the pirates were a mob.


Lei Hejun didn't delve into this matter. To him, Zhang Chen's good marksmanship seemed nothing new.

On the contrary, he was much more interested in the problems of the state of Gel.

"Hahaha, brother, you have done a good job in this transaction. As early as about ten years ago, the empire analyzed the situation in the Northern Independent Continent.


"The territorial area of ​​the Geer country is the largest in the North Independence Continent, but the land area that can be inhabited and used is the smallest, but the wealth contained under the ice sheet of their country is so great that you can't imagine it. 55

"There are a lot of rare metal mines in their land. Although they are very scattered and difficult to mine, they have a lot of reserves. With the current productivity level and demand of the Geer people, they may not be able to mine them for five thousand years.

"The empire once made a diplomatic plan, hoping to open up a commercial route with the country of Geer to communicate with each other. I also led the army to escort the scientific research team for a while.

"The cost of opening up the waterway is too high, and we are not short of these rare metals in our own country, so the plan has been shelved. 35

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