City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 485 This is the attitude that salted fish should have! (Subscribe!)\r

Zhang Chen looked at the ceiling and thought about it for a long time. He really couldn't think of any person named Cheng Feng in the empire that was very good. This name was really a bit ordinary.

After thinking about it, I fell asleep, and when I opened my eyes the next day, the sun was already high.

He stretched and got up to wash his face and brush his teeth. The villas here don’t come often. Apart from the weekly cleaning and maintenance, there is no extra manpower, but the food in the refrigerator is always passed by.” " to see what was added.

Zhang Chen took milk and whole wheat bread from the refrigerator, thinking about what to do today while eating.

Xia Jingjing followed Zhao Lingchuan to film the Empire Defense Battle in Nanzhou, and was often lost.

Although Yang Mi'er and Su Xinyi were at the edge of the sea, they were both very busy.

The former travels everywhere on business every day. Most of Huaqi's investment projects are in the tourism service industry. Just taking over their transportation routes, local hotels and various high-end resorts will have to be busy for several years.

Thanks to Bai Hanlin, Chen Tianming and Lin Dongli, the three of them were particularly farsighted. After Yang Mi'er officially declared war on Huaqi, they immediately gave up eating into Huaqi's industry and strongly supported Yang Mi'er.

Fully put on a high stance of competition second and friendship first.

Zhang Chen also remembers that they are good, as long as he doesn't go to Huaqi's idle chairman, he doesn't mind maintaining a win-win relationship with these three major banks.

Anyway, the empire is now in a period of rapid development.

It is better to work together to make the cake bigger than to fight for a little cake.

On Su Xinyi's side, the preparations for Wanshan Historical and Cultural Park and the work of the Daxia National Scientific Expedition Team were all on her.

When Liu Yu's group of people fanned about the Western civilization of the empire and the sequelae of the advanced nature of Western civilization, it appeared when the cultural world really needed people.

There is a serious fault between Dean Shan's generation and Su Xinyi's generation.

So much so that when people really want to be selected for serious scientific examinations, no one is available.

Du Botao made fire several times for this, and the university presidents of the entire empire were scolded one by one, and the scolding was bloody.

In the end, Hao Changyun was appointed as the captain of the front-line scientific expedition team, Su Xinyi was in the rear, and a group of young talents were selected from major colleges and universities. Together with the old men from major museums, they formed a group of new cultural forces. ..

In the past, the cultural people of the empire were obsessed with doing practical things.

The voices of mainstream cultural people have appeared in traditional magazines and online media.

This is a transformative progress. The amount of work that needs to be done is horrendous. Su Xinyi goes into the office at five or six in the morning and can't come out until one or two in the evening.

The average sleep is only four or five hours a day.

Zhang Chen was distressed, but he had no choice but to arrange for a group of Chinese medicine practitioners and nutritionists to follow him.

Before the brunch was over, Liang Lu's video call came in.

"Chairman, a group of foreigners 2.9 came to our company and said they wanted to report to you. They arrived last night, but you and Governor Hu are having dinner, so I will let them come back today. 39

"Now that they've been waiting in the conference room all morning, are you ready to come and meet them?

She was probably worried that Zhang Chen ate too late yesterday and didn't have a good rest, so she didn't call until it was almost afternoon.

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