City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 490 Zhang Chen's answer! (Subscribe!)\r

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Chen."

Benjamin stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his left chest, bowing to gentleman Zhang Chen.

"I am honored to be your partner, this is the account statement of the Rex Arms Factory this year and the types of weapons we can produce at present, please take a look at it.

He handed a thin black book to Liang Lu, kept a humble expression, and smiled slightly.

"However, "137", the annual output value of our Rex military factory is only about 1,000 yuan, which may not be valued by Mr. Zhang. My father sent me this time. I also want to ask Mr. Zhang for our future. Views on the direction of cooperation.

Zhang Chen noticed that what Benjamin said was always "cooperation", and he didn't mention that he now owns 65% of the shares of the Rex Arms Factory. Logically speaking, he is the real owner.

However, Zhang Chen didn't care about that.

He is not a fighter, and he did not intend to do anything to the military factory.

The Quintec Group gave this military factory to itself, and it didn't have any good intentions.

Zhang Chen arranged for an investigation. The reason why Rex Arms Factory was willing to sell its shares to Quintec was mainly because the Quintec Group was ambitious and wanted to seek benefits by provoking coups in other countries.

This idea coincided with the needs of the Rex military factory, and they finally chose to accept the investment of the Quintec Group.

But the real strength of the Rex military factory lies in the Rex family, not the military factory. If they don't want to cooperate, they will directly withdraw the workers and equipment of the military factory, and the company will be turned into an empty shell.

If you want to find their theory, facing a group of people with weapons in their hands, any reason is nonsense.

In name, the Quintec Group bought their shares, but in fact, the Quintec Group gave the Rex family a large sum of money, hoping to get their help.

The so-called military factories are all wolves that cannot be fed.

"Well, it's fine to operate the way you used to operate now. I won't intervene, and I won't arrange for anyone to manage it. I only have three requirements—"

Zhang Chen closed the booklet, looked directly into Benjamin's eyes, and raised three fingers.

When Benjamin heard that Zhang Chen was willing to return all the rights to the Rex family, he was a little proud, it seems that this master is a weak and easy to bully 0......

But immediately after hearing his three-point request, his eyes suddenly sank slightly.

"First, all the weapons of the Rex Arsenal, especially the new weapons, will send me five samples for me to play with before they are put on the market."

This is the fundamental purpose of accepting this hot potato from the Quintec Group.

For a man, guns are just as important as women.

Zhang Chen is going to build a garden-style shooting range on Emperor Island. In addition to the traditional fixed target and the new flying saucer moving target, he will also make a mountain hunting camp imitating the previous royal garden.

"It's okay, it's what we should do."

Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief, 2.9 just gave him weapons to play with, which wasn't a big deal.

The cost of a few guns is simply a drop in the bucket for a huge military factory.

"Second point, you have to promise me that you will never sell weapons to me and the enemies of the Empire."

Zhang Chen's face became serious, this is a very fundamental question, and he must get an affirmative answer.

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