City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 50 A little cheap (seeking flowers, evaluation, monthly pass~)

"Huh??? Boss?? What are you going to say?"

"Have I ever mentioned to you that I am a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo?"

Yang Mi'er narrowed her eyes and placed her clenched fist in front of Zhang Chen.

The threat is full.

"Oh, I'm wrong, it should be this sentence, there are things to let the secretary do, and nothing to create things to let the secretary do!"

Zhang Chen smiled and almost strayed.

"Hey, you're quick to react!"

Yang Mi'er said coquettishly.

"What's your budget for this project? Or what kind of scenic spot do you want to make Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area?"

"For example, to make it into a Buddhist resort? Many scenic spots do this, making money by collecting ticket money and sesame oil money!"

"The income of this kind of scenic spot is very high and the popularity is very high. It needs a lot of marketing in the early stage, but the income in the later stage is very considerable!"

Seeing Zhang Chen shaking her head, Yang Mi'er continued:

"Of course, there is also a second plan, which is to build a mountain and sea resort with Wanshan Lake and Binhai Beach as attractions, but the cost of this cost will be very huge in the early stage of transformation, and it is difficult to guarantee the income in the later stage, and the risk is very high! "

"I may be inclined towards the second, but not all of them. I have my own ideas, but it is not good to say now..."

"In short, my goal is very clear, that is, regardless of economic benefits, I just want to build Wanshan Scenic Spot into the most beautiful and famous scenic spot in China and even the world!"

Zhang Chen said calmly.

It wasn't just his wish, it was his father's wish as well.

This sentence was the emotion of Zhang Chen and his father when they were sitting at the Wanghai Pavilion on the top of Wanshan Mountain to watch the sunset.

"Want to make Wanshan Binhai Scenic Spot a famous scenic spot in China?"

Yang Mi'er nodded, she had heard from the garden master before.

If Wanshan Binhai Scenic Spot is not due to environmental pollution and a mountain fire, as long as proper planning is carried out, it can definitely become the first-class scenic spot in China and even in the world.

It's a pity that the restoration of the environment now requires a lot of money, and its geographical environment determines that it is impossible to build hotels and housing in pieces.

The investment is large, the output is small, and the return on investment cycle is particularly long...

This brings together almost all the problems that capital does not like.

So from the perspective of natural scenery, it is unique, but from the perspective of economic benefits, it is definitely a grave for investors.

"I can find a way to help you achieve this goal, but the investment budget... You have to be prepared!"

Yang Mi'er felt that the ugly words should come forward.

Although Zhang Chen is not bad for money, no one has a grudge against money.

What's more, the investment this time is not a small amount of a few hundred dollars.

"Well... I'm ready, you say it!"

Zhang Chen was also nervous because of Yang Mi'er's solemn expression.

How much does it cost to renovate Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area?

I still have more than 5.48 million, which should be enough!

"Since it is to be the best, then the best horticultural design must be invited. The plants planted in it and the later maintenance will be a huge expense. I will pay 20 years in advance..."

"In addition to the cost of the development and construction of the scenic spot, it may also involve the reclamation of some areas. If the landmark hotel construction is based on the sailing hotel in Dubai..."

"I'll make a rough calculation, the overall cost is probably... hiss..."

Yang Mi'er is very experienced in the development of scenic spots. As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and calculated quickly.

After a while, she was done.

Looking at the long list of numbers on the calculator, even Yang Mi'er couldn't help but change her face.

"Come on, I'm ready!"

Zhang Chen swallowed nervously.

"According to my rough estimate, if everything is done to the highest specification, the entire project is expected to cost..."

Yang Mi'er said that she suddenly stopped at the critical moment.

It wasn't that she didn't say it on purpose, but to ensure accuracy, she counted the long list of numbers on the calculator again.

After confirming that it was correct, he said: "It will cost at least 80,000 yuan (equivalent to 80 billion)!"

"What? Eighty thousand dollars?!"

Zhang Chen was so surprised that his jaw dropped.

I thought it was going to go bankrupt, and it was a top-level hotel and a landmark hotel. In the end, it only cost 80,000 yuan to get it?

You know, it was difficult to buy a toilet in the bustling area of ​​Bianhai City with 80,000 yuan in the past.

Now, can Wanshan Binhai Scenic Spot be managed into a super-first-class scenic spot? !

Dubai's sailing hotel cost 1.5 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 10 billion soft sister coins!

The result was covered in the entire project budget, which ended up costing only 80,000 yuan?

Still less than a fraction of your own savings -?

Even if it is calculated according to the current interest rate of 800 yuan a day, it will be enough to save in about three months.

It's too cheap! *

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