City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 528 The Children of Others! (Subscribe!)\r

The two brothers drove quickly to the Bianhai Railway Station. From a distance, they saw Kang Hongwang's father Kang Ping'an and his fifth uncle Kang Shunli squatting on the edge of the flower bed, smoking cigarettes.

"Dad, what happened in the village?"

Kang Hongwang got out of the car and dashed over, holding the luggage of the two old men in his hands, and asked anxiously.

"Shout, didn't I tell you last time, there is a paper factory next to our village, and the sewage flows along the river into the village's fields, wells, and fish ponds."5

"The fish in our village, Mr. Zhang, who is a professional fish farmer, died piece by piece. Li Erwa's family worked in the field without shoes, and they went back with 167 blisters all over their legs."

"No one dares to drink the water in the village now, so they can only buy mineral water from small supermarkets."

"The best super-sized barrels cost ten cents a pass. Every household drinks like this. It's just for a short time. If it's a long time, who can stand it!"

The old man's mouth was like a machine gun, and he said with a loud bang.

"What if their sewage is not treated, and no one will take care of them?"

Zhang Chen also walked over to them, and when he heard these words, he couldn't help frowning.

Kang Ping'an stopped talking, squinted and looked up and down Zhang (ajcj) Chen, and suddenly realized that he reached out and nodded in the void.

"Oh, I know this guy, Ngawang's classmate, right? 99

"Well, hello uncle, I'm Zhang Chen."

"Okay, good boy, all grown up, are you working in the sea now?"

"Well, do some business."

Zhang Chen said it very modestly, but when the old man heard the words "business", his face suddenly sank.

"Now these business people are really bad, they don't care about anything to make money."


Kang Hongwang stomped his feet and yelled at his father.

Kang Ping'an then remembered that he was chatting with Zhang Chen, stunned for a moment, and hurried to remedy.

"Xiao Zhang, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those who set up factories, they only care about their own profits, they don't care about the life and death of the people around them, and they don't care about the environment. You businessmen in the city are different. 35

"It's okay, Uncle Kang, you're right. There are indeed many businessmen who don't follow the rules. As you said just now, the sewage from the paper mill is discharged from the treatment, which is definitely against the laws of the empire and the ethics of businessmen."

"There is absolutely no way I can do this.

Zhang Chen replied seriously.

He won't care about Kang Ping'an, an honest man with a strong sense of justice. He is Kang Hongwang's father, and he doesn't have any bad intentions.

"Okay, I know Xiao Zhang, you are a good boy who obeys the rules. When you came to our house to play before, I could see that you are much more sensible than Nga Wang, and more promising than him!"

Seeing his appearance, Mr. Kang immediately gave a thumbs up with a smile, and praised him a few words without hesitation.

Zhang Chen didn't expect that he would even be a "child of someone else's family", and laughed along with him.

On the contrary, Kang Hongwang, who was lying on the gun for no reason, rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Second brother, father, fifth uncle, can't you go back in the car first and then talk?

At present, Kang Hongwang does not have his own house in Bianhai, and the small rental house has only one bedroom and one living room, and cannot accommodate two old men.

Zhang Chen simply took them directly to his villa.

"Ah, Xiao Zhang, is this your house?"

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