City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 540 What, I want five cents!!\r

Regardless of her young age, Kang Ying is still negotiating like that.

However, if Wanshan Group is such a company, does it still care about the advertisement on the clothes of the high school students' team?

Zhang Chen Mimi smiled, but did not expose this point, after all, there was no need to hurt the self-esteem of Kang Ying's little girl.

He opened the calculator on his phone and pressed a few times,

"That means, each of you needs to spend thirty-five cents multiplied by seven and then "one eighty-three" plus three hundred cents, for a total of five hundred and forty-five cents, right?

"Well, you can sponsor five hundred cents each, and our team members can also contribute some by themselves.

Kang Ying nodded fiercely, for fear that Zhang Chen would find it too expensive, so she took the initiative to reduce it a bit.

In the eyes of these rural children, 500 cents is not a small amount. Just like Kang Ying's own family, the annual family income is only about two cents.

Five hundred cents is half a month's revenue for their family.

However, she also has Kang Hongwang, a cousin who eats in the city. She is considered a little rich woman among her classmates, but she can only afford her expenses in the county seat. It is very difficult to help her classmates.

After all, they exist at the junction of Tianyang City and Bianhai City, and they are not very wealthy. Most of the classmates' annual income is less than two cents.

But in Zhang Chen's opinion, this is too shabby.

"Well, our number is a bit large. There are two football teams for men and women, a total of thirty-two people. If you think five hundred is inappropriate, four hundred and three hundred are fine!"

Kang Ying gritted her teeth and continued.

She heard that Zhang Chen was rich, but had no specific concept of "rich".

In my heart, I just turned up a little bit according to Kang Hongwang's economic level, and felt that Brother Zhang Chen was probably the kind of urban white-collar worker who lived in a building, drove a car, and could earn two cents a month.

Five hundred cents for each of them, which is close to two cents, which is too much!

Zhang Chen clapped his hands suddenly.

"So, you are so solemn and embarrassed to beg me, just because you want two cents of sponsorship?"

"No, no, no, it's not as much as two cents, only one cent and six cents. If you think it's expensive, you can see how much you can sponsor. I'll find a way for other gaps."

Kang Ying was taken aback by this number, and she even waved her hands and changed her title to honorific.

Zhang Chen is really dumbfounded..

"Okay, I get it. You group of minors live in some damn bed, which is uncomfortable and unsafe. Just ask Wanshan to arrange a place for you to live, as well as meals and transportation."

"Also, each person customizes two more head-to-toe jerseys and buys the best brand of sneakers."

"If you guys can win, I'll sponsor the money to go to Coastal State. 35

"Ah, no, no, how much does it cost. Brother Zhang Chen, don't joke with me, I'm serious!

Kang Ying's whole body froze, her head shook like a rattle.

How could Zhang Chen's words sound like an angry irony? Sure enough, her request on 2.9 was too much!

"It shouldn't cost much. Food and accommodation are based on the standard of one cent per day. Thirty-two people are only two cents for seven days. Plus the sneakers, jerseys and those miscellaneous things, it may be no more than fifty cents.

Zhang Chen thinks it's a bit of a pity, so many people can only spend 50 cents, and his advanced lottery is really far away.

"What, five cents!!!"

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