City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 547 Thick-skinned?! (Subscribe!)\r

The four girls were chatting and chatting hotly, when Zhang Chen stepped on the brakes and almost missed hitting the glass, startled, stopped talking, and went out to look.

The woman got up in a hurry, and ran back to the front of the team without any dust on her body.

"Please, let me get in the car, my son's only wish is to see the fireworks up close, please satisfy him!

She folded her hands together and bowed to the people in the team, pleading with a weeping voice.

Most of the people looked at her indifferently, and shortened the distance between each other again, obviously not sympathetic to her appearance.

The fashionable woman who pushed him out just now glanced at the middle-aged woman dissatisfied, and muttered in a low voice.

"Some people are too incompetent, isn't that old thinking from the countryside, is it great to have a son?"

"That's right! Who's standing in line here who isn't in a hurry to watch the fireworks?"

"There's no way, you don't look like she's been well educated. There are too many selfish people. If you come late, you can queue up behind yourself. You should always talk about first come, first come first." ||.

"This is doting. If my son wants to watch fireworks, he doesn't obey social morals. Even when he grows up, he will be a scourge!"

Others in the team also echoed the words.

Even Kang Ying slammed the roof off the car angrily.

"Why is this person so thick-skinned, he was driven out by others, and he has to squeeze in, do you want to see fireworks and want to go crazy?

Yang Mi'er frowned and didn't speak, but Su Xinyi shook her head.

"I think this person is a bit strange, as if he has something to hide."

"Yes, her eagerness doesn't seem like a pretense."

Xia Jingjing also followed suit. From a professional point of view, if this woman's request was just pretending to watch a fireworks, then she should be able to win the gold medal.

Zhang Chen heard their discussion and became curious.

The security guard who happened to be patrolling walked over with a few reporter-like people. The leading reporter saw the situation here at a glance and walked over immediately.

"Hello, I'm Lin Wei, a reporter from Bianhai TV. What's going on here now?"

"Comrade, it's like this. I was really standing in front of this brother just now. My son was a little uncomfortable temporarily. I just took him to rest for a while. When I came back, they said I cut the queue!"

The woman wiped her tears and said softly.

"`|| It seems that there is a little friction, let's see how the staff of Wanshan Scenic Spot will deal with it."

Lin Wei took a half step back and turned the camera towards him.

"Not impressed!

The man quickly shook his head, quickly picked up his daughter, and turned his head to the side.

In this situation, everyone hopes that the fewer people in front of them, the better, and it is better to have less than one thing. He doesn't want to risk public anger to speak up for this woman.

"Sorry, our Wan (Good Money) Mountain Scenic Spot advocates a civilized and lawful queuing. You should go to the back to line up."

"Don't worry about not being able to watch the fireworks show, everyone. We have just received a notice from our superiors that today's passenger traffic exceeded our expectations, and we will hold another firework show at ten o'clock. 99

The person in charge of Wanshan Scenic Spot who followed Lin Wei nodded politely to the woman and said aloud.

Zhang Chen in the car put away his mobile phone and praised Li Wenda secretly.

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