City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 608 Gao Mingjing's determination?! (Subscribe!)\r

Gao Mingjing was so angry that she was about to cry. She saw her little squad leader looked at herself pitifully, put the water bowl in front of the door aggrieved and apologetic, and turned around and entered the room.

She took a deep breath, got up and walked in.

Inside the empty earthen house, two bare-chested men were sitting in front of the fire burning potatoes and drinking wine. They were surprised to see her.

"Mr. Gao, what are you doing, why did you come in?"

"Mr. Mu Niu, you know my purpose, I still want to talk to you about Xiao Wu's study."

Gao Mingjing pretended not to see the smog in the room, calmed down, and said.

"If you don't study or not, didn't I make it clear to you before that after the New Year's Eve, my son will go to work in Bianhai. It's not bad if you don't get your tuition refunded, but you still come here every day. You're annoying. Don't worry!

Mu Niu raised his hand sharply and shouted impatiently.

The man opposite him burst out laughing.

"Brother, this is Xiao Wu's teacher, not to mention that the wife from this city is handsome and speaks nicely.

"Mr. Mu Niu, hahaha, I said brother, you have never called you Mr. Mu Niu in your life - right!"

"Shouting, what's the use of talking nicely, it's so annoying.

Boss Mu Niu muttered in dialect.

These people from the mountains have a sense of awe for their teachers, especially if they are older, they have great respect for the cultural people from these big cities.

But with the enlightenment of generations, more and more people walk out of the mountains.

The money those people brought back slowly made these people forget who told them to go out of the mountain.

"Mr. Mu Niu, Mu Niu Wu has always been the best student in our county. He scored 565 points in the final exam this time, not only the first place in the whole grade, but also the first since the establishment of the Oak County Middle School. one.

"According to his current level, as long as he can perform normally, he will definitely be admitted to a very good school in the college entrance examination in June, and maybe he will become a student of the first key university in Queru County.

"Mr. Mu Niu, are you really willing to ruin your son's future?

"Will, why not."

The big wooden cow laughed and threw a piece of firewood into the fire pit viciously.

"You said just now that my son can get into a good university if he performs well, but if he doesn't perform well. 95

 …・・・Seeking flowers・

"Isn't it delayed for half a year?"

"Mu Niu's mentality has always been very good, I believe him!"

"Come on, you believe it's useless, you have to get the real money back to count. If he doesn't pass the exam, I'll have to pay for his half-term meals for free, my family doesn't have so much money.

Gao Mingjing gritted his teeth.

"Mr. Mu Niu, as long as you allow Xiao Wu to go back to study, I will pay for his living expenses, tuition and miscellaneous expenses!

"Ha, if you are admitted to the university, you will also have to pay for living expenses and tuition fees?

"I give!

Gao Mingjing made up his mind and spoke decisively.

As long as she can keep the seedling of Mu Niuwu, it doesn't matter how hard her life is, but if she can't, she shamelessly goes back to Bianhai and asks Zhang Chen to borrow money.

She believed that Zhang Chen would definitely have money to lend her.

The Mu Niu family fell silent.

Mu Niuwu's eyes turned red.

He knew that the salary of teachers in the mountains was not high, and Gao Mingjing was still a volunteer teacher.

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