City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 620 Give you a chance again?! (Please subscribe!)\r

Unexpectedly, Gao Ming, who has always been amiable and seldom argued for himself, said lightly.

"Yes, I persuaded you to let Xiao Wu go back to study, but didn't you refuse? 35

"Although it's not a special place in our town, it's not a place where you can come and go as you want. Now that you have dropped out of school, if you want to continue your studies, you can only go to middle school and take the exam again this summer. 99

Da Mu Niu never expected that Gao Mingjing would say so, and he couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

09 The little wooden cow jumped three feet high.

"Hey, what do you mean, you said that my nephew's son is the best student in your school, the number one, and now you don't want him anymore, then what you said before was a lie!"

He didn't want to let Mu Niuwu go to study before, because he brought Mu Niuwu to the coast, he could get 3% of the introduction fee, and in the future, Mu Niuwu earned money, and he could spend what he wanted as an uncle.

Now that Mu Niuwu can earn more money, how can he not be in a hurry?

And if Mu Niuwu can enter this company to manage in the future, it will be much easier for his son and daughter to join the company.

This Gao Mingjing is breaking their fortune!

"You are too bad as a teacher, how can you push the students out?

"Boss, ask the surrounding villagers if my nephew is the best student in their town! 99

Gao Mingjing stood up and faced the surrounding mountain people unhurriedly.

"Mr. Mu Niu, I didn't push the student out. Before, you asked him to drop out of school and go to work. I tried to persuade you every day, but you didn't agree, and even spoke ill of him."

"Now you see that a high school student can make money, and you have to force him back to school. Do you want Xiao Wu to study, or do you use him as a tool to make money?"

"If I let him come back like this, in the future students will drop out of school casually and come back after seeing the benefits, then isn't our school just like a vegetable market, and what kind of dignity is there in knowledge?

She does not speak quickly, but she speaks clearly and powerfully.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and the volunteer teaching in the mountain area really trained people.

When I saw her at the wedding half a year ago, she was still a kind and soft woman, but now she brings a little strength and courage in her tenderness.

More and more mature woman taste.

The surrounding mountain people who were instigated by Xiaomu Niu were suppressed by Gao Mingjing's confident aura, and their faces flushed. Those who wanted to take the opportunity to restore their children's school status could only silently shut up.

The Mu Niu brothers looked at each other, you two look at me, I look at you.

Seeing that there are already many students running in under the leadership of their parents, the number is obviously more than fifty, and they are as anxious as ants on a hot pot at 230 hours.

"Mr. Gao, I...I beg you, can't you, let my son go back to school. 39

"Before, I was ignorant, I was illiterate, and I offended you, you just don't care what I have to do, let my son go back, and in the future he will earn money, I will let him take it to honor you!"

The big wooden cow knelt on the ground with a squeak, and pulled the wooden cow fiercely.

"You don't have eyes or legs, so why don't you hurry up and ask your teacher to forgive you and give you another chance to study! 35

"You stinky boy, don't you keep talking about studying all day long? Now it's not that I don't let you go, it's your teacher who won't let you go!"

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