City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 640 Acquisition of Tiger Fish?! (Subscribe!)\r

"Really? Good! 99

Zhang Chen only replied with four words and two punctuation marks, and then made another phone call to the vice president on duty of Wanshan Group.

Just kidding, it seems a little too funny for a company that has not even succeeded in the market to want to teach him how to be a man.

Two minutes later, the boss of Tiger Fish walked into the conference room with full confidence.

"Director Sun, hello."

"I'm Liu An, the president of Tiger Fish Live, and I'm very honored about our cooperation."

"Wanshan Group chose our platform to give back to the people of Bianhai City, which is also a great incentive and encouragement for us, but we are not rich in funds, so we can't inject capital like you."

"But even with a meager power, we intend to keep up with your pace. In addition to providing platform resources this time, we are willing to add five... cents! 35


Director Sun, who was sitting opposite, let out a dry laugh and silently locked the phone in his hand.

"Yes, we are here to discuss cooperation with you, but it is not the cooperation of Spring Festival investment, but the cooperation of acquisition."

Director Sun's pair of thin spectacle lenses flashed a gleam of light behind him. He pushed the frame and said coldly.

Boss Tiger Fish's face was instantly pale, and his articulation was unclear.

"You... what did you say, Mr. Sun, let's not make this joke."

"I'm not kidding you."

"Just now, we received a call from the chairman that Gouyu Live is not honest and is not worthy of our cooperation. We have decided to invest 200 yuan in Doulong and Kuaizu, two live streaming platform companies. 35

“And a formal takeover request was made for Goby. 35

Director Sun paused, put the phone in front of the desktop, pressed the speakerphone, and took out the laptop with the other hand.

On the phone came the clear command voice of the vice president on duty of Wanshan Group.

"Immediately start the plan to acquire Goby Live, and at all costs, acquire all shares except the chairman of Goby."

"Repeat at all costs!

Boss Tiger Fish only felt his blood rush into his heart, and staggered and sat on the chair.


He was shocked and angry, and felt very scared.

Wanshan Group wants to acquire Tiger Fish Live, which is not a bad thing in itself.

They have the most abundant capital flow in the coastal area and even the entire empire, and revitalizing a business is like a game if they want to.

But why did they exclude theirs from the acquisition?

You must know that although Tiger Fish has not been listed, it has gone through several rounds of financing. As the chairman, he only holds 40% of the company's shares.

If Wanshan Group can acquire all the other 60% of the shares, it will change from the largest shareholder to the smallest. Wouldn't the current position and voice be lost?

and many more!

The tiger fish boss swallowed and touched the sweat on his forehead.

Wanshan Group may not be able to acquire all the shares. He also thought about this issue at the beginning.

In addition to the forty percent of the financing shares, his brother and brother-in-law each own ten percent.

They shouldn't betray themselves so easily.

Thinking of this, his expression softened a little, and before he could finish it in one breath, someone reported on the video group chat.

"Mr. Wan, if they refuse to sell their shares anyway, what should they do?

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