City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 81 You have to add money! 810 (Subscription required)

After Zhang Chen left the conference room, he went directly to the 66th floor and returned to his office.

"Sit down! It must be hard to stand in high heels all day! 35

Zhang Chen sat on the sofa and motioned for Liang Lu to sit down too.

"It's not hard work, it's all right!"

Liang Lu smiled slightly and sat on the sofa at the side, at a 90-degree angle to Zhang Chen.

Face-to-face communication is too targeted and oppressive.

Sitting next to each other seems a bit ambiguous.

Only this angle is the most suitable for communication.

Liang Lu folded her legs, leaned towards Zhang Chen's side, put her hands on her legs, and waited for Zhang Chen's instructions.

"You can send me the quotations for Remington's recent cooperation projects that you have sorted out!"

Zhang Chen leaned against the comfortable sofa, with both hands on the back of the sofa, in a posture that he was in control of everything.

Liang Lu didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she directly opened the tablet, connected the finished PPT to the projector, and projected it on the front opposite the sofa.

"Remington's price is not very stable, they don't seem to have a unified pricing standard!"

"Some projects are not particularly heavy, but they report sky-high prices for pollution cleanup."

"Some projects are difficult to complete, but the quotation is not as high as expected!"

"Of course, it may also be due to different construction difficulties, resulting in different prices, but we cannot verify these from the data..."

Liang Lu carefully observed Zhang Chen's expression while explaining the slideshow.

She found that Zhang Chen was not very interested in these things.

So long story short, I immediately turned to the next page.

"This chart is a project with a similar task volume to Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area, and the quotation given by Remington Company!"

"The price is basically between 300-500 yuan! 35

"If you take into account the complexity of the geographical environment of the coastal area and the age of pollution..."

"I estimate that the quotation from Reventon Company should be around 800 yuan!

"If the negotiation goes well, the transaction price should be around 680 yuan!"

After speaking, Liang Lu looked at Zhang Chen quietly, waiting for his question.

Liang Lu is very clear that almost no company is willing to spend a lot of money on environmental protection and pollution control.

Because in the eyes of many bosses, this is a complete waste of money.

What's more, the price this time is around 680 yuan, which is too high.

So much money is enough for Wanshan Tourism to build a series of high-end leisure and entertainment facilities in the scenic area.

"As long as it does not exceed 800 yuan to solve this project, we will not lose money..."

"The ideal is not to exceed the budget limit of 680 yuan...Is that what you mean?"

Zhang Chen sorted out his thoughts and described them at the same time.

"Yeah... that's pretty much what it means!"

Liang Lu didn't know how to answer this question.

"800 yuan is the quotation of Reventon Company, because only one of them can do this project in the world, so theoretically 800 yuan is the ceiling cost of our project!

" much is this plastic non-degradable garbage in the scenic spot at night?" Zhang Chen squinted and thought for a while, then suddenly asked.

Such a problem?

Liang Lu was also a fluke. When she was doing PPT, she really measured this aspect.

However, after learning that Remington has a monopoly in this industry, this PPT was cancelled.

How can you know how much garbage there is?

Shouldn't it be to watch Remington's offer negotiation?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen actually asked this question today.

"According to my calculations, in the fifteen years from the opening of Wanshan Scenic Spot to its closure, the total number of tourists received was 1.015 billion!

"According to the results of the sampling survey, the average person will generate 5 plastic wastes to calculate...

"There are 5-6 billion pieces of garbage accumulated in the perfect coastal area over the years!"

"And it is mainly concentrated in the densely populated areas such as beaches, scenic roads, camping areas, and lake areas!"

When Liang Lu said this, she suddenly wanted to understand what Zhang Chen meant, and she hurriedly asked:

"Chairman, don't you plan to bypass Remington Company and take the most traditional form of cleaning and handling to transport these garbage out? 35

Zhang Chen nodded approvingly for Liang Lu's intelligence, and said:

"That's pretty much what it means!"


Liang Lu opened her eyes in disbelief and said nervously:

"Chairman, although this is a feasible method in theory, in practice it is simply impossible to implement!

"First of all, because many roads in the scenic area are sidewalks, there is no room for cars to pass through, and they can only be transported by manpower or small tricycles!"

"This is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there are many mountain roads and viewing sections around lakes that even mountain bikes can't drive in!

"Secondly, the manpower required to do this is simply an astronomical figure, even if the chairman has strong financial resources, you can pay an attractive salary!

"But the labor market in the entire Bianhai City is so big that we can't recruit the people we need at all!"

"And many employees who are already on the job, why would anyone give up their regular jobs for this temporary job that can only be done for a few months or a year?

"In the end, the plastic and plastic bags that have been corroded for a while are not worth recycling at all...35'

"Even if all this garbage is cleaned up, it will cost a lot of money to send it to the garbage disposal plant in the end!

"In this way, although our overall cost has been reduced, the time cost has increased, and the risk of uncertainty has increased. After conversion, it is not much different from choosing Remington!"

"So I hope that Chairman, you can choose carefully..."

"do not..."

"Huh? Don't what?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"'s nothing..." Liang Lu said with her head lowered.

What she wanted to say was not to make such a wrong decision just to vent my anger.

But she couldn't say it.

Although Zhang Chen did say that he wanted to vent his anger just now, and he also gave Remington and his son a slap in the face.

That move just now was really relieved.

But if it continues to make such a decision, I am afraid that the company will pay a huge price.

Liang Lu asked herself that she didn't have the courage to do such a mess.

On the other hand, she wasn't quite sure if Zhang Chen was doing this for her own sake.

Although she is very confident in her appearance and figure...

But if Zhang Chen really didn't think about it this way, because he thought it was crooked, isn't that embarrassing!?

Liang Lu's second point is the opposite.

Zhang Chen's decision really has nothing to do with her.

The reason why he went to Remington before was also because Zhang Chen couldn't stand the other party's behavior of playing tricks with his monopoly position.

This 800 yuan is just Zhang Chen's income for one day.

It doesn't hurt even if you spend it.

But the money is spent on someone who has gone to great lengths to figure you out.

And what about a foreigner?

It would be better to sprinkle this money in the country, and it can also promote economic development and employment.

Zhang Chen never thought about these things before.

But now that his identity and status are different, the angle of thinking has naturally changed.

"I understand what you said, and now I need you to contact the software development company to make an APP!"

"I'll tell you the specific situation in a moment!"

"In addition, you should contact the manufacturer of the waste sorting equipment and design a new type of equipment according to our requirements!"

"Finally you need to be ready for the press conference!"

"It won't be long before that group of reporters will block us again!

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, as if thinking of something happy.

"Okay, Chairman..."

Liang Lu heard it in a fog.

Designing an app? Preparing for a new garbage collection device?

Press conference yet?!

The strangest thing is that it was predicted that the Wanshan Building would be surrounded!

Since it will be blocked, it must be something big.

How could Zhang Chen still laugh under such circumstances?

But since Zhang Chen didn't know what to say, Liang Lu didn't ask.

I agreed, and then began to record the design requirements of Zhang Chen's APP.

When she heard the design idea of ​​Zhang Chen's APP, she couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise.

The shock on his face is hard to dissipate for a long time!

Zhang Chen's idea is too fierce and too bold!

However, if it can be successful, it will definitely benefit hundreds of thousands or even more people!

Liang Lu doesn't admire, Zhang Chen seems to be a genius when it comes to calculating human nature!

That night, accompanied by Li Wenda, Remington boarded the return plane almost as if he was running for his life.

Li Wenda's dialect and speed of speech are really terrifying.

It's like a never-ending radio that's being tuned up, always talking blah blah blah.

But Remington's Chinese proficiency can only understand a few irrelevant words, what about me, you, you can, that's all.

As soon as I get to the key part, I don't understand it at all.

The most deadly thing is that Li Wenda is a very enthusiastic person, and he is very thoughtful in his work, so that Remington can't pick out a single fault.

There wasn't even a single chance to vent.

Traveling all over the place during the day, and eating an authentic Sichuan hot pot at night.

Remington's soul is going to be sublimated.

Snot and tears, plus a high degree of liquor...

Into the soul!

Later, this hot pot Remington basically didn't take a few bites, and I really couldn't eat it anymore.

I was tired for a long time and starved to death.

I can only go to the plane and eat a box lunch, which scared the flight attendant into thinking that this guest was smuggled up...

After returning to China, Remington recuperated at home for two days before he recovered.

The first thing he has to do is to take revenge on Zhang Chen and his Wanshan tour!

There were various layouts that were planned, but none of them were used.

This not only caused old Remington to lose face in front of his son, but also was reversed by the other party.

This is the tragic failure he has never experienced since he became famous!

Every time I think of this, old Remington flushes with anger and wants to reach out and smash something!

Soon, the revenge plotted by the old Remington began.

He first held a press conference.

To clarify that he has no intention of cooperating with Wanshan Brigade 810 Tour.

And publicly stated that it is difficult for Remington Company to completely remove the garbage in Wanshan Binhai Scenic Area.

Remington was crafty, and he said it was hard, not impossible to clear.

In fact, he was laying a foreshadowing for himself in the future.

Because what he is doing now is still part of business negotiation.

Pressing Zhang Chen through major media.

Because he knew that the task of dealing with plastic waste was something that no company in the world could solve except Remington.

So in the end Zhang Chen must have to come back and beg himself.

Hum, then the negotiated price will not be as easy as 800 yuan this time.

50%! And all of this was caused by yourself, Zhang Chen! Old Remington's eyes were burning with vengeance. "Zhang Chen, I want you to pay a painful price for your arrogance and rudeness!" "The extra 400 yuan is the price you pay for challenging the monopoly! 35 After the layout, he is now waiting for Zhang Chen himself. He was hooked. Anyway, he is bound to win this order. No matter how much Zhang Chen delays, it is his own profit time. Old Raventon poured himself a glass of wine that had been cellared for 20 years and woke up for a while in the air. Then I took a sip, um~ that's the taste...

Bianhai City, in front of Wanshan Building. Reventon's speech at the press conference caused an uproar in Bianhai City. First, travel-related stocks suddenly plummeted, and more than half of the travel-related stocks fell by the limit overnight. Afterwards, a group of people who did not know the truth came to the door of Wanshan Building holding various protest signs. Block the traffic on the road. Traffic police can only be relied upon to maintain traffic order. Hu Qingfu was afraid that something would happen, and immediately dispatched a large number of police forces to maintain law and order at the scene. As long as there is no violent conflict. On one side are the people, and on the other is Zhang Chen, the God of Wealth. The people are the citizens of Bianhai City, which is the mass basis for him to vote for re-election or even upgrade. So definitely not guilty. Not to mention Zhang Chen, as long as he says hello to the big four banks. The financial market in Bianhai City will be turned upside down in an instant. Neither side can afford to offend, and this matter has already exceeded his jurisdiction. So he could only pray silently, hoping that Zhang Chen would know what he was doing. Otherwise... I guess my career will almost come to an end.

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